Revenge of the Doppler Spiral?

Since my last idea (see link below) I've done nothing but add the fourth, largest spiral. You'll need to scroll back to see exactly how the system of coincident tangent angles of the spirals line up via scale/rotation. I was just doodling around months ago and happened upon this graph that blew me away at the time, and which I still find striking. Obviously the fourth arc does not follow this pattern. I'm starting to think of it as more of a spiral-gestalt projecting outward from the impulse of the covid-plunge than as any specific indicator.

What's more remarkable to me are the fib speed bands that I placed months ago to fit the time/price scale to a seemingly arbitrary (at that time) inflection point: ie, the supremum of the first three spirals. Every single move since the drop can be seen as a climb up to/crash through/rebound to one of these diagonal projections. Granted, there are a lot of them—it's hard not to overfit. But take a look for yourself and tell me what you think.

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