YFI / TetherUS

Tips on securing your own Pine Script code and sharing

Telah dikemas kini
10 Pine Commandments

Rule number uno: never share something you don't intend on open-sourcing. It will be archived forever.

2. If you believe ideas are intellectual property and you have a 1 in a million unique idea, tell them that you would like that idea to not be shared.

3. If someone randomly sends you scripts without you prompting, don't send them some of your (valuable) ones because you feel as if there has been rapport or trust built.

4. Never get high on your own supply

The rest of these biggie lyrics don't make any sense for this. Anyways:

  • When you turn "sharing on" for your chart and add a script from console, anyone can copy the script and see the source code. This is expected behavior but should be known for those who don't like sharing.
  • When you publish an idea and add a script from console, the same thing happens as above. If you've done this on accident, you have 15 minutes to delete it.

  • Tip: never work on a private project on a chart that has sharing on. Label chart names with 'Sharing' to help identify them.

  • If you want to allow trial use, create an invite-only indicator. Do not use closed-source indicators and assume updating them will stop trial usage.

  • Don't use pastebin lol.

  • You're not that original, and neither am I. We all use the same sites, read the same articles; mind meld is bound to happen. I used to publish scripts pre-emptively because of this.

  • When you share your indicator, it can be reverse engineered if it is simple enough/uses well known functions.
    Here's a funny example that is slightly related:
  • Person is accused of stealing script, the accuser is accused of copy/pasting the Pine Legends Chris Moody/LazyBear:
    www.trading view.com/script/4IfUS1Jd-SNG/
  • Accuser actually reverse engineered this script as far as I can tell:
    www.trading view.com/script/pvGZhYxm-Canadian-Trader-Dream-Strategy/
  • Tip: check your indicators before publishing an idea by clicking 'source code' and making sure it's 'read only''
Beyond Technical Analysispinescript
My published indicators: tradingview.com/u/NeoButane/

Sorry if I haven't replied to your message yet, I'm a bit backlogged :)
