TBT Base to Quote Currency Converter

Knowing how much volume is traded on a chart is essential, but only knowing the Base volume can be confusing- especially when it's for a token only worth 0.00000210 sats. Put away your calculators and use this indicator instead to instantly convert the Base traded volume to Quote.

For example, on the chart above for BTCUSDT:BINANCE, if you add the Volume indicator, it is showing volume traded in the Base currency, which is Bitcoin. But it's more important to know how much QUOTE currency has been traded, which would be USDT in this case.

This is particularly useful when trading low-volume charts for AB Trading, something we teach in several of our courses.

Lastly, we have included a 30-period SMA to show average trading volume over the last 30 periods. Keep in mind that this will be more helpful when used on the daily time frame to get a general idea of the average trading volume over time for a trading pair.
BASEBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)cryptoCryptocurrencyquoteVolume

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