Where to from here?

The ASX200 had a big sell off today on the back of the RBA chief defends inflation target.
Things to watch in the coming days and month:

1. Last Thursday and Friday of every month most big Financial institutions adjust their financial sheet by getting read of the cash in the bank and buying shares, meaning the ASX200 will probabily go up 20-50 points on those 2 days.

2. End of Australia financial year is on the 30th of June and we also have an election on the 2nd of July, so I am expecting high volatility from the 23rd to the 4th of July.. I will be buying ASX 200 at the end of June.

3. May cycle is almost finished and we had 2 weeks up and 2 weeks down, we are in the last week of decline.


1. We also have BritExit, that could be an opportunity to buy on the fear of people.

2. IMF will be trying to find a solution for the bailout program in GREEK.

3. USA nomination of Candidates for President,

4. Finally, most of the Superanuation, Hedge Fund and big investment banks, really want to see the ASX200 at the 5400 mark by the end of June, same place it was in June 2015, is this going to happend?

5. I have a strong Fibo at 5220

