
Ether Next: Cancun Upgrade, DVT, PBS.

▶️EIP-4844 (Cancun Upgrade)
▶️DVT (Distributed Validator Technology)
▶️PBS (block validator, builder separation)

▶️EIP-4844 (Cancun Upgrade)
Although Rollup eases Ethernet congestion, the speed and gas of Rollup is now unsatisfactory, as the necessary data still has to be packaged and passed back to Ether L1, and block space on Ether is scarce and expensive.
After proto-danksharding is completed, the Ether block storage space will grow from 50-100KB to 1-2MB, reducing Rollup costs by about 20 times.
▶️DVT (Distributed Verifier Technology)
DVT is a way to become a verifier based on multi-signature groups. DVT has 3 benefits:
📌 Lower capital costs.
Originally you needed to pledge at least 32 ETH to be a verifier on a beacon chain, now you can share the capital cost with your buddies.
📌 Reduced slash.
If you go offline due to hardware failure, etc., the verified nodes you form will not be slashed as long as n of your team of m people are still online to verify.
📌 Increase the decentralization of the Ethernet network.
▶️PBS (block verifier, builder separation)
As the name implies, the verifier, builder of an ethereum block cannot be the same person, which reduces malicious MEV.
