USD possible strength, CAD weakness

Technical: Bottoming pattern. Volatility is increasing (ATR). Nice triangle too (check the chart down below), it's not in a trend but it has to break at some point right? This may happen soon (in the coming weeks).

Oil is falling, in a C leg now (or could end up being a double bottom).

And the USD index is about to break 100 for the first time in 2 years.

The BOC and the FED are both going to raise rates in the coming months.

syot kilat
syot kilat
syot kilat

My posts are probably going to be shorter now. Can't spend 10 hours a day writting a history book about the history of derivatives anymore.
Also I am worried I won't see the time fly by, and I'll lose my focus. Got to learn to code (I already know how to but I can always learn more), it's a waste not to get a ROI out of my abilities. Trading is pretty repetitive at some point, I don't need to do much honestly.
canadiandollarChart PatternsForexFundamental AnalysisTrend Analysisusddollar

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