I would not mind another year or so of horizontal. Target inside

I'm a strong believer in a fractal universe.

Nature is self-similar across scale.

Human behaviour and market valuations are natural phenomenon.

What i really like about this particular fractal is the scale at which it operates.

We can use a smaller portion of the chart

Against the entire one

to help us understand something.

Now a big, big unaccounted for point is, the long tail.


Consolidate, adoption,
Reorient what it means
to do away with a past monetary system

With a new way of conducting business.

Time to also reckon with the societal imprints left behind the old system
into our collective psyche, into our common body
the hidden masters it instilled in us

Concepts about right and wrong, just and unjust, valuable, worthwhile.

Let's reckon with the way this past money system has shaped the way we think, speak, and act towards eachother
and the earth

let's take account of what we are removing; and the organismit connects to, and the relationship it has with that organism:

The head-crab like way in which your central nervous system has it's greedy tentacles in literally every aspect of your being.

We as a society live far too much in our heads - to the detriment of our bodies.

Hernias, carpal tunnels, obesity and just general weakness and limpness. The sedentary, urban lifestyle has Ruined the vast majority of human bodies. The most sophisticated machine ever built by our grand divine nature , reduced to a way in which to stare at a screen with minimal effort - in which to never reach for , nor experience anything akin to the transcendence with which each moment of your life could be infused.

and we live far too much of our lives dedicated to operating the machinery of profit and industry. Working for money. This goes at the cost of our culture - which has all but been replaced with advertisement. (If you measure this in the quantity of advertisement you consume just going out in public. I mean, let's turn every billboard and bus-stop into an art gallery. How many masterpieces disappear unseen into bank vaults as a store of value?

And how many times am I going to have to be blasted with purposefully alluring images aimed at my lowest common denominator urging me to act against my own interests?

We have some reckoning to do.

Money has ruled our lives since we were enclosed off of our lands and out of our forests and clumped into cities by the likes of Adam Smith in the nineteenth century.
You know why we call it the industrial revolution? cause it was a revolution by the industrialists, and they took power, and those power structures are still in place.

(all cops are scabs)

Oh, did I mention that in our oppression we're helping these same industrialists - or their offspring - to destroy the planet for everyone? And guess whose already bought all the arable landscape and freshwater springs in the alps and the rocky mountains? They don't care about sea level rise. They know it exists, and have been raising the height of oil platforms since the 90's. Check out Shell making a super woke documentary about it in 1991: youtube.com/watch?v=0VOWi8oVXmo

Time to reckon with the impact of replacing the entire central nervous system of a society: It's economy, with something else - and that we don't repeat the same mistakes.

We have already gone through a period of neo-classicism.

I read a book once about this , let's say greek, but it wasn't greek, but greece works.
You had this society of well fed Greek aristocrats who spent all their time playing music, riding horses, wrestling, studying and training to fight. Then there was the whole slew of non-citizens and slaves who ran the economy.
Then the bright young son of the king alpha bro decides to call the army and they conquer the known world.

We have an option now where through automation we could all take up archery and reading. but instead we focus on hobbies we could turn into a job that sucks less than an actual job. However, existing automation only led to longer work hours, more consumption and production, more time spent consuming, and increased inequality between rich and poor.

Let's free up time, work 14 a week, stop spending money at all.

"half the energy we produce is never put to effective use at all." -Shell, 1991

Bitcoin can actually help with this. Precisely it's appreciation in value is why. Deflation is a great way to discourage people spending money. I'm a big fan. But let's also initiate a livable basic income, for all people, in all countries.

The global GDDP per capita is about 1500 dollars. In purchasing power parity, the same as the average salary in Poland. 75$ a day - but it's well known that more than a third of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day.

let's the replace the economy.
But let's replace it with something that can stand the test of time - and won't make us look like the uncivilized monsters to our progeny the way we now look at the colonial era and the 19th century industrialists. And the trumps and epsteins of the world today.

The problem with the idea of meritocracy is that 'the best' of us do not end up on top, or that power corrupts.

We need a fair global economy, and all y'all crypto hodlers becoming the new power elite is not my idea of a livable world.

So another year of respite for the weak hands to drop and adoption to spread more laterally, maybe time for a good Ubiquitous UBI-coin to gain traction worldwide, and then have That be the moment the crypto economy really launches, with two coins: Bitcoin, and it's derivatives, and the people's coin, and we'll fight it out on our way to the moon - but this chart, the bitcoin/usd chart, will be a thing of the past within the next 5-6 years.
FractalFundamental AnalysisGann Fan
