Clearly we are seeing here a strong classic cubic growth attempting to transition into hexagonal matrix here. Makes sense - Decred's technological superiorness is fitting to the most optimal geometric structure - but does it have what it takes to transform into the hex? I'm not so sure just yet.
Today DCR release v1.0. Lots of tech stuff coming out that are enough to give any crypto addict middle of the night blanket lifting wood. Hard fork voting. Boom. A stakeholder-directed DAO. Boom. Decentralized control of development funds. Boom. Okay, I'm just copying and pasting now, but you get the idea. Great tech stuff. You can read their media which all their holders are going to do whatever they can to make sure you hear about it today.
The question I ask is: so what?
What's the story? What's the thing I can get behind and feel some connection to? I got technology saturation going on in my world. Tech everywhere. Updates throwing themselves at me at every corner I turn. So what?
Fundamentally and technologically, DCR has those things mastered and that is great. But culturally? Emotionally? I need to hear much more than just some ambition and willingness to do anything to be a top 5 coin. You guys want to be rich? How inspiring, where do I sign?
As you can see, there's a dark shadow there looming behind the first cube. Then above there is a hexagonal opening. All the people attached to DCR hope it will go to the next level and upgrade to hex growth, but I don't see that happening. Rolling out new tech advances constantly is wearing very thin and the competition at the top is strong. You think they are there just because of tech? Great tech is maybe 1/3rd of the battle. Litecoin doesn't need to be better tech to continue dominating something like Decred because it has a story. It's little brother. It's the silver to the gold. Human, relatable stuff.
The big wave of mass adoption is coming - if your features list requires you to be born inside the internet and up to date with inner workings of PoS and Hardforking and whatever other things you come up with designed to give the 1% of the 1% of the elite developers community wood, you're going to struggle to be in top 50, let alone top 5.
Maybe go long, but I wouldn't expect more than cubic channel continuing until the next time a swarm forms. Personally, for now I'm sitting this one out. But I was asked to chart this by someone from Decred so that's it from me.