Random Color Generator

Telah dikemas kini
This script is developed on the basis of Function-HSL-color by RicardoSantos

Aim of this script is to generate random colors. But, if we just do it based on random RGB values, the colors derived may not be suitable for the background. If you are using light background, lighter colors won't be visible and if you are using darker theme, darker colors will not be appropriate. To overcome this issue, function provided by Racardo converts color(H,S,L) to color(R,G,B). Based on the background present, we define min and max L (Light) range to avoid colors which are either too dark or too light.

Input also allows you to set your custom H,S,L range when Background is set as "Custom"
Nota Keluaran
Added optional transparency
Nota Keluaran
Updates from Ricardo's script copied :)
Nota Keluaran
Convert to v5
colorgeneratorTrend Analysis

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