Phantom MA's

Telah dikemas kini
This is a all in one Moving average indicator. This will show you all the Key moving averages for the 4HR, Daily and Weekly time frames regardless of the time frame your on. No other script has all this info on one place and is extremely helpful as you dont have to have 27 separate Mas on the chart and without labels its a painful process to know whats what this eliminates those problems.
Each Ma has a label which displays on the chart for a quick reference as to what line is what and the name is colour coded to the MAs that are mid cross.
This script is extremely helpful to quickly find the next level of support or resistance your current trade might find.
There is no option to change any of the levels and these are locked and consist of the following at all times
50 100 and 200 VWMA
50 100 and 200 MA
50 100 and 200 EMA
50 100 and 200 VWMA
50 100 and 200 MA
50 100 and 200 EMA
50 100 and 200 VWMA
50 100 and 200 MA
50 100 and 200 EMA
Any questions or ideas to add reach out to us on Trading View
Trade Safe

Nota Keluaran
Have just added the 4hr and Daily 20 MA and 20 EMA as requested.
Moving Averages

Skrip jemputan sahaja

Akses ke skrip ini adalah terhad kepada pengguna yang diberikan akses oleh penulis dan kebiasaannya memerlukan pembayaran. Anda boleh menambahkannya kepada senarai kegemaran anda, tetapi anda hanya dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkannya dari penulis. Sila hubungi PHANT0M untuk lebih maklumat atau rujuk arahan penulis seperti di bawah.

TradingView tidak mencadangkan anda membayar untuk skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda mempercayai penulisnya 100% dan memahami bagaimana skrip itu berfungsi. Juga, anda boleh mencari alternatif sumber terbuka yang bagus secara percuma dalam Skrip Komuniti kami.

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