
AMZN What will the next 10 billion people on the planet consume?

This is the best data hog on the planet. The question is, What will the next 10 billion people on the planet consume in the next few years when they get internet access? When these brains come online, What will they study? What will they learn? What will they consume? What will they create? What will they Invent? What business will they start? How will these new users of AMZN change the world? AMZN is the world leader in knowledge, via books, as one example. How much wealth can be acquired by learning every concept & ideas in those books. Is that knowledge learned at least 10 X on your investment? This company has the potential to make dramatic changes in every category of human life. This business innovates, and will continue to do so to be relevant in our life. Invest now and hold forever. Someone said, "If you think education is expensive, imagine how much stupidity cost?" Dont be left out & dont be stupid, scale into your positions.
