
Telah dikemas kini
Takes the average of 3 Relative Strength Indicators (RSI, or just "R") over three separate periods to gain a better grasp of whether the indicators are up or down, hence the name R-Cubed.

You can adjust the 3 periods in the settings.

This works in conjunction with R-Cubed Conversions script to see where it converts up or down, at 70 and 30 respectively.

Nota Keluaran
Takes the average of 3 Relative Strength Indicators ( RSI, or just "R") over three separate periods to gain a better grasp of whether the indicators are up or down, hence the name R-Cubed.

You can adjust the 3 periods in the settings.

This works in conjunction with R-Cubed Conversions script to see where it converts up or down, at 70 and 30 respectively.
Nota Keluaran
+ Updated the line color to see the value more easily.
+ Updated the precision to 2 decimal places.
Relative Strength Index (RSI)

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