Error messages

The if statement is too long

This error occurs when the indented code inside an if statement is too large for the compiler. Because of how the compiler works, you won’t receive a message telling you exactly how many lines of code you are over the limit. The only solution now is to break up your if statement into smaller parts (functions or smaller if statements). The example below shows a reasonably lengthy if statement; theoretically, this would throw line 4: if statement is too long:

//@version=6 indicator("My script") var e = 0 if barstate.islast a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 4 e := a + b + c + d plot(e)

To fix this code, you could move these lines into their own function:

//@version=6 indicator("My script") var e = 0 doSomeWork() => a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 4 result = a + b + c + d if barstate.islast e := doSomeWork() plot(e)

Script requesting too many securities

The maximum number of securities in script is limited to 40. If you declare a variable as a function call and then use that variable as input for other variables and calculations, it will not result in multiple calls. But if you will declare a function that calls --- every call to this function will count as a call.

It is not easy to say how many securities will be called looking at the source code. Following example have exactly 3 calls to after compilation:

//@version=6 indicator("Securities count") a =, '42', close) // (1) first unique security call b =, '42', close) // same call as above, will not produce new security call after optimizations plot(a) plot(a + 2) plot(b) sym(p) => // no security call on this line, p, close) plot(sym('D')) // (2) one indirect call to security plot(sym('W')) // (3) another indirect call to security c =, timeframe.period, open) // result of this line is never used, and will be optimized out

Script could not be translated from: null


Usually this error occurs in version 1 Pine scripts, and means that code is incorrect. Pine Script™ of version 2 (and higher) is better at explaining errors of this kind. So you can try to switch to version 2 by adding a special attribute in the first line. You’ll get line 2: no viable alternative at character '$':

// @version=2 study($)

line 2: no viable alternative at character ’$’

This error message gives a hint on what is wrong. $ stands in place of string with script title. For example:

// @version=2 study("title")

Mismatched input <…> expecting <???>

Same as no viable alternative, but it is known what should be at that place. Example:

//@version=6 indicator("My Script") plot(1)

line 3: mismatched input 'plot' expecting 'end of line without line continuation'

To fix this you should start line with plot on a new line without an indent:

//@version=6 indicator("My Script") plot(1)

Loop is too long (> 500 ms)

We limit the computation time of loop on every historical bar and realtime tick to protect our servers from infinite or very long loops. This limit also fail-fast indicators that will take too long to compute. For example, if you’ll have 5000 bars, and indicator takes 500 milliseconds to compute on each of bars, it would have result in more than 16 minutes of loading:

//@version=6 indicator("Loop is too long", max_bars_back = 101) s = 0 for i = 1 to 1e3 // to make it longer for j = 0 to 100 if timestamp(2017, 02, 23, 00, 00) <= time[j] and time[j] < timestamp(2017, 02, 23, 23, 59) s := s + 1 plot(s)

It might be possible to optimize algorithm to overcome this error. In this case, algorithm may be optimized like this:

//@version=6 indicator("Loop is too long", max_bars_back = 101) bar_back_at(t) => i = 0 step = 51 for j = 1 to 100 if i < 0 i := 0 break if step == 0 break if time[i] >= t i := i + step i else i := i - step i step := step / 2 step i s = 0 for i = 1 to 1e3 // to make it longer s := s - bar_back_at(timestamp(2017, 02, 23, 23, 59)) + bar_back_at(timestamp(2017, 02, 23, 00, 00)) s plot(s)

Script has too many local variables

This error appears if the script is too large to be compiled. A statement var=expression creates a local variable for var. Apart from this, it is important to note, that auxiliary variables can be implicitly created during the process of a script compilation. The limit applies to variables created both explicitly and implicitly. The limitation of 1000 variables is applied to each function individually. In fact, the code placed in a global scope of a script also implicitly wrapped up into the main function and the limit of 1000 variables becomes applicable to it. There are few refactorings you can try to avoid this issue:

var1 = expr1 var2 = expr2 var3 = var1 + var2

can be converted into:

var3 = expr1 + expr2

Pine Script™ cannot determine the referencing length of a series. Try using max_bars_back in the indicator or strategy function

The error appears in cases where Pine Script™ wrongly autodetects the required maximum length of series used in a script. This happens when a script’s flow of execution does not allow Pine Script™ to inspect the use of series in branches of conditional statements (if, iff or ?), and Pine Script™ cannot automatically detect how far back the series is referenced. Here is an example of a script causing this problem:

//@version=6 indicator("Requires max_bars_back") test = 0.0 if bar_index > 1000 test := ta.roc(close, 20) plot(test)

In order to help Pine Script™ with detection, you should add the max_bars_back parameter to the script’s indicator or strategy function:

//@version=6 indicator("Requires max_bars_back", max_bars_back = 20) test = 0.0 if bar_index > 1000 test := ta.roc(close, 20) plot(test)

You may also resolve the issue by taking the problematic expression out of the conditional branch, in which case the max_bars_back parameter is not required:

//@version=6 indicator("My Script") test = 0.0 roc20 = ta.roc(close, 20) if bar_index > 1000 test := roc20 plot(test)

In cases where the problem is caused by a variable rather than a built-in function (vwma in our example), you may use the max_bars_back function to explicitly define the referencing length for that variable only. This has the advantage of requiring less runtime resources, but entails that you identify the problematic variable, e.g., variable s in the following example:

//@version=6 indicator("My Script") f(off) => t = 0.0 s = close if bar_index > 242 t := s[off] t plot(f(301))

This situation can be resolved using the max_bars_back function to define the referencing length of variable s only, rather than for all the script’s variables:

//@version=6 indicator("My Script") f(off) => t = 0.0 s = close max_bars_back(s, 301) if bar_index > 242 t := s[off] t plot(f(301))

When using drawings that refer to previous bars through bar_index[n] and xloc = xloc.bar_index, the time series received from this bar will be used to position the drawings on the time axis. Therefore, if it is impossible to determine the correct size of the buffer, this error may occur. To avoid this, you need to use max_bars_back(time, n). This behavior is described in more detail in the section about drawings.

Memory limits exceeded. The study allocates X times more than allowed

The most common cause for this error is returning objects and collections from request.*() functions. Other possible causes include unnecessary drawing updates, excess historical buffer capacity, or inefficient use of max_bars_back.

Returning collections from request.*() functions

A common source of the “Memory limits exceeded” error is returning objects or collections from another chart symbol or timeframe using request.*() functions.

When requesting data from other contexts, the data for each bar is copied and stored in memory to allow the script to reference it later in the main context. This can use a lot of memory, depending on the data. Requesting large collections can easily lead to excessive memory consumption.

Let’s look at an example script where we request data to calculate the balance of power (BOP) for the symbol at a higher timeframe. Here, the request expression is a custom function that populates a persistent array with our calculated BOP values, returning the full array to the main context on each bar. We intend to use these stored array values to calculate and plot the average BOP in the main context. However, returning every array instance consumes a lot of memory, and so this script can throw a memory error on charts with a sufficiently long history:

//@version=6 indicator("BOP array in higher timeframe context", "Memory limit demo") //@variable User-input length for calculating average of BOP values. int avgLength =, "Average BOP Length", minval = 1) //Returns a copy of the `dataArray` on every bar, which uses a lot of memory. dataFunction() => //@variable Persistent array containing the "balance of power" (BOP) values for all bars from the higher timeframe. var array<float> dataArray = array.new_float(0) //@variable The "balance of power" percentage calculated for the current bar. float bop = (close - open) / (high - low) * 100 dataArray.push(bop) //Return the full collection. dataArray // Request the full BOP array from the 1D timeframe. array<float> reqData =, "1D", dataFunction()) // Plot zero line. hline(0, "Zero line", color.gray, hline.style_dotted) // Latest BOP value and average BOP are calculated in the main context if `reqData` is not `na`. //@variable The latest BOP value from the `reqData` array. float latestValue = na //@variable The average of the last `avgLength` BOP values. float avgBOP = na if not na(reqData) // Retrieve BOP value for the current main context bar. latestValue := reqData.last() // Calculate the average BOP for the most-recent values from the higher timeframe array. //@variable Size of the `reqData` array returned from the higher timeframe. int dataSize = reqData.size() //@variable A subset of the latest values from the `reqData` array. Its size is determined by the `avgLength` set. array<float> lastValues = dataSize >= avgLength ? reqData.slice(dataSize - avgLength, dataSize): reqData avgBOP := lastValues.avg() // Plot the BOP value and average line. color plotColor = latestValue >= 0 ? color.aqua : plot(latestValue, "BOP", plotColor, style = plot.style_columns) plot(avgBOP, "Avg", color.purple, linewidth = 3)

How do I fix this?

Optimize requests and limit the data returned to the main context to ensure that only the minimum necessary data is stored in memory.

If possible, try to return calculated results directly rather than returning the collections themselves, or only return collections conditionally, when they are necessary in the main context.

Let’s consider a few common scenarios where scripts need specific data in the main context.

Return last state only

If a script needs only the last state of a requested collection in the main context: use an if barstate.islast condition to return a copy of the last bar’s collection only.

Here, we modified our script to display only the latest average BOP (a single value), rather than plotting an average line. The updated request function now returns the calculated BOP values directly for each bar, and returns the higher timeframe’s array only on the last bar:


//@version=6 indicator("BOP array on last bar", "Memory limit demo") //@variable User-input length for calculating average of BOP values. int avgLength =, "Average BOP Length", minval = 1) // Returns the calculated `bop` each bar, and a copy of the `dataArray` on the last bar or `na` otherwise. dataFunction() => //@variable Persistent array containing the "balance of power" (BOP) values for all higher timeframe bars. var array<float> dataArray = array.new_float(0) //@variable The "balance of power" percentage calculated for the current higher timeframe bar. float bop = (close - open) / (high - low) * 100 dataArray.push(bop) // Return the collection on the last bar only. if barstate.islast [bop, dataArray] else [bop, na] // Request calculated BOP value, and BOPs array if on last bar, from the higher timeframe. [reqValue, reqData] =, "1D", dataFunction()) // Plot zero line. hline(0, "Zero line", color.gray, hline.style_dotted) // Plot the BOP value for each main context bar. color plotColor = reqValue >= 0 ? color.aqua : plot(reqValue, "BOP", plotColor, style = plot.style_columns) // Calculate the average BOP for most-recent values from the higher timeframe array, and display result in a table cell. if not na(reqData) //@variable Size of the `reqData` array returned from the higher timeframe. int dataSize = reqData.size() //@variable A subset of the latest values from the `reqData` array. Its size is determined by the `avgLength` set. array<float> lastValues = dataSize >= avgLength ? reqData.slice(dataSize - avgLength, dataSize): reqData //@variable The average of the last `avgLength` BOP values. float avgBOP = lastValues.avg() // Display latest average value in a single-cell table. var table displayTable =, 1, 1, color.purple) displayTable.cell(0, 0, "Avg of last " + str.tostring(avgLength) + " BOPs: " + str.tostring(avgBOP, "##.##") + "%", text_color = color.white)

Return calculated results

If a script needs the result of a calculation on a collection, but does not need the collection itself in the main context, use a user-defined function as the request expression. The function can calculate on the collection in the requested context and return only the result to the main context.

For example, we can calculate the average BOP directly within our request function. Therefore, only the calculated values are stored in memory, and the request expression returns a tuple (current BOP and average BOP) to plot the results in the main context:


//@version=6 indicator("Return BOP results only", "Memory limit demo") //@variable User-input length for calculating average of BOP values. int avgLength =, "Average BOP Length", minval = 1) // Returns the calculated `bop` and `avgBOP` values directly. dataFunction() => //@variable Persistent array containing the "balance of power" (BOP) values for all higher timeframe bars. var array<float> dataArray = array.new_float(0) //@variable The "balance of power" percentage calculated for the current higher timeframe bar. float bop = (close - open) / (high - low) * 100 dataArray.push(bop) // Calculate the average BOP for the `avgLength` most-recent values. //@variable Size of the `dataArray`. int dataSize = dataArray.size() //@variable A subset of the latest values from the `dataArray`. Its size is determined by the `avgLength` set. array<float> lastValues = dataSize >= avgLength ? dataArray.slice(dataSize - avgLength, dataSize): dataArray //@variable The average of the last `avgLength` BOP values. float avgBOP = lastValues.avg() //Return the calculated results. [bop, avgBOP] // Request BOP and average BOP values from the higher timeframe. [reqValue, reqAverage] =, "1D", dataFunction()) // Plot zero line. hline(0, "Zero line", color.gray, hline.style_dotted) // Plot the BOP value and average line. color plotColor = reqValue >= 0 ? color.aqua : plot(reqValue, "BOP", plotColor, style = plot.style_columns) plot(reqAverage, "Avg", color.purple, linewidth = 3)

Return the collection on some bars

If a script needs the collection itself in the main context, but not for every bar, use conditional expressions to return only the necessary collections to the main context, returning na otherwise. The logic in the main context can then address the na gaps in the series and perform its desired actions on the reduced collections.

For example, if we want to calculate the average BOP across each month instead of using a user-input length, we can return the array from the requested context only when there is a change to a new month, returning na otherwise. We then maintain the previous month’s values in the main context to keep a valid array for all intra-month bars:


//@version=6 indicator("Monthly BOP array", "Memory limit demo") // Returns the calculated `bop`, and a copy of the `dataArray` on a month's first trading day only, or `na` otherwise. dataFunction() => //@variable Persistent array containing the "balance of power" (BOP) values for all higher timeframe bars. var array<float> dataArray = array.new_float(0) // When a new month starts, return monthly data array to calculate average BOP for completed month. //@variable Array is `na` except on first trading day of each month, when it contains completed month's BOP values. array<float> returnArray = na //@variable Is `true` on the first bar of each month, `false` otherwise. bool isNewMonth = timeframe.change("1M") if isNewMonth returnArray := dataArray //Clear persistent array to start storing new month's data. if isNewMonth[1] dataArray.clear() //@variable The "balance of power" percentage calculated for the current higher timeframe bar. float bop = (close - open) / (high - low) * 100 dataArray.push(bop) //Return the calculated result and the `returnArray`. [bop, returnArray] // Request BOP data from the higher timeframe. (Returns calculated BOP and array of BOP values if new month starts) [reqValue, reqData] =, "1D", dataFunction()) // Calculate the average BOP for the most-recent completed month. //@variable Persistent array that holds the BOP values for the most-recent completed month. var array<float> completedMonthBOPs = array.new_float(0) // If new month starts (i.e., `reqData` is not returned as `na`), then `completedMonthBOPs` is updated with new values. // Otherwise, it persists the last valid values for the rest of the month to adjust for `na` gaps. completedMonthBOPs := na(reqData) ? completedMonthBOPs : reqData //@variable The average BOP for the most-recent completed month. float avgBOP = completedMonthBOPs.avg() // Plot the BOP value and average line. color plotColor = reqValue >= 0 ? color.aqua : plot(reqValue, "BOP", plotColor, style = plot.style_columns) plot(avgBOP, "Avg", color.purple, linewidth = 3)

Other possible error sources and their fixes

There are a few other ways to optimize scripts to consume less memory.

Minimize request.*() calls

The request.*() function calls can be computationally expensive, because they retrieve data from other contexts, which can often require significant resource usage. Excessive or inefficient requests can easily cause scripts to reach the memory limit.

This memory consumption is especially substantial for scripts requesting data from lower timeframes, where the request function returns an array of multiple lower timeframe bars for each main context bar. For example, requesting “1” data on a “1D” chart returns hundreds of “1” bars for each “1D” bar that executes the request. In the process, the script must allocate memory to store all the requested data arrays so that it can access them later in the main context, which quickly increases the memory consumption.

Programmers can reduce the number of requested expressions by:

  • Removing unnecessary request.*() function calls.
  • Changing the requested timeframe to a higher resolution.
  • Condensing multiple requests to the same context into a single request.*() call.
  • Adjusting the request.*() function’s calc_bars_count parameter to restrict the historical data points in the requested context.

See this section in the User Manual for more information on optimizing request.*() calls.

Refrain from using max_bars_back unless necessary

The max_bars_back parameter of an indicator or strategy sets the size of the history buffer for all series variables in a script. The history buffer determines the number of historical references stored in memory for the script’s built-in and user-defined variables.

By default, the Pine Script™ runtime automatically allocates an appropriate buffer for each variable. Therefore, the max_bars_back parameter and function are only necessary when Pine cannot determine the referencing length of a series.

If you encounter this referencing length error, ensure that you set the max_bars_back value appropriately to your script’s needs. Setting a value that’s too large can lead to excessive memory consumption, as it stores unnecessary historical data that the script ultimately doesn’t use. Read up on how to optimize using max_bars_back in our Help Center.

Minimize historical buffer calculations

The Pine Script™ runtime automatically creates historical buffers for all variables and function calls in a script. It determines the size of a buffer based on the historical references needed in the code (the references made using the [] history-referencing operator).

As the script runs across the dataset, referencing distant points in bar history can cause the script to restart its execution on previous bars to adjust its historical buffer size (see this User Manual article to learn more). Larger buffers in turn lead to an increase in memory consumption and can result in a runtime error. Ensure that scripts are referencing necessary historical values only, and avoid referencing very distant points in history when possible.

You can use the indicator() function’s calc_bars_count parameter or the max_bars_back() function to manually restrict the historical data capacity on a script-wide or variable-specific scale. However, be aware that these methods can also cause memory consumption issues of their own if used improperly.

Reduce drawing updates for tables

Tables only display their last state on a chart. Any updates to a table on historical bars are redundant, because they are not visible. To use the least memory, draw the table once, and fill it on the last bar.

Use the var keyword to declare table objects once. Enclose all other setter function calls in a conditional if barstate.islast block for better performance. For more about tables, see this User Manual article.

Do not update drawings on historical bars

Similar to tables, any updates to drawing objects such as lines and labels that are made on historical bars are never seen by the user. The user only sees updates on realtime bars.

Eliminate updates to historical drawings during historical bars wherever possible. For more information, see this User Manual section.

Minimize total drawings stored for a chart

Drawing objects such as lines and labels can consume a lot of memory, especially if a script recreates drawings unnecessarily.

For example, if a script draws a line from point x1 to x2, then needs to update the line’s endpoint (x2), it’s more computationally expensive to delete the existing line and redraw a new line from x1 to x3. Instead, using the setter function line.set_x2() to update the existing line’s endpoint is more efficient.

Look for ways to optimize drawing objects in a script:

  • Reduce the number of redrawn objects by initializing drawing object identifiers and using their setter functions to modify properties.

  • Remove unnecessary chart drawings using the delete() functions (e.g., line.delete() and label.delete()).

  • Reduce an indicator’s maximum drawings limit using the max_lines_count or max_labels_count parameters.

Filter dates in strategies

The total number of trades or orders in a strategy can impact the memory consumption of a script. For large datasets, reduce the number of unnecessary historical orders stored in memory by limiting the starting point of your strategy.

You can filter the strategy’s date by adding a conditional expression that compares the bar time to a specified timestamp to only place entry/exit orders beyond a certain date.

See an example of date filtering in strategies here.