Bezos knows something we don't

As CEO of the largest retailer in the world, Bezos knows future economic trends better than anyone on the planet. And his behaviors been a bit off lately. Talking about how all leading companies eventually die within decades. His open outings with his "mistress". You'd figure the richest man on the planet could keep a secret from getting out. This is bordering on conspiracy level conjectures, but I think he wanted the press to know of his mistress.

Imagine yourself a billionaire, but only nominally. Sure he's "worth" over a $100 billion, but if that's not at his disposal and control, is that really his? Liken to a trader who made the right call and made over a 100%, his portfolio is worth a lot. But until he finalizes the trade and cashes out, that portfolio is not really worth anything. Therein lies the problem for Bezos. For us we can simply sell and realize our profits. If Bezos sells, the very item he sells will devalue instantly. However, if it's an extenuating circumstance like divorce, the market likely won't bat an eye when a sizable chunk gets cashed out.

Ken Lay of Enron liquidated his holdings of Enron to settle a divorce right before Enron got exposed. Now who's to say whether this was insider trading or coincidental timing? I'm not saying Amazon is a fraudulent company, but Bezos for sure knows the market is inflated. And if asked point blank, "would you sell at current price levels without affecting the company?", I'd bet he would. In a recent interview with Dave Rubenstein, Bezos recalls the DotCom bubble. He says it was so strange to see 90% of the value of his company stock get obliterated when the company was performing better than the year before. Does Bezos know this bubble is bursting soon? If anyone knows, it would be him.

His wife and he have had an amicable marriage and even an amicable statement to the public informing of the divorce. If it is as it is told and she loved him before Amazon, married without a prenup and cares for Amazon's future, I'd imagine she wouldn't be against putting her share of the shares in a trust jointly with Bezos for the sake of the company. However, if they are heavily liquidated, I'm going on a limb and saying a market crash is imminent.

P.S. This is obviously ramblings of my imagination
