I must update my idea, as I have made a discovery using RSI (14) crosses down 70. I found that this setting on Stock Screener is not required anymore. I have added a Directional Movement Index setting to the Stock Screener though.
Here is the latest comprehensive list of updated settings for Stock Screener. I must admit that I made a mistake, and the previous stock screener settings were not optimal for finding upwards moving stocks. I can admit that the new settings with DI do find upwards moving stocks nicely.
15 minutes (bar)
Sort by Volume*Price (descending - highest value on top)
AROON UP above 50
Negative Directional Indicator (14) crosses down 10
SMA 200 below or equal Last
MACD LEVEL Above or Equal MACD Signal (12,26)
Remember to pick from the top of the list.