TeoTrading 17-C.1 - 107. USA Algorithmic Trading Long Signals

Telah dikemas kini
This indicator mark patterns that were successful in the past, based on Algorithmic Trading and backtesting.

This Script is for Private Use.

It was designed for Long Signals.

Was developed and tested with Nasdaq technology stocks and Argentinian ADRs.

Includes Real Time Stastistics.

No purchase recommendations are given. The user must do their own analysis to decide whether to buy.

"A" signal is to make the Analysis. Here the user will see a Yellow Candle.

"V" signal is to Sell. Here the user will see:
- A Green Candle: Sell with Gain using a fixed Stop Gain.
- A Blue Candle: Sell with Gain using a dynamic (variable) Stop Gain.
- A Fuchsia Candle: Sell with lost.

The Orange Candle indicates that a trade is open.

Includes Alerts.

Nota Keluaran
This versión has more USA Stocks.

This indicator mark patterns that were successful in the past, based on Algorithmic Trading and backtesting.

This Script is for Private Use.

It was designed for Long Signals.

Was developed and tested with Nasdaq technology stocks and Argentinian ADRs .

Includes Real Time Stastistics.

No purchase recommendations are given. The user must do their own analysis to decide whether to buy.

"A" signal is to make the Analysis. Here the user will see a Yellow Candle.

"V" signal is to Sell. Here the user will see:
- A Green Candle: Sell with Gain using a fixed Stop Gain.
- A Blue Candle: Sell with Gain using a dynamic (variable) Stop Gain.
- A Fuchsia Candle: Sell with lost.

The Orange Candle indicates that a trade is open.

Includes Alerts.
Nota Keluaran
This versión has new inputs parameters (now the user can filter by differents types of moving averages) and has one more USA Stock.

This indicator mark patterns that were successful in the past, based on Algorithmic Trading and backtesting.

This Script is for Private Use.

It was designed for Long Signals.

Was developed and tested with Nasdaq technology stocks and Argentinian ADRs .

Includes Real Time Stastistics.

No purchase recommendations are given. The user must do their own analysis to decide whether to buy.

"A" signal is to make the Analysis. Here the user will see a Yellow Candle.

"V" signal is to Sell. Here the user will see:
- A Green Candle: Sell with Gain using a fixed Stop Gain.
- A Blue Candle: Sell with Gain using a dynamic (variable) Stop Gain.
- A Fuchsia Candle: Sell with lost.

The Orange Candle indicates that a trade is open.

Includes Alerts.
Nota Keluaran
Changes in Ticker Detection.
Nota Keluaran
Now print different signals order.
Nota Keluaran
This version supports new Argentinian stocks.
Nota Keluaran
Now with KO and MCD.
algorithmalgotradingnasdaqtradingalgoritmicoTrend AnalysisUSA

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