
Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve. (Add to "4-year Cycle")

Here the same "Bitcoin 4-year Cycle" idea,
Bitcoin The Current 4-year Cycle Outlook

but with "Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve":

The Logarithmic Growth Curve

It’s a phenomenon to be found elsewhere in nature - something first exhibits explosive growth, then sees that growth increasingly taper off until eventually achieving a plateau. If the developing market price of Bitcoin exhibits an Logarithmic Growth Curve, then this suggests that Bitcoin, an incredibly intricate technology, is also is something of a force of nature.

The nature of this Logarithmic Growth Curve has been previously discussed in an article:

So, Chart showing Logarithmic Growth Curves, with classical principal of TA on Weekly chart.

Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)CryptocurrencyFundamental Analysislogarithmicgrowth

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