Release notes

This page contains release notes describing notable changes to the Pine Script™ experience.


March 2025

The for loop structure has updated boundary-checking behavior. Previously, any for statement established the loop counter’s end boundary (to_num) before starting the first iteration, and the final possible counter value could not change during the loop’s execution. Changing the result of an expression used as a for loop’s to_num argument inside the local scope did not affect the loop’s iteration range.

Now, a for loop evaluates the to_num boundary dynamically, before every iteration. With this update, the loop statement can modify its stopping condition after any change to the to_num argument’s result across iterations.

To learn more about this new behavior, refer to the `for` loops section of the Loops page and the Dynamic `for` loop boundaries section of the v6 migration guide.

February 2025

We’ve removed the scope count limit. Previously, any script’s total number of scopes, including the global scope and all local scopes from user-defined functions and methods, loops, conditional structures, user-defined types, and enums, was limited to 550. Now, scripts can contain an indefinite number of local scopes from these structures.

We’ve introduced two new built-in variables, bid and ask, providing access to real-time market prices:

  • bid - represents the highest price an active buyer is willing to pay for the instrument at its current value.
  • ask - represents the lowest price an active seller will accept for the instrument at its current value.

These variables are only available on the "1T" timeframe. On other timeframes, their values are na.


December 2024

The strategy.exit() function has updated calculation behaviors. Previously, calls to this command with arguments for the absolute and relative parameters defining a price level for the same exit order always prioritized the absolute parameter and ignored the relative one. For example, a call with specified limit and profit values always ignored the profit value. Now, the command evaluates both related parameters and uses the level that the market price is expected to activate first. See this section of the v6 migration guide for more information.

November 2024

Introducing Pine Script™ v6

Pine Script™ has graduated to v6! Starting today, future Pine updates will apply exclusively to this version. Therefore, we recommend converting existing v5 scripts to access new features as we roll them out. See our migration guide to understand the changes to existing Pine behaviors and learn how to convert scripts to v6.

Several new features and behaviors come with this version’s release:

  • Scripts can now call request.*() functions with “series string” arguments for the parameters that define the requested context, meaning a single request.*() call can change its requested data feed on any historical bar. Additionally, it is now possible to call request.*() functions inside the local scopes of loops, conditional structures, and exported library functions. See the Dynamic requests section of the Other timeframes and data page to learn more.
  • Values of the “bool” type are now strictly true or false. They are never na in v6. Additionally, the or and and operators now feature short-circuit (“lazy”) evaluation. If the first expression of an or operation is true, or the first expression of an and operation is false, the script does not evaluate the second expression because it is not necessary to determine the result. These improvements help boost the runtime efficiency of scripts that rely on “bool” values and conditional expressions.
  • The size property of labels and the text_size property of boxes and tables now support “int” values in addition to the size.* constants. These “int” values represent sizes in typographic points, offering a more granular and wide range of text size possibilities.
  • The new text_formatting parameter of the,, and table.cell() functions determines whether the object’s displayed text is bold, italicized, or both. It accepts one of these three new text.* constants: text.format_bold, text.format_italic, text.format_none. To modify a drawing object’s text_formatting property, use the corresponding *set_text_formatting() functions.
  • Strategies no longer stop calculating and raise an error when they reach the 9000 trade limit while not using Deep Backtesting mode. Instead, they trim the oldest orders to make space for new ones. The trimmed orders are not visible in the Strategy Tester, but that does not change the strategy’s simulation. To retrieve the trade index of the earliest non-trimmed order, use the strategy.closedtrades.first_index variable.
  • The array.get(), array.set(), array.insert(), and array.remove() functions now support negative index arguments to reference elements starting from the end of an array. For instance, the call array.get(myArray, -2) retrieves the second to last element in myArray, which is equivalent to array.get(myArray, array.size(myArray) - 2).
  • The new syminfo.mincontract variable holds a value representing the smallest number of contracts/shares/lots/units required to trade the current symbol, as set by the exchange.
  • Two new variables, syminfo.main_tickerid and timeframe.main_period, reference the ticker ID and timeframe from the script’s main context, even if the script uses them in the expression argument of a request.*() call. Here, “main context” refers to the current chart’s symbol and timeframe, unless the script is an indicator() that includes symbol or timeframe arguments in its declaration statement.

October 2024

We’ve added an optional behind_chart parameter to the indicator() and strategy() functions. This parameter specifies where plots and drawings appear relative to the main chart display when the overlay parameter is true. If behind_chart is true, the script’s visuals appear behind the chart display. If false, they appear in front of the chart display. The default is true.

August 2024

The and ticker.modify() functions feature two new parameters: settlement_as_close and backadjustment. Users can specify whether these parameters are on, off, or set to inherit the symbol’s default settings. These settings only affect the data from futures symbols with these options available on their charts. They have no effect on other symbols.

The Sharpe and Sortino ratios in the Strategy Tester module have updated calculations. Previously, the ratios used strategy returns over monthly periods if the trading range was three or more months and daily periods if the range was three or more days but less than three months. Both ratios now always use monthly periods for consistency.

June 2024

We’ve added a new parameter to the,,,, and functions:

  • force_overlay - If true, the drawing will display on the main chart pane, even when the script occupies a separate pane. Optional. The default is false.

Pine Script™ Enums

Enums, also known as enumerations, enumerated types, or enum types, are unique data types with all possible values declared by the programmer. They can help programmers maintain more strict control over the values allowed by variables, conditional expressions, and collections, and they enable convenient dropdown input creation with the new input.enum() function. See our User Manual’s Enums page to learn more about these new types and how to use them.

May 2024

We’ve added an optional calc_bars_count parameter to the indicator(), strategy(),, request.security_lower_tf(), and request.seed() functions that allows users to limit the number of recent historical bars a script or data request can execute across. When a script’s indicator() or strategy() declaration statement includes a calc_bars_count argument, its “Settings/Inputs” tab will include a “Calculated bars” input in the “Calculation” section. The default value in all these functions is 0, which signifies that the script or request executes across all the available data.

The strategy.* namespace features several new built-in variables:

  • strategy.avg_trade - Returns the average amount of money gained or lost per trade. Calculated as the sum of all profits and losses divided by the number of closed trades.
  • strategy.avg_trade_percent - Returns the average percentage gain or loss per trade. Calculated as the sum of all profit and loss percentages divided by the number of closed trades.
  • strategy.avg_winning_trade - Returns the average amount of money gained per winning trade. Calculated as the sum of profits divided by the number of winning trades.
  • strategy.avg_winning_trade_percent - Returns the average percentage gain per winning trade. Calculated as the sum of profit percentages divided by the number of winning trades.
  • strategy.avg_losing_trade - Returns the average amount of money lost per losing trade. Calculated as the sum of losses divided by the number of losing trades.
  • strategy.avg_losing_trade_percent - Returns the average percentage loss per losing trade. Calculated as the sum of loss percentages divided by the number of losing trades.

Pine Profiler

Our new Pine Profiler is a powerful utility that analyzes the executions of all significant code in a script and displays helpful performance information next to the code lines inside the Pine Editor. The Profiler’s information provides insight into a script’s runtime, the distribution of runtime across significant code regions, and the number of times each code region executes. With these insights, programmers can effectively pinpoint performance bottlenecks and ensure they focus on optimizing their code where it truly matters when they need to improve execution times.

See the new Profiling and optimization page to learn more about the Profiler, how it works, and how to use it to analyze a script’s performance and identify optimization opportunities.

Pine Editor improvements

When opening the detached Pine Editor from a tab with a chart, it now links directly to that tab, as indicated by the “Linked” status and green icon in the bottom-right corner. While linked, the “Add to chart”, “Update on chart”, and “Apply to entire layout” buttons affect the charts on the main tab.

The detached Pine Editor now includes the Pine console.

April 2024

We’ve added a new parameter to the plot(), plotchar(), plotcandle(), plotbar(), plotarrow(), plotshape(), and bgcolor() functions:

  • force_overlay - If true, the output will display on the main chart pane, even when the script occupies a separate pane.

March 2024

The syminfo.* namespace features a new built-in variable:

  • syminfo.expiration_date - On non-continuous futures symbols, returns a UNIX timestamp representing the start of the last day of the current contract.

The time() and time_close() functions have a new parameter:

  • bars_back - If specified, the function will calculate the timestamp from the bar N bars back relative to the current bar on its timeframe. It can also calculate the expected time of a future bar up to 500 bars away if the argument is a negative value. Optional. The default is 0.

February 2024

We’ve added two new functions for working with strings:

  • str.repeat() - Constructs a new string containing the source string repeated a specified number of times with a separator injected between each repeated instance.
  • str.trim() - Constructs a new string with all consecutive whitespaces and other control characters removed from the left and right of the source string.

The function now accepts “D” as a period argument, allowing scripts to request available daily financial data.

For example:

//@version=5 indicator("Daily financial data demo") //@variable The daily Premium/Discount to Net Asset Value for "AMEX:SPY" float f1 ="AMEX:SPY", "NAV", "D") plot(f1)

The strategy.* namespace features a new variable for monitoring available capital in a strategy’s simulation:

January 2024

The syminfo.* namespace features new built-in variables:


Target price:



December 2023

We’ve added format and precision parameters to all plot*() functions, allowing indicators and strategies to selectively apply formatting and decimal precision settings to plotted results in the chart pane’s y-axis, the script’s status line, and the Data Window. The arguments passed to these parameters supersede the values in the indicator() and strategy() functions. Both are optional. The defaults for these parameters are the same as the values specified in the script’s declaration statement.

For example:

//@version=5 indicator("My script", format = format.percent, precision = 4) plot(close, format = format.price) // Price format with 4-digit precision. plot(100 * bar_index / close, precision = 2) // Percent format with 2-digit precision.

November 2023

We’ve added the following variables and functions to the strategy.* namespace:

October 2023

Pine Script™ Polylines

Polylines are drawings that sequentially connect the coordinates from an array of up to 10,000 chart points using straight or curved line segments, allowing scripts to draw custom formations that are difficult or impossible to achieve using line or box objects. To learn more about this new drawing type, see the Polylines section of our User Manual’s page on Lines and boxes.

September 2023

New functions were added:

  • strategy.default_entry_qty() - Calculates the default quantity, in units, of an entry order from strategy.entry() or strategy.order() if it were to fill at the specified fill_price value.
  • - Creates a new chart.point object with the specified time, index, and price.
  • request.seed() - Requests data from a user-maintained GitHub repository and returns it as a series. An in-depth tutorial on how to add new data can be found here.
  • ticker.inherit() - Constructs a ticker ID for the specified symbol with additional parameters inherited from the ticker ID passed into the function call, allowing the script to request a symbol’s data using the same modifiers that the from_tickerid has, including extended session, dividend adjustment, currency conversion, non-standard chart types, back-adjustment, settlement-as-close, etc.
  • timeframe.from_seconds() - Converts a specified number of seconds into a valid timeframe string based on our timeframe specification format.

The dividends.* namespace now includes variables for retrieving future dividend information:

  • dividends.future_amount - Returns the payment amount of the upcoming dividend in the currency of the current instrument, or na if this data isn’t available.
  • dividends.future_ex_date - Returns the Ex-dividend date (Ex-date) of the current instrument’s next dividend payment, or na if this data isn’t available.
  • dividends.future_pay_date - Returns the Payment date (Pay date) of the current instrument’s next dividend payment, or na if this data isn’t available.

The request.security_lower_tf() function has a new parameter:

  • ignore_invalid_timeframe - Determines how the function behaves when the chart’s timeframe is smaller than the timeframe value in the function call. If false, the function will raise a runtime error and halt the script’s execution. If true, the function will return na without raising an error.

Users can now explicitly declare variables with the const, simple, and series type qualifiers, allowing more precise control over the types of variables in their scripts. For example:

//@version=5 indicator("My script") //@variable A constant `string` used as the `title` in the `plot()` function. const string plotTitle = "My plot" //@variable An `int` variable whose value is consistent after the first chart bar. simple int a = 10 //@variable An `int` variable whose value can change on every bar. series int b = bar_index plot(b % a, title = plotTitle)

August 2023

Added the following alert placeholders:

  • {{syminfo.currency}} - Returns the currency code of the current symbol (“EUR”, “USD”, etc.).
  • {{syminfo.basecurrency}} - Returns the base currency code of the current symbol if the symbol refers to a currency pair. Otherwise, it returns na. For example, it returns “EUR” when the symbol is “EURUSD”.

Pine Script™ Maps

Maps are collections that hold elements in the form of key-value pairs. They associate unique keys of a fundamental type with values of a built-in or user-defined type. Unlike arrays, these collections are unordered and do not utilize an internal lookup index. Instead, scripts access the values of maps by referencing the keys from the key-value pairs put into them. For more information on these new collections, see our User Manual’s page on Maps.

July 2023

Fixed an issue that caused strategies to occasionally calculate the sizes of limit orders incorrectly due to improper tick rounding of the limit price.

Added a new built-in variable to the strategy.* namespace:

June 2023

New syminfo.* built-in variables were added:

A new display parameter for all input.*() functions was added. It provides you with more control over the display of input values next to a script’s name. Four arguments can be used: display.status_line, display.data_window, display.all, and display.none. Combinations of these arguments using plus or minus signs are allowed, and regardless of the argument used, input values will always continue to appear in the Inputs tab of the script’s settings.

May 2023

New parameter added to the strategy.entry(), strategy.order(), strategy.close(), strategy.close_all(), and strategy.exit() functions:

  • disable_alert - Disables order fill alerts for any orders placed by the function.

Our “Indicator on indicator” feature, which allows a script to pass another indicator’s plot as a source value via the input.source() function, now supports multiple external inputs. Scripts can use a multitude of external inputs originating from up to 10 different indicators.

We’ve added the following array functions:

  • array.every() - Returns true if all elements of the id array are true, false otherwise.

  • array.some() - Returns true if at least one element of the id array is true, false otherwise. These functions also work with arrays of int and float types, in which case zero values are considered false, and all others true.

April 2023

Fixed an issue with trailing stops in strategy.exit() being filled on high/low prices rather than on intrabar prices.

Fixed behavior of array.mode(), matrix.mode() and ta.mode(). Now these functions will return the smallest value when the data has no most frequent value.

March 2023

It is now possible to use seconds-based timeframe strings for the timeframe parameter in and request.security_lower_tf().

A new function was added:

  • request.currency_rate() - provides a daily rate to convert a value expressed in the from currency to another in the to currency.

February 2023

Pine Script™ Methods

Pine Script™ methods are specialized functions associated with specific instances of built-in or user-defined types. They offer a more convenient syntax than standard functions, as users can access methods in the same way as object fields using the handy dot notation syntax. Pine Script™ includes built-in methods for array, matrix, line, linefill, label, box, and table types and facilitates user-defined methods with the new method keyword. For more details on this new feature, see our User Manual’s page on methods.

January 2023

New array functions were added:


December 2022

Pine Objects

Pine objects are instantiations of the new user-defined composite types (UDTs) declared using the type keyword. Experienced programmers can think of UDTs as method-less classes. They allow users to create custom types that organize different values under one logical entity. A detailed rundown of the new functionality can be found in our User Manual’s page on objects.

A new function was added:

  • ticker.standard() - Creates a ticker to request data from a standard chart that is unaffected by modifiers like extended session, dividend adjustment, currency conversion, and the calculations of non-standard chart types: Heikin Ashi, Renko, etc.

New strategy.* functions were added:

November 2022

Fixed behaviour of math.round_to_mintick() function. For ‘na’ values it returns ‘na’.

October 2022

Pine Script™ now has a new, more powerful and better-integrated editor. Read our blog to find out everything to know about all the new features and upgrades.

New overload for the fill() function was added. Now it can create vertical gradients. More info about it in the blog post.

A new function was added:

  • str.format_time() - Converts a timestamp to a formatted string using the specified format and time zone.

September 2022

The text_font_family parameter now allows the selection of a monospace font in, and table.cell() function calls, which makes it easier to align text vertically. Its arguments can be:

The accompanying setter functions are:

August 2022

A new label style label.style_text_outline was added.

A new parameter for the ta.pivot_point_levels() function was added:

  • developing - If false, the values are those calculated the last time the anchor condition was true. They remain constant until the anchor condition becomes true again. If true, the pivots are developing, i.e., they constantly recalculate on the data developing between the point of the last anchor (or bar zero if the anchor condition was never true) and the current bar. Cannot be true when type is set to "Woodie".

A new parameter for the function was added:

  • text_wrap - It defines whether the text is presented in a single line, extending past the width of the box if necessary, or wrapped so every line is no wider than the box itself.

This parameter supports two arguments:

New built-in functions were added:

  • ta.min() - Returns the all-time low value of source from the beginning of the chart up to the current bar.
  • ta.max() - Returns the all-time high value of source from the beginning of the chart up to the current bar.

A new annotation //@strategy_alert_message was added. If the annotation is added to the strategy, the text written after it will be automatically set as the default alert message in the [Create Alert] window.

//@version=5 // @strategy_alert_message My Default Alert Message strategy("My Strategy") plot(close)

July 2022

It is now possible to fine-tune where a script’s plot values are displayed through the introduction of new arguments for the display parameter of the plot(), plotchar(), plotshape(), plotarrow(), plotcandle(), and plotbar() functions.

Four new arguments were added, complementing the previously available display.all and display.none:

  • display.data_window displays the plot values in the Data Window, one of the items available from the chart’s right sidebar.
  • display.pane displays the plot in the pane where the script resides, as defined in with the overlay parameter of the script’s indicator(), strategy(), or library() declaration statement.
  • display.price_scale controls the display of the plot’s label and price in the price scale, if the chart’s settings allow them.
  • display.status_line displays the plot values in the script’s status line, next to the script’s name on the chart, if the chart’s settings allow them.

The display parameter supports the addition and subtraction of its arguments:

  • display.all - display.status_line will display the plot’s information everywhere except in the script’s status line.
  • display.price_scale + display.status_line will display the plot in the price scale and status line only.

June 2022

The behavior of the argument used with the qty_percent parameter of strategy.exit() has changed. Previously, the percentages used on successive exit orders of the same position were calculated from the remaining position at any given time. Instead, the percentages now always apply to the initial position size. When executing the following strategy, for example:

//@version=5 strategy("strategy.exit() example", overlay = true) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty = 100) strategy.exit("Exit Long1", "Long", trail_points = 50, trail_offset = 0, qty_percent = 20) strategy.exit("Exit Long2", "Long", trail_points = 100, trail_offset = 0, qty_percent = 20)

20% of the initial position will be closed on each strategy.exit() call. Before, the first call would exit 20% of the initial position, and the second would exit 20% of the remaining 80% of the position, so only 16% of the initial position.

Two new parameters for the built-in ta.vwap() function were added:

  • anchor - Specifies the condition that triggers the reset of VWAP calculations. When true, calculations reset; when false, calculations proceed using the values accumulated since the previous reset.
  • stdev_mult - If specified, the ta.vwap() calculates the standard deviation bands based on the main VWAP series and returns a [vwap, upper_band, lower_band] tuple.

New overloaded versions of the strategy.close() and strategy.close_all() functions with the immediately parameter. When immediately is set to true, the closing order will be executed on the tick where it has been placed, ignoring the strategy parameters that restrict the order execution to the open of the next bar.

New built-in functions were added:

  • timeframe.change() - Returns true on the first bar of a new timeframe, false otherwise.
  • ta.pivot_point_levels() - Returns a float array with numerical values representing 11 pivot point levels: [P, R1, S1, R2, S2, R3, S3, R4, S4, R5, S5]. Levels absent from the specified type return na values.

New built-in variables were added:

May 2022

Matrix support has been added to the function.

The historical states of arrays and matrices can now be referenced with the [] operator. In the example below, we reference the historic state of a matrix 10 bars ago:

//@version=5 indicator("<float> example") m =<float>(1, 1, close) float x = na if bar_index > 10 x := matrix.get(m[10], 0, 0) plot(x) plot(close)

The ta.change() function now can take values of int and bool types as its source parameter and return the difference in the respective type.

New built-in variables were added:

  • chart.bg_color - Returns the color of the chart’s background from the "Chart settings/Appearance/Background" field.
  • chart.fg_color - Returns a color providing optimal contrast with chart.bg_color.
  • chart.is_standard - Returns true if the chart type is bars, candles, hollow candles, line, area or baseline, false otherwise.
  • currency.USDT - A constant for the Tether currency code.

New functions were added:

  • syminfo.prefix() - returns the exchange prefix of the symbol passed to it, e.g. “NASDAQ” for “NASDAQ:AAPL”.
  • syminfo.ticker() - returns the ticker of the symbol passed to it without the exchange prefix, e.g. “AAPL” for “NASDAQ:AAPL”.
  • request.security_lower_tf() - requests data from a lower timeframe than the chart’s.

Added use_bar_magnifier parameter for the strategy() function. When true, the Broker Emulator uses lower timeframe data during history backtesting to achieve more realistic results.

Fixed behaviour of strategy.exit() function when stop loss triggered at prices outside the bars price range.

Added new comment and alert message parameters for the strategy.exit() function:

  • comment_profit - additional notes on the order if the exit was triggered by crossing profit or limit specifically.
  • comment_loss - additional notes on the order if the exit was triggered by crossing stop or loss specifically.
  • comment_trailing - additional notes on the order if the exit was triggered by crossing trail_offset specifically.
  • alert_profit - text that will replace the '{{strategy.order.alert_message}}' placeholder if the exit was triggered by crossing profit or limit specifically.
  • alert_loss - text that will replace the '{{strategy.order.alert_message}}' placeholder if the exit was triggered by crossing stop or loss specifically.
  • alert_trailing - text that will replace the '{{strategy.order.alert_message}}' placeholder if the exit was triggered by crossing trail_offset specifically.

April 2022

Added the display parameter to the following functions: barcolor, bgcolor, fill, hline.

A new function was added:

  • request.economic() - Economic data includes information such as the state of a country’s economy or of a particular industry.

New built-in variables were added:

  • strategy.max_runup - Returns the maximum equity run-up value for the whole trading interval.
  • syminfo.volumetype - Returns the volume type of the current symbol.
  • chart.is_heikinashi - Returns true if the chart type is Heikin Ashi, false otherwise.
  • chart.is_kagi - Returns true if the chart type is Kagi, false otherwise.
  • chart.is_linebreak - Returns true if the chart type is Line break, false otherwise.
  • chart.is_pnf - Returns true if the chart type is Point & figure, false otherwise.
  • chart.is_range - Returns true if the chart type is Range, false otherwise.
  • chart.is_renko - Returns true if the chart type is Renko, false otherwise.

New matrix functions were added:

  •<type>() - Creates a new matrix object. A matrix is a two-dimensional data structure containing rows and columns. All elements in the matrix must be of the type specified in the type template (“<type>”).
  • matrix.row() - Creates a one-dimensional array from the elements of a matrix row.
  • matrix.col() - Creates a one-dimensional array from the elements of a matrix column.
  • matrix.get() - Returns the element with the specified index of the matrix.
  • matrix.set() - Assigns value to the element at the column and row index of the matrix.
  • matrix.rows() - Returns the number of rows in the matrix.
  • matrix.columns() - Returns the number of columns in the matrix.
  • matrix.elements_count() - Returns the total number of matrix elements.
  • matrix.add_row() - Adds a row to the matrix. The row can consist of na values, or an array can be used to provide values.
  • matrix.add_col() - Adds a column to the matrix. The column can consist of na values, or an array can be used to provide values.
  • matrix.remove_row() - Removes the row of the matrix and returns an array containing the removed row’s values.
  • matrix.remove_col() - Removes the column of the matrix and returns an array containing the removed column’s values.
  • matrix.swap_rows() - Swaps the rows in the matrix.
  • matrix.swap_columns() - Swaps the columns in the matrix.
  • matrix.fill() - Fills a rectangular area of the matrix defined by the indices from_column to to_column.
  • matrix.copy() - Creates a new matrix which is a copy of the original.
  • matrix.submatrix() - Extracts a submatrix within the specified indices.
  • matrix.reverse() - Reverses the order of rows and columns in the matrix. The first row and first column become the last, and the last become the first.
  • matrix.reshape() - Rebuilds the matrix to rows x cols dimensions.
  • matrix.concat() - Append one matrix to another.
  • matrix.sum() - Returns a new matrix resulting from the sum of two matrices, or of a matrix and a scalar (a numerical value).
  • matrix.diff() - Returns a new matrix resulting from the subtraction between matrices, or of matrix and a scalar (a numerical value).
  • matrix.mult() - Returns a new matrix resulting from the product between the matrices, or between a matrix and a scalar (a numerical value), or between a matrix and a vector (an array of values).
  • matrix.sort() - Rearranges the rows in the id matrix following the sorted order of the values in the column.
  • matrix.avg() - Calculates the average of all elements in the matrix.
  • matrix.max() - Returns the largest value from the matrix elements.
  • matrix.min() - Returns the smallest value from the matrix elements.
  • matrix.median() - Calculates the median (“the middle” value) of matrix elements.
  • matrix.mode() - Calculates the mode of the matrix, which is the most frequently occurring value from the matrix elements. When there are multiple values occurring equally frequently, the function returns the smallest of those values.
  • matrix.pow() - Calculates the product of the matrix by itself power times.
  • matrix.det() - Returns the determinant of a square matrix.
  • matrix.transpose() - Creates a new, transposed version of the matrix by interchanging the row and column index of each element.
  • matrix.pinv() - Returns the pseudoinverse of a matrix.
  • matrix.inv() - Returns the inverse of a square matrix.
  • matrix.rank() - Calculates the rank of the matrix.
  • matrix.trace() - Calculates the trace of a matrix (the sum of the main diagonal’s elements).
  • matrix.eigenvalues() - Returns an array containing the eigenvalues of a square matrix.
  • matrix.eigenvectors() - Returns a matrix of eigenvectors, in which each column is an eigenvector of the matrix.
  • matrix.kron() - Returns the Kronecker product for the two matrices.
  • matrix.is_zero() - Determines if all elements of the matrix are zero.
  • matrix.is_identity() - Determines if a matrix is an identity matrix (elements with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere).
  • matrix.is_binary() - Determines if the matrix is binary (when all elements of the matrix are 0 or 1).
  • matrix.is_symmetric() - Determines if a square matrix is symmetric (elements are symmetric with respect to the main diagonal).
  • matrix.is_antisymmetric() - Determines if a matrix is antisymmetric (its transpose equals its negative).
  • matrix.is_diagonal() - Determines if the matrix is diagonal (all elements outside the main diagonal are zero).
  • matrix.is_antidiagonal() - Determines if the matrix is anti-diagonal (all elements outside the secondary diagonal are zero).
  • matrix.is_triangular() - Determines if the matrix is triangular (if all elements above or below the main diagonal are zero).
  • matrix.is_stochastic() - Determines if the matrix is stochastic.
  • matrix.is_square() - Determines if the matrix is square (it has the same number of rows and columns).

Added a new parameter for the strategy() function:

  • risk_free_rate - The risk-free rate of return is the annual percentage change in the value of an investment with minimal or zero risk, used to calculate the Sharpe and Sortino ratios.

March 2022

New array functions were added:

  • array.sort_indices() - returns an array of indices which, when used to index the original array, will access its elements in their sorted order.
  • array.percentrank() - returns the percentile rank of a value in the array.
  • array.percentile_nearest_rank() - returns the value for which the specified percentage of array values (percentile) are less than or equal to it, using the nearest-rank method.
  • array.percentile_linear_interpolation() - returns the value for which the specified percentage of array values (percentile) are less than or equal to it, using linear interpolation.
  • array.abs() - returns an array containing the absolute value of each element in the original array.
  • array.binary_search() - returns the index of the value, or -1 if the value is not found.
  • array.binary_search_leftmost() - returns the index of the value if it is found or the index of the next smallest element to the left of where the value would lie if it was in the array.
  • array.binary_search_rightmost() - returns the index of the value if it is found or the index of the element to the right of where the value would lie if it was in the array.

Added a new optional nth parameter for the array.min() and array.max() functions.

Added index in operator. It tracks the current iteration’s index.

Table merging and cell tooltips

  • It is now possible to merge several cells in a table. A merged cell doesn’t have to be a header: you can merge cells in any direction, as long as the resulting cell doesn’t affect any already merged cells and doesn’t go outside of the table’s bounds. Cells can be merged with the new table.merge_cells() function.
  • Tables now support tooltips, floating labels that appear when you hover over a table’s cell. To add a tooltip, pass a string to the tooltip argument of the table.cell() function or use the new table.cell_set_tooltip() function.

February 2022

Added templates and the ability to create arrays via templates. Instead of using one of the array.new_*() functions, a template function<type>() can be used. In the example below, we use this functionality to create an array filled with float values:

//@version=5 indicator("<float> example") length = 5 var a =<float>(length, close) if array.size(a) == length array.remove(a, 0) array.push(a, close) plot(array.sum(a) / length, "SMA")

New functions were added:

January 2022

Added new functions to clone drawings:


December 2021


The space between lines drawn in Pine Script™ can now be filled! We’ve added a new linefill drawing type, along with a number of functions dedicated to manipulating it. Linefills are created by passing two lines and a color to the function, and their behavior is based on the lines they’re tied to: they extend in the same direction as the lines, move when their lines move, and are deleted when one of the two lines is deleted.

New linefill-related functions:

New functions for string manipulation

Added a number of new functions that provide more ways to process strings, and introduce regular expressions to Pine Script™:


Box drawings now supports text. The function has five new parameters for text manipulation: text, text_size, text_color, text_valign, and text_halign. Additionally, five new functions to set the text properties of existing boxes were added:

New built-in variables

Added new built-in variables that return the bar_index and time values of the last bar in the dataset. Their values are known at the beginning of the script’s calculation:

New built-in source variable:

  • hlcc4 - A shortcut for (high + low + close + close)/4. It averages the high and low values with the double-weighted close.

November 2021


Added a new for…in operator to iterate over all elements of an array:

//@version=5 indicator("My Script") int[] a1 = array.from(1, 3, 6, 3, 8, 0, -9, 5) highest(array) => var int highestNum = na for item in array if na(highestNum) or item > highestNum highestNum := item highestNum plot(highest(a1))

Function overloads

Added function overloads. Several functions in a script can now share the same name, as long one of the following conditions is true:

  • Each overload has a different number of parameters:
//@version=5 indicator("Function overload") // Two parameters mult(x1, x2) => x1 * x2 // Three parameters mult(x1, x2, x3) => x1 * x2 * x3 plot(mult(7, 4)) plot(mult(7, 4, 2))
  • When overloads have the same number of parameters, all parameters in each overload must be explicitly typified, and their type combinations must be unique:
//@version=5 indicator("Function overload") // Accepts both 'int' and 'float' values - any 'int' can be automatically cast to 'float' mult(float x1, float x2) => x1 * x2 // Returns a 'bool' value instead of a number mult(bool x1, bool x2) => x1 and x2 ? true : false mult(string x1, string x2) => str.tonumber(x1) * str.tonumber(x2) // Has three parameters, so explicit types are not required mult(x1, x2, x3) => x1 * x2 * x3 plot(mult(7, 4)) plot(mult(7.5, 4.2)) plot(mult(true, false) ? 1 : 0) plot(mult("5", "6")) plot(mult(7, 4, 2))

Currency conversion

Added a new [currency] argument to most request.*() functions. If specified, price values returned by the function will be converted from the source currency to the target currency. The following functions are affected:

October 2021

Pine Script™ v5 is here! This is a list of the new features added to the language, and a few of the changes made. See the Pine Script™ v5 Migration guide for a complete list of the changes in v5.

New features

Libraries are a new type of publication. They allow you to create custom functions for reuse in other scripts. See this manual’s page on Libraries.

Pine Script™ now supports switch structures! They provide a more convenient and readable alternative to long ternary operators and if statements.

while loops are here! They allow you to create a loop that will only stop when its controlling condition is false, or a break command is used in the loop.

New built-in array variables are maintained by the Pine Script™ runtime to hold the IDs of all the active objects of the same type drawn by your script. They are label.all, line.all, box.all and table.all.

The runtime.error() function makes it possible to halt the execution of a script and display a runtime error with a custom message. You can use any condition in your script to trigger the call.

Parameter definitions in user-defined functions can now include a default value: a function defined as f(x = 1) => x will return 1 when called as f(), i.e., without providing an argument for its x parameter.

New variables and functions provide better script visibility on strategy information:

A new earnings.standardized constant for the request.earnings() function allows requesting standardized earnings data.

A v4 to v5 converter is now included in the Pine Script™ Editor. See the Pine Script™ v5 Migration guide for more information on converting your scripts to v5.

The Reference Manual now includes the systematic mention of the form and type (e.g., “simple int”) required for each function parameter.

The User Manual was reorganized and new content was added.


Many built-in variables, functions and function arguments were renamed or moved to new namespaces in v5. The venerable study(), for example, is now indicator(), and security() is now New namespaces now group related functions and variables together. This consolidation implements a more rational nomenclature and provides an orderly space to accommodate the many additions planned for Pine Script™.

See the Pine Script™ v5 Migration guide for a complete list of the changes made in v5.

September 2021

New parameter has been added for the dividends(), earnings(), financial(), quandl(), security(), and splits() functions:

  • ignore_invalid_symbol - determines the behavior of the function if the specified symbol is not found: if false, the script will halt and return a runtime error; if true, the function will return na and execution will continue.

July 2021

tostring now accepts “bool” and “string” types.

New argument for time and time_close functions was added:

  • timezone - timezone of the session argument, can only be used when a session is specified. Can be written out in GMT notation (e.g. “GMT-5”) or as an IANA time zone database name (e.g. “America/New_York”).

It is now possible to place a drawing object in the future with xloc = xloc.bar_index.

New argument for study and strategy functions was added:

  • explicit_plot_zorder - specifies the order in which the indicator’s plots, fills, and hlines are rendered. If true, the plots will be drawn based on the order in which they appear in the indicator’s code, each newer plot being drawn above the previous ones.

June 2021

New variable was added:

  • barstate.islastconfirmedhistory - returns true if script is executing on the dataset’s last bar when market is closed, or script is executing on the bar immediately preceding the real-time bar, if market is open. Returns false otherwise.

New function was added:

  • round_to_mintick(x) - returns the value rounded to the symbol’s mintick, i.e. the nearest value that can be divided by syminfo.mintick, without the remainder, with ties rounding up.

Expanded tostring() functionality. The function now accepts three new formatting arguments:

  • format.mintick to format to tick precision.
  • format.volume to abbreviate large values.
  • format.percent to format percentages.

May 2021

Improved backtesting functionality by adding the Leverage mechanism.

Added support for table drawings and functions for working with them. Tables are unique objects that are not anchored to specific bars; they float in a script’s space, independently of the chart bars being viewed or the zoom factor used. For more information, see the Tables User Manual page.

New functions were added:

  • color.rgb(red, green, blue, transp) - creates a new color with transparency using the RGB color model.
  • color.from_gradient(value, bottom_value, top_value, bottom_color, top_color) - returns color calculated from the linear gradient between bottom_color to top_color.
  • color.r(color), color.g(color), color.b(color), color.t(color) - retrieves the value of one of the color components.
  • array.from() - takes a variable number of arguments with one of the types: int, float, bool, string, label, line, color, box, table and returns an array of the corresponding type.

A new box drawing has been added to Pine Script™, making it possible to draw rectangles on charts using the Pine Script™ syntax. For more details see the Pine Script™ reference and the Lines and boxes User Manual page.

The function can now accept series and input arguments, in which case, the colors will be calculated at runtime. For more information about this, see our Colors User Manual page.

April 2021

New math constants were added:

  • math.pi - is a named constant for Archimedes’ constant. It is equal to 3.1415926535897932.
  • math.phi - is a named constant for the golden ratio. It is equal to 1.6180339887498948.
  • math.rphi - is a named constant for the golden ratio conjugate. It is equal to 0.6180339887498948.
  • math.e - is a named constant for Euler’s number. It is equal to 2.7182818284590452.

New math functions were added:

  • round(x, precision) - returns the value of x rounded to the nearest integer, with ties rounding up. If the precision parameter is used, returns a float value rounded to that number of decimal places.
  • median(source, length) - returns the median of the series.
  • mode(source, length) - returns the mode of the series. If there are several values with the same frequency, it returns the smallest value.
  • range(source, length) - returns the difference between the min and max values in a series.
  • todegrees(radians) - returns an approximately equivalent angle in degrees from an angle measured in radians.
  • toradians(degrees) - returns an approximately equivalent angle in radians from an angle measured in degrees.
  • random(min, max, seed) - returns a pseudo-random value. The function will generate a different sequence of values for each script execution. Using the same value for the optional seed argument will produce a repeatable sequence.

New functions were added:

  • session.ismarket - returns true if the current bar is a part of the regular trading hours (i.e. market hours), false otherwise.
  • session.ispremarket - returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market, false otherwise.
  • session.ispostmarket - returns true if the current bar is a part of the post-market, false otherwise.
  • str.format - converts the values to strings based on the specified formats. Accepts certain number modifiers: integer, currency, percent.

March 2021

New assignment operators were added:

  • += - addition assignment
  • -= - subtraction assignment
  • *= - multiplication assignment
  • /= - division assignment
  • %= - modulus assignment

New parameters for inputs customization were added:

  • inline - combines all the input calls with the same inline value in one line.
  • group - creates a header above all inputs that use the same group string value. The string is also used as the header text.
  • tooltip - adds a tooltip icon to the Inputs menu. The tooltip string is shown when hovering over the tooltip icon.

New argument for fill function was added:

  • fillgaps - controls whether fills continue on gaps when one of the plot calls returns an na value.

A new keyword was added:

  • varip - is similar to the var keyword, but variables declared with varip retain their values between the updates of a real-time bar.

New functions were added:

  • tonumber() - converts a string value into a float.
  • time_close() - returns the UNIX timestamp of the close of the current bar, based on the resolution and session that is passed to the function.
  • dividends() - requests dividends data for the specified symbol.
  • earnings() - requests earnings data for the specified symbol.
  • splits() - requests splits data for the specified symbol.

New arguments for the study() function were added:

  • resolution_gaps - fills the gaps between values fetched from higher timeframes when using resolution.
  • format.percent - formats the script output values as a percentage.

February 2021

New variable was added:

  • time_tradingday - the beginning time of the trading day the current bar belongs to.

January 2021

The following functions now accept a series length parameter:

A new type of alerts was added - script alerts. More information can be found in our Help Center.


December 2020

New array types were added:

  • array.new_line()
  • array.new_label()
  • array.new_string()

New functions were added:

  • str.length() - returns number of chars in source string.
  • array.join() - concatenates all of the elements in the array into a string and separates these elements with the specified separator.
  • str.split() - splits a string at a given substring separator.

November 2020

  • New max_labels_count and max_lines_count parameters were added to the study and strategy functions. Now you can manage the number of lines and labels by setting values for these parameters from 1 to 500.

New function was added:

  • array.range() - return the difference between the min and max values in the array.

October 2020

The behavior of rising() and falling() functions have changed. For example, rising(close,3) is now calculated as following:

close[0] > close[1] and close[1] > close[2] and close[2] > close[3]

September 2020

Added support for input.color to the input() function. Now you can provide script users with color selection through the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab with the same color widget used throughout the TradingView user interface. Learn more about this feature in our blog

//@version=4 study("My Script", overlay = true) color c_labelColor = input(, "Main Color", input.color) var l =, close, yloc = yloc.abovebar, text = "Colored label") label.set_x(l, bar_index) label.set_color(l, c_labelColor)


Added support for arrays and functions for working with them. You can now use the powerful new array feature to build custom datasets. See our User Manual page on arrays and our blog

//@version=4 study("My Script") a = array.new_float(0) for i = 0 to 5 array.push(a, close[i] - open[i]) plot(array.get(a, 4))

The following functions now accept a series length parameter. Learn more about this feature in our blog:

//@version=4 study("My Script", overlay = true) length = input(10, "Length", input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 100) avgBar = avg(highestbars(length), lowestbars(length)) float dynLen = nz(abs(avgBar) + 1, length) dynSma = sma(close, int(dynLen)) plot(dynSma)

August 2020

  • Optimized script compilation time. Scripts now compile 1.5 to 2 times faster.

July 2020

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

June 2020

  • New resolution parameter was added to the study function. Now you can add MTF functionality to scripts and decide the timeframe you want the indicator to run on.


Please note that you need to reapply the indicator in order for the [resolution] parameter to appear.

  • The tooltip argument was added to the function along with the label.set_tooltip function:
//@version=4 study("My Script", overlay=true) var, close, yloc=yloc.abovebar, text="Label") label.set_x(l,bar_index) label.set_tooltip(l, "Label Tooltip")


  • Added an ability to create alerts on strategies.
  • A new function line.get_price() can be used to determine the price level at which the line is located on a certain bar.
  • New label styles allow you to position the label pointer in any direction.


  • Find and Replace was added to Pine Editor. To use this, press CTRL+F (find) or CTRL+H (find and replace).


  • timezone argument was added for time functions. Now you can specify timezone for second, minute, hour, year, month, dayofmonth, dayofweek functions:
//@version=4 study("My Script") plot(hour(1591012800000, "GMT+1"))
  • syminfo.basecurrency variable was added. Returns the base currency code of the current symbol. For EURUSD symbol returns EUR.

May 2020

  • else if statement was added
  • The behavior of security() function has changed: the expression parameter can be series or tuple.

April 2020

New function was added:

  • quandl() - request quandl data for a symbol

March 2020

New function was added:

  • financial() - request financial data for a symbol

New functions for common indicators were added:

  • cmo() - Chande Momentum Oscillator
  • mfi() - Money Flow Index
  • bb() - Bollinger Bands
  • bbw() - Bollinger Bands Width
  • kc() - Keltner Channels
  • kcw() - Keltner Channels Width
  • dmi() - DMI/ADX
  • wpr() - Williams % R
  • hma() - Hull Moving Average
  • supertrend() - SuperTrend

Added a detailed description of all the fields in the Strategy Tester Report.

February 2020

  • New Pine Script™ indicator VWAP Anchored was added. Now you can specify the time period: Session, Month, Week, Year.
  • Fixed a problem with calculating percentrank function. Now it can return a zero value, which did not happen before due to an incorrect calculation.
  • The default transparency parameter for the plot(), plotshape(), and plotchar() functions is now 0%.
  • For the functions plot(), plotshape(), plotchar(), plotbar(), plotcandle(), plotarrow(), you can set the display parameter, which controls the display of the plot. The following values can be assigned to it:
    • display.none - the plot is not displayed
    • display.all - the plot is displayed (Default)
  • The textalign argument was added to the function along with the label.set_textalign function. Using those, you can control the alignment of the label’s text:
//@version=4 study("My Script", overlay = true) var l =, high, text="Right\n aligned\n text", textalign=text.align_right) label.set_xy(l, bar_index, high) .. image:: images/ReleaseNotes-Label_text_align.png

January 2020

New built-in variables were added:

  • iii - Intraday Intensity Index
  • wvad - Williams Variable Accumulation/Distribution
  • wad - Williams Accumulation/Distribution
  • obv - On Balance Volume
  • pvt - Price-Volume Trend
  • nvi - Negative Volume Index
  • pvi - Positive Volume Index

New parameters were added for strategy.close():

  • qty - the number of contracts/shares/lots/units to exit a trade with
  • qty_percent - defines the percentage of entered contracts/shares/lots/units to exit a trade with
  • comment - addtional notes on the order

New parameter was added for strategy.close_all:

  • comment - additional notes on the order


December 2019

  • Warning messages were added.

    For example, if you don’t specify exit parameters for strategy.exit - profit, limit, loss, stop or one of the following pairs: trail_offset and trail_price / trail_points - you will see a warning message in the console in the Pine Script™ editor.

  • Increased the maximum number of arguments in max, min, avg functions. Now you can use up to ten arguments in these functions.

October 2019

  • plotchar() function now supports most of the Unicode symbols:
//@version=4 study("My Script", overlay=true) plotchar(open > close, char="🐻") .. image:: images/ReleaseNotes-Bears_in_plotchar.png
  • New bordercolor argument of the plotcandle() function allows you to change the color of candles’ borders:
//@version=4 study("My Script") plotcandle(open, high, low, close, title='Title', color = open < close ? :,,
  • New variables added:
    • syminfo.description - returns a description of the current symbol
    • syminfo.currency - returns the currency code of the current symbol (EUR, USD, etc.)
    • syminfo.type - returns the type of the current symbol (stock, futures, index, etc.)

September 2019

New parameters to the strategy function were added:

  • process_orders_on_close allows the broker emulator to try to execute orders after calculating the strategy at the bar’s close
  • close_entries_rule allows to define the sequence used for closing positions

Some fixes were made:

  • fill() function now works correctly with na as the color parameter value
  • sign() function now calculates correctly for literals and constants

str.replace_all(source, target, replacement) function was added. It replaces each occurrence of a target string in the source string with a replacement string

July-August 2019

New variables added:

  • timeframe.isseconds returns true when current resolution is in seconds
  • timeframe.isminutes returns true when current resolution is in minutes
  • time_close returns the current bar’s close time

The behavior of some functions, variables and operators has changed:

  • The time variable returns the correct open time of the bar for more special cases than before

  • An optional seconds parameter of the timestamp() function allows you to set the time to within seconds

  • security() function:

    • Added the possibility of requesting resolutions in seconds:

      1, 5, 15, 30 seconds (chart resolution should be less than or equal to the requested resolution)

    • Reduced the maximum value that can be requested in some of the other resolutions:

      from 1 to 1440 minutes

      from 1 to 365 days

      from 1 to 52 weeks

      from 1 to 12 months

  • Changes to the evaluation of ternary operator branches:

    In Pine Script™ v3, during the execution of a ternary operator, both its branches are calculated, so when this script is added to the chart, a long position is opened, even if the long() function is not called:

//@version=3 strategy(title = "My Strategy") long() => strategy.entry("long", true, 1, when = open > high[1]) 1 c = 0 c := true ? 1 : long() plot(c) Pine Script™ v4 contains built-in functions with side effects ( ```` and ```` ). If calls to these functions are present in both branches of a ternary operator, both function calls would be executed following v3 conventions. Thus, in Pine Script™ v4, only the branch corresponding to the evaluated condition is calculated. While this provides a viable solution in some cases, it will modify the behavior of scripts which depended on the fact that both branches of a ternary were evaluated. The solution is to pre-evaluate expressions prior to the ternary operator. The conversion utility takes this requirement into account when converting scripts from v3 to v4, so that script behavior will be identical in v3 and v4.

June 2019

  • Support for drawing objects. Added label and line drawings
  • var keyword for one time variable initialization
  • Type system improvements:
    • series string data type
    • functions for explicit type casting
    • syntax for explicit variable type declaration
    • new input type forms
  • Renaming of built-ins and a version 3 to 4 converter utility
  • max_bars_back function to control series variables internal history buffer sizes
  • Pine Script™ documentation versioning


October 2018

  • To increase the number of indicators available to the whole community, Invite-Only scripts can now be published by Premium users only.

April 2018

  • Improved the Strategy Tester by reworking the Maximum Drawdown calculation formula.


August 2017

  • With the new argument show_last in the plot-type functions, you can restrict the number of bars that the plot is displayed on.

June 2017

  • A major script publishing improvement: it is now possible to update your script without publishing a new one via the Update button in the publishing dialog.

May 2017

  • Expanded the type system by adding a new type of constants that can be calculated during compilation.

April 2017

  • Expanded the keyword argument functionality: it is now possible to use keyword arguments in all built-in functions.
  • A new barstate.isconfirmed variable has been added to the list of variables that return bar status. It lets you create indicators that are calculated based on the closed bars only.
  • The options argument for the input() function creates an input with a set of options defined by the script’s author.

March 2017

  • Pine Script™ v3 is here! Some important changes:
    • Changes to the default behavior of the security() function: it can no longer access the future data by default. This can be changes with the lookahead parameter.
    • An implicit conversion of boolean values to numeric values was replaced with an implicit conversion of numeric values (integer and float) to boolean values.
    • Self-referenced and forward-referenced variables were removed. Any PineScript code that used those language constructions can be equivalently rewritten using mutable variables.

February 2017

  • Several improvements to the strategy tester and the strategy report:
    • New Buy & Hold equity graph — a new graph that lets you compare performance of your strategy versus a “buy and hold”, i.e if you just bought a security and held onto it without trading.
    • Added percentage values to the absolute currency values.
    • Added Buy & Hold Return to display the final value of Buy & Hold Equity based on last price.
    • Added Sharpe Ratio — it shows the relative effectiveness of the investment portfolio (security), a measure that indicates the average return minus the risk-free return divided by the standard deviation of return on an investment.
    • Slippage lets you simulate a situation when orders are filled at a worse price than expected. It can be set through the Properties dialog or through the slippage argument in the strategy() function.
    • Commission allows yot to add commission for placed orders in percent of order value, fixed price or per contract. The amount of commission paid is shown in the Commission Paid field. The commission size and its type can be set through the Properties dialog or through the commission_type and commission_value arguments in the strategy() function.


December 2016

  • Added invite-only scripts. The invite-only indicators are visible in the Community Scripts, but nobody can use them without explicit permission from the author, and only the author can see the source code.

October 2016

  • Introduded indicator revisions. Each time an indicator is saved, it gets a new revision, and it is possible to easily switch to any past revision from the Pine Editor.

September 2016

  • It is now possible to publish indicators with protected source code. These indicators are available in the public Script Library, and any user can use them, but only the author can see the source code.

July 2016

  • Improved the behavior of the fill() function: one call can now support several different colors.

March 2016

  • Color type variables now have an additional parameter to set default transparency. The transparency can be set with the function, or by adding an alpha-channel value to a hex color code.

February 2016

  • Added for loops and keywords break and continue.
  • Pine Script™ now supports mutable variables! Use the := operator to assign a new value to a variable that has already been defined.
  • Multiple improvements and bug fixes for strategies.

January 2016

  • A new alertcondition() function allows for creating custom alert conditions in Pine Script™-based indicators.


October 2015

  • Pine has graduated to v2! The new version of Pine Script™ added support for if statements, making it easier to write more readable and concise code.

September 2015

  • Added backtesting functionality to Pine Script™. It is now possible to create trading strategies, i.e. scripts that can send, modify and cancel orders to buy or sell. Strategies allow you to perform backtesting (emulation of strategy trading on historical data) and forward testing (emulation of strategy trading on real-time data) according to your algorithms. Detailed information about the strategy’s calculations and the order fills can be seen in the newly added Strategy Tester tab.

July 2015

  • A new editable parameter allows hiding the plot from the Style menu in the indicator settings so that it is not possible to edit its style. The parameter has been added to all the following functions: all plot-type functions, barcolor(), bgcolor(), hline(), and fill().

June 2015

  • Added two new functions to display custom barsets using PineScipt: plotbar() and plotcandle().

April 2015

  • Added two new shapes to the plotshape() function: shape.labelup and shape.labeldown.
  • PineScipt Editor has been improved and moved to a new panel at the bottom of the page.
  • Added a new step argument for the input() function, allowing to specify the step size for the indicator’s inputs.

March 2015

  • Added support for inputs with the source type to the input() function, allowing to select the data source for the indicator’s calculations from its settings.

February 2015

  • Added a new text argument to plotshape() and plotchar() functions.
  • Added four new shapes to the plotshape() function: shape.arrowup, shape.arrowdown, shape.square, shape.diamond.


August 2014

  • Improved the script sharing capabilities, changed the layout of the Indicators menu and separated published scripts from ideas.

July 2014

  • Added three new plotting functions, plotshape(), plotchar(), and plotarrow() for situations when you need to highlight specific bars on a chart without drawing a line.
  • Integrated QUANDL data into Pine Script™. The data can be accessed by passing the QUANDL ticker to the security function.

June 2014

  • Added Pine Script™ sharing, enabling programmers and traders to share their scripts with the rest of the TradingView community.

April 2014

  • Added line wrapping.

February 2014

  • Added support for inputs, allowing users to edit the indicator inputs through the properties window, without needing to edit the Pine script.
  • Added self-referencing variables.
  • Added support for multiline functions.
  • Implemented the type-casting mechanism, automatically casting constant and simple float and int values to series when it is required.
  • Added several new functions and improved the existing ones:
    • barssince() and valuewhen() allow you to check conditions on historical data easier.
    • The new barcolor() function lets you specify a color for a bar based on filling of a certain condition.
    • Similar to the barcolor() function, the bgcolor() function changes the color of the background.
    • Reworked the security() function, further expanding its functionality.
    • Improved the fill() function, enabling it to be used more than once in one script.
    • Added the round() function to round and convert float values to integers.


  • The first version of Pine Script™ is introduced to all TradingView users, initially as an open beta, on December 13th.