I wanted to share some good news that I've received from the community within the DigixDao TEAM. It looks like we've established a launch date. First, let me start by stating the original post for launch was Q1 of 2018. Although, after spending a lot of time discussing the new DGX launch with the DIGIX community on discord, as well as the founder a CTO AEDIGIX (Anthony Eufemio) we've got some good insight on the actual launch date. I wont go into the details of the conversation but there were only a few steps left to go for the team as far as completing registration in Singapore and the USA. Nonetheless, the launch date has been confirmed and the release of DGX will happen next week.

aedigix - Last Thursday at 8:56 PM
our focus is still launching DGX by end of March (I think we will be able to deploy the mainnet contracts by next Friday)
then we're going full speed ahead with DGDGovernance

Upon the launch of DGX (Token backed by GOLD) all DGD holders will have opportunities to participate in DGDGovernance by locking up their tokens and voting on quarterly proposals. Claim quarterly rewards based on the total DGX collected through transaction fees. All transaction fees will be placed in a pool and transparent for all to see. In addition, the DGX tokens are backed by 1 gram of 99.99% LBMA standard gold which will be stored in a safehouse. Holders who accumulate DGX (100) will be eligible to receive their tokens via mail/in-person. A token backed by physical/convertible currency could change the game for cryptos.

DGD will hit unbelievable highs regardless of the price of BTC going into the launch week. Don't take yours eyes off of this team and these tokens as the game could change very quickly.

