US Market: Risk Model and Watchlist

Our risk model significantly improved versus last week. The major market indices could accomplish a so called follow-through day (>2% gains under elevated volume) which is a very good indication with regards to the current health of the market.

Overall risk can be described as average versus high - very high in the last few weeks and months.

Swing-traders can start to open their first pilot-positions. If you see some traction in your own portfolio, exposure can be increased. Always think risk first and only increase exposure and risk based on the heels of success. By doing that, you will never have large drawdowns and you will have highest exposure when market conditions are in favour of your personal swing-trading strategy.

Some details of the risk model:
- new 52w highs vs lows significantly improved last week
- up/down volume confirms the mprving health of the overall market
- Advance-decline-lin in a new uptrend which is a very positive
- contrarian indicators like bulls vs bears and margin debt would enable a new leg up in the market.

Also, the performance of stocks on our watchlist has been positive last week on balance. This is also a very good infication.

Here is the link to our updated watchlist:

Buy signals are being triggered when the price moves through the alarm set point. Always trade with the trend.

All stocks on our watchlist meet the criteria of Minervini's Trend Template.
Beyond Technical AnalysisTechnical Indicatorsminerviniriskmodelsentimentalanalysissp500indexswingtradingTrend Analysiswatchlist

Combing the BEST of two WORLD's: Cathie Wood & Mark Minervini
