NQ MFI Oversold

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Not sure what it means since MFI indicator has been whipsawing this week, but it's oversold. Maybe RSI needs to go oversold as well before a bounce.

Probably a whipsaw day so watch out. Gap direction Monday will obviously depend on news.

All index futures indicators look the same.
Got a 100% return on GM puts I bought yesterday, so i flipped them, and I'm done for the week. Still have a weird headache thing going but I made some money this week, that's good enough/
LOL, market tanked again, got out way too early. My rule is to never kick yourself when you make money. Bailed early because I'm still feeling groggy, should've slept in like Wed, lol.
Anyways, the takeaway from this week is to follow the 3 or 4 day short squeeze rule on garbage stocks, anyone that shorted garbage stocks Tuesday afternoon or Wed morning did great this week.
Daytraded some BYND puts and made another grand, was actually a setup for next week, but figured everything kinda hit my limit for the day so flipped the puts.

GM and PTON down $2, BYND down over $3, so expecting a bounce after European markets close. No idea which way it goes in the afternoon though, could cycle back down like yesterday.

Happy to make money despite my freakin' headache. I told everyone to short garbage Wed after the 3 day pop and I was right.... despite futures MFI being all over the place. Volatile market like this, stick with trades you are familiar and comfortable with.
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsNASDAQ 100 E-MINI FUTURESQQQ
