Opening (IRA): TLT Nov/Dec 86/84 Short Puts

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Comments: Targeting the 16 delta strikes in November and December to erect rungs at strikes better than what I currently have on to emulate dollar cost averaging into 20 year+ maturity paper.

November 17th 86: .83 credit
December 15th 84: .79 credit

Here, I'm fine with getting assigned and proceeding to sell short call against, but want to get in at the biggest discount the market will let me get away with because at some point, you know they're going to cut. Naturally, this may be months out in time ... .
Dagangan ditutup secara manual
Out of the December 15th 84 for a .05 debit. .74 ($74) profit. The November 17th 86 was rolled out at an earlier juncture ... .
Beyond Technical AnalysisoptionsstrategiespremiumsellingshortputTLT
