Text book "Elliott wave count". Since March's low !!!

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4331 is the Text book
Elliott wave 5th.5th.5th
of March's low crash !!!

*** If wave 1 is extended, then the size of wave 3
through to the end of wave 5 is often 61.8% – 78.6%
relative to the size of wave 1
*** If wave 1 is extended, then wave 2 and 4 are very
likely to be shallow (i.e. 23.6% – 38.2%)
*** If wave 1 is extended, then wave 2 will often end
at the level of sub-wave 4 of 1 (i.e. the internal
wave 4 of wave 1)
Nothing have changed here.
It is true 3 month ago when i did this idea, and nothing have changed here still we are with in the limits of this structure the only problem is our last leg up is incomplete !!!
Well, our last leg is about/almost about to be done !!!
sp500indexSPX (S&P 500 Index)Wave Analysis
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