As clear as day, VRC is flagging a bit on a shorter 2H TF. From the local low of 6700 to a new local high of 12599 to now 9000-9200 ish is to me a very healthy sign, and hanging very strong on .382 retrace. One of the very notable things about the past months price action is it seems to be respecting fib-levels, which is key to attracting the attention of traders. Our last upwards price movement was followed by a retrace down to the .236 levels then consolidated. I am not saying this cant happen here again, however if it does not, this will indicate to me yet another bull signal & increasing market confidence. You can believe I will as a trader look for these levels to come though, and if they do drop to a .236 that would put VRC in the vicinity of 8260-8000.

Higher Timeframs as we approach 3 year 1 week RSI highs, may deter some as they may see this as high risk, however I am an absolute steadfast fan of higher timeframes, and when for 3 years roughly there has been no 70+ RSI break out, that spells major, major long term consolidation to me. If the price breaks up, it will go hard, if the price draws back substantially, we can be in for another drop from the 1W 70 RSI area for additional consolidation.. its truly any ones guess. Also duley noteable new 3D Candle prints tonight @ 0000GMT (8PM EST)

As far as intra day goes, I would not expect nor anticipate new local highs. Perahps another small run to high 10's or mid 11's however for another leg up, consolidation needs to happen again in my belief.

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If this has helped you in any way & you are inclined to do so, a small thank you can be sent below every little bit helps us small timers.

BTC: 1um3313w6fJhrfirj9mXz7y2GAm761Tqq
VRC: VHqBcdAjkXVbaxZ7EsXsBzy2LLNyicgzDT
