
Using Candlesticks to Find Market Manipulations

This is why I am not "investing for the long-term" in BTC.

What are you looking at? Bot manipulation.

What's a bot you say?

Here in fact is a historical chart for when I brought one of my more advanced bots online:
This was a smallish market cap coin to test on.

You'll notice the 5 tests I did over 2 weeks as I was getting code straightened out.

Op1 was testing injection to manipulate the price.

Op2 was testing sustained injection while manipulating volume.

Op3 was testing how well I could maintain price vs dump volume (for the exits).

Op4 was the pump to dump my series of buys at the floor.

Op5 was my final total exit.

As you can see, I was able to double my money many times. With a comfortable
operating range a bit above 50% return.

This scales easily, all it takes is stake vs market volume. I did those with a
tad under 1%. I've accumulated 3% of this particular coin now and will be testing
more robust manipulations. I should be able to make perfect upside-down U's with
at least 50% returns at the top of the arc. And keep it up like a bouncing ball
that doesn't lose inertia, since I have inertia-driving volume. (If an outsider
were making moves off of mine, they'd realize a higher return, since they don't
have to use injection volume). You can do this with less stake on a higher volume
coin, because other bots and humans both will amplify your moves for you, with
less of a personal injection.

I like Heiken Ashi for reversals, but I like candlestick to suss out manipulations.
You should check out Candlestick Patterns:

Hammers, Dragonflies, 4price doji, hanging men...
Why such long shadows? Bots.

DPO is shown to compare to: syot kilat and syot kilat
Note the blunt peaks on BTCUSD vs the other two?
