DJI Short - Will Make Money Today/This Week

Telah dikemas kini
For easy bagz, buy DIA puts that expire this week around the money (or out-the-money, just not 20 dollars + OTM if you can help it).

Then, you can take a nap or go back to your regular job and forget about it until tomorrow or the next day, or the next day.

Not the day after that, though.

You will likely have to take a look at it and determine how many bagz were gained by doing nothing. Or you can let the broker auto-liquidate them, which would be even easier.


Dagangan aktif
while it seems unlikely, this will probably hold up by todays close.

this play only works if you really dont bother looking at it til 3pm today.
Dagangan ditutup: hentian tercapai
Glad I was especially cocky about this one. Serves me right, get em next time.
One last word on this cause it might save someone thousands one day - when you run hot, be afraid and go do anything else besides markets.

Wouldve saved me many pennies over the years had I understood this.
crasheasybagzshortdowWave Analysis

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