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Library "StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWeb"

AutoTrader Web trading API functions implementation for Trading View.

preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, group, variety) Prepare a place order json
    account: Pseudo or group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
  Returns: A json message for the given order data

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json can contain one or more orders
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, variety, validity) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Nota Keluaran

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessageForTwoOrders(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, account2, symbol2, tradeType2, group2, exchange2, quantity2, price2, orderType2, productType2, triggerPrice2) Prepare a place order alert json message for 2 orders
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    tradeType2: Trade type [BUY, SELL] [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    quantity2: Quantity (Default: 1) [for order 2]
    price2: Price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    orderType2: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET) [for order 2]
    productType2: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY) [for order 2]
    triggerPrice2: Trigger price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
  Returns: A complete alert message to place 2 orders

calcClosestStrike(underlierPrice, gap) Calculates the closest option strike price as per the given underlier price
    underlierPrice: The underlier's price
    gap: The gap between option strikes
  Returns: the closest option strike price

preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo) Prepare a place order json
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
  Returns: A json message for the given order data

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Nota Keluaran

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json (can contain one or more orders)
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

prepareSqOffPositionJson(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type) Prepare a square-off position json
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
  Returns: A json message for the square-off position request

prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson(posJsonArray) Prepare a square-off position alert message using positions json array
    posJsonArray: Position json (can contain one or more positions)
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type) Prepare a square-off position alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessageForTwoPositions(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, account2, symbol2, group2, exchange2, category2, type2) Prepare a square-off position alert json message for two positions
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    category2: Position category [NET, DAY] [for order 2]
    type2: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO] [for order 2]
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off of two positions

prepareFutureSymbol(underlier, expiry) Prepares future symbol for AutoTrader Web
    underlier: Underlier symbol (Ex. BANKNIFTY, USDINR, CRUDEOIL)
    expiry: Expiry date in (DD-MMM-YYYY) format
  Returns: future symbol as per AutoTrader Web's format

prepareOptionSymbol(underlier, expiry, optionType, strike) Prepares option symbol for AutoTrader Web
    underlier: Underlier symbol (Ex. BANKNIFTY, USDINR, CRUDEOIL)
    expiry: Expiry date in (DD-MMM-YYYY) format
    optionType: Option type [CE, PE]
    strike: Strike price
  Returns: option symbol as per AutoTrader Web's format

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
Nota Keluaran

timeIST() Returns current time (HH:mm:ss) in Indian timezone
  Returns: current time (HH:mm:ss) in Indian timezone

prepareAdditionalProperties(comments) Additional properties like ticker, price, time etc.
    comments: Comments
  Returns: additional properties like ticker, time etc.

preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingJson(orderJsonArray, comments) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
    orderJsonArray: Order json (can contain one or more orders)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, variety, validity, disclosedQuantity, target, stoploss, trailingStoploss, amo, comments) Prepare a place order alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    variety: Variety [REGULAR, BO, CO] (Default: REGULAR)
    validity: Validity [DAY, IOC] (Default: DAY)
    disclosedQuantity: Disclosed quantity (Default: 0)
    target: Target (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    stoploss: Stoploss (for Bracket order only) (Default: 0)
    trailingStoploss: (for Bracket order only) Trailing Stoploss (Default: 0)
    amo: Set it to true for AMO (After Market Order) (Default: false)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place orders

preparePlaceOrderAlertMessageForTwoOrders(account, symbol, tradeType, group, exchange, quantity, price, orderType, productType, triggerPrice, account2, symbol2, tradeType2, group2, exchange2, quantity2, price2, orderType2, productType2, triggerPrice2, comments) Prepare a place order alert json message for 2 orders
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    tradeType: Trade type [BUY, SELL]
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    quantity: Quantity (Default: 1)
    price: Price (Default: 0)
    orderType: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET)
    productType: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY)
    triggerPrice: Trigger price (Default: 0)
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    tradeType2: Trade type [BUY, SELL] [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    quantity2: Quantity (Default: 1) [for order 2]
    price2: Price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    orderType2: Order type [MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, SL_MARKET] (Default: MARKET) [for order 2]
    productType2: Product type [INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL] (Default: INTRADAY) [for order 2]
    triggerPrice2: Trigger price (Default: 0) [for order 2]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to place 2 orders

prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson(posJsonArray, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert message using positions json array
    posJsonArray: Position json (can contain one or more positions)
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert json message
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off position

prepareSqOffPositionAlertMessageForTwoPositions(account, symbol, group, exchange, category, type, account2, symbol2, group2, exchange2, category2, type2, comments) Prepare a square-off position alert json message for two positions
    account: Pseudo or Group account number
    symbol: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
    group: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false)
    exchange: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE)
    category: Position category [NET, DAY]
    type: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO]
    account2: Pseudo or Group account number [for order 2]
    symbol2: AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol [for order 2]
    group2: Set it to true if you are using a group account (Default: false) [for order 2]
    exchange2: Symbol's exchange [NSE, BSE, MCX] (Default: NSE) [for order 2]
    category2: Position category [NET, DAY] [for order 2]
    type2: Position type [MIS, CNC, NRML, BO, CO] [for order 2]
    comments: Comments
  Returns: A complete alert message to square-off of two positions
Nota Keluaran
v5 Using ticker only as tickerid gave weird data for some underlier which caused json error ("ticker": "={"session":"extended","symbol":"NSE:BANKNIFTY"}")
Nota Keluaran

Bug fix in prepareSqOffPositionAlertUsingJson

Perpustakaan Pine

Dalam semangat sebenar TradingView, penulis telah menerbitkan kod Pine ini sebagai satu perpustakaan sumber terbuka supaya pengaturcara Pine lain dari komuniti kami boleh menggunakannya semula. Sorakan kepada penulis! Anda boleh menggunakan perpustakaan ini secara peribadi atau dalam penerbitan sumber terbuka lain, tetapi penggunaan semula kod dalam penerbitan ini adalah dikawal oleh Peraturan dalaman.
