9 Jan 2022 pukul 12.37

Nifty50 Participants - Top 25 

Nifty 50 IndexNSE


Nifty50 Index is calculated based on the movements of its participants. Every time you think of why is Index going up/down, who is actively dragging the index either ways, this Indicator gives you answer for the same in realtime!

This indicator will help you in pre-planning your trades based on the movements shown by different stocks of various sectors in Index calculation.

RSI column is an add-on to the participation table which will help you in getting RSI values of different stocks of Nifty 50 at a glance. You will see values getting updated in realtime in live market.

Checkout for customisations in indicator settings.

1. Participants present in this indicator and their participation percentage is taken from the official NSE website.
2. Table shows Top 25 participants by default. If you want to see less than 25 rows, you can update the input via indicator settings.

Feel free to contribute/comment changes if any! Comment in case of any suggestions :)

- Published by Soham Dixit

Nota Keluaran

Fixed issue of variable table length on value change

Nota Keluaran

Updated Weightage for Top 25 Participants

Nota Keluaran

Major Update

- Dynamic Weightages (Now you can edit/update weightages) from Script settings
- More columns ? Difficulty in visibility ! Now you have an option to hide/unhide column from settings
- Table Text Color can be changed from settings

Happy Trading :)

Nota Keluaran

Default Colors changed

Nota Keluaran

- Option to change Text Size
- More customisations added in Script settings

Nota Keluaran

Minor Issues Fixed

Nota Keluaran

- Added RSI Min Value. If RSI is between Min and Max Value, rsi column will have neutral color else bull or bear color accordingly
- Added optional Previous Day High & Previous Day Low columns. You can switch them on from script settings. Default they are not visible.
- LTP Column will now hold bull, bear or neutral color basis current price
can u add india vix and us30 in index also
@Arindamroy727, can add but just want to know how will it help in identifying nifty movement basis it's contributors ? We can get a view of global markets but that will be in a separate script! do let me know :)
study("Nifty Participants - Top 25", overlay = true)
source = input(defval = close, title = "Source")
var rowsToShow = input(title="No. of Top Participants to show", type=input.integer, defval=15, minval=1, maxval=25, tooltip="No. of rows")
rsiVal = input(defval = 14, title = "RSI Input")
rsiMax = input(defval = 60, title = "RSI Top")
rsiMin = input(defval = 40, title = "RSI Bottom")
timeFrame = input(title="Timeframe", type=input.resolution,defval="D")
var indexChoice = "NIFTY"

textSize = input(title= 'text Size', type=input.string, defval=size.small,options=[size.huge,,size.large,size.normal,size.small,size.tiny], group='Table Settings')
tablePosition = input(title="Table Position",defval = position.bottom_right,options=[position.bottom_right,position.bottom_left,position.bottom_center,position.top_right,position.top_left,position.top_center], group='Table Settings')

[indexLTP,prevIndexLTP,indexRSI,indexPrevDayHigh, indexPrevDayLow] = security(indexChoice, timeFrame, [close,close[1],rsi(source, rsiVal),high[1],low[1]])
indexChange = indexLTP-prevIndexLTP
indexPercentChange = indexChange/prevIndexLTP*100
pointChange = indexLTP/100
var bullColor = input(title="Bull", type=input.color, defval=#ADDFAD, group="Colors")
var bearColor = input(title="Bear", type=input.color, defval=#FF9999, group="Colors")
var neutralColor = input(title="Neutral", type=input.color, defval=color.rgb(177, 178, 180), group="Colors")

var tableHeaderColor = input(title="Table Header", type=input.color, defval=color.gray, group="Colors")
var headerTextColor = input(title="Header Text", type=input.color, defval=color.white, group="Colors")
var textColor = input(title="Table Text", type=input.color,, group="Colors")
var tableBorderColor = input(title="Table Border", type=input.color,, group="Colors")
var indexColumnColor = input(title="Index Column", type=input.color, defval=#FFC87C, group="Colors")
var prevDayHighColor = input(title="Prev Day H Column", type=input.color, defval=#A4DDED, group="Colors")
var prevDayLowColor = input(title="Prev Day L Column", type=input.color, defval=#A4DDED, group="Colors")
var indicatorTable = = tablePosition, columns = 8, rows = 50, frame_color = color.gray, frame_width = 2, border_width = 1, border_color = tableBorderColor)

var showLTP = input(title="LTP", type=input.bool, defval=true, group="Columns")
var showChange = input(title="Change", type=input.bool, defval=true, group="Columns")
var showChangePer = input(title="Change %", type=input.bool, defval=true, group="Columns")
var showShare = input(title="Share", type=input.bool, defval=true, group="Columns")
var showRSI = input(title="RSI", type=input.bool, defval=true, group="Columns")
var showPrevDayHigh = input(title="Prev Day High", type=input.bool, defval=false, group="Columns")
var showPrevDayLow = input(title="Prev Day Low", type=input.bool, defval=false, group="Columns")

rsiIndexColor = indexRSI >= r
Very Nice Script/Indicator. I think if you can add Live RSI Values for NIFTY50 INDICES it would be great. With an option of Filtering RSI based on certain Number and Timelines.
@vihansd, thanks! do check the recent update :)
Very Interesting to see all in one.
@sagarshirode85, thanks! do check the recent update :)
Can you make Live Stock list have Long Buildup, Short build for FNO stock ?
@VIBRANT_MITESH, hey dont have access for that data on tradingview. Let me know in case you have idea for the same :)
very nice indicator. I have suggestion - 1. Open=low, 2. Open=high List of stock in one table sorting with Open interest