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Library "POA"
This library is a client script for making a webhook signal formatted string to POABOT server.

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

in_trade(start_time, end_time)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.
Nota Keluaran

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, kis_number, exchange, base, quote, side, qty)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.
Nota Keluaran

add manual_message function
manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange: (string) [Required] The exchange
    base: (string) [Required] The base
    quote: (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side: (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty: (float) [Required] The qty of order message
    price: (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, kis_number)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.
Nota Keluaran

update: qty param is optional
manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password: (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange: (string) [Required] The exchange
    base: (string) [Required] The base
    quote: (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side: (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty: (float) [Optional] The qty of order message
    price: (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent: (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    kis_number: (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

in_trade(start_time, end_time, overlay, min, max)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
    overlay: (bool) [Optional] The overlay of line
    min: (float) [Optional] The min value of overlay range
    max: (float) [Optional] The max value of overlay range
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.
Nota Keluaran
v5, Update in_trade function to work in non-overlay mode
in_trade(start_time, end_time)
  Create a trade start line
    start_time: (int) [Required] The start of time.
    end_time: (int) [Required] The end of time.
  Returns: (bool) Get bool for trade based on time range.
Nota Keluaran
Nota Keluaran
v7, add strategy wrapper.
Nota Keluaran
V8, update entry/order method
Nota Keluaran
v9, update entry/order method
Nota Keluaran

entry_message(password, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a entry message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

order_message(password, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a order message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for entry based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a close message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for close based on your wallet balance.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

exit_message(password, percent, margin_mode, kis_number)
  Create a exit message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for exit based on your wallet balance.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account. Default 1
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

manual_message(password, exchange, base, quote, side, qty, price, percent, leverage, margin_mode, kis_number, order_name)
  Create a manual message for POABOT
    password (string): (string) [Required] The password of your bot.
    exchange (string): (string) [Required] The exchange
    base (string): (string) [Required] The base
    quote (string): (string) [Required] The quote of order message
    side (string): (string) [Required] The side of order messsage
    qty (float): (float) [Optional] The qty of order message
    price (float): (float) [Optional] The price of order message
    percent (float): (float) [Optional] The percent for order based on your wallet balance.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] The leverage of entry. If not set, your levereage doesn't change.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] The number of koreainvestment account.
    order_name (string): (string) [Optional] The name of order message
  Returns: (string) A json formatted string for webhook message.

real_qty(qty, precision, leverage, contract_size)
  Get exchange specific real qty
    qty (float): (float) [Optional] qty
    precision (float): (float) [Optional] precision
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] leverage
    contract_size (float): (float) [Optional] contract_size
  Returns: (float) exchange specific qty.

method set(this, password, start_time, end_time, leverage, margin_mode, contract_size, kis_number, entry_percent, close_percent, exit_percent, fixed_qty, fixed_cash, real, auto_alert_message, hide_trade_line)
  Set bot object.
  Namespace types: bot
    this (bot)
    password (string): (string) [Optional] password for poabot.
    start_time (int): (int) [Optional] start_time timestamp.
    end_time (int): (int) [Optional] end_time timestamp.
    leverage (int): (int) [Optional] leverage.
    margin_mode (string): (string) [Optional] The margin mode for trade(only for OKX). "cross" or "isolated"
    contract_size (float)
    kis_number (int): (int) [Optional] kis_number for poabot.
    entry_percent (float): (float) [Optional] entry_percent for poabot.
    close_percent (float): (float) [Optional] close_percent for poabot.
    exit_percent (float): (float) [Optional] exit_percent for poabot.
    fixed_qty (float): (float) [Optional] fixed qty.
    fixed_cash (float): (float) [Optional] fixed cash.
    real (bool): (bool) [Optional] convert qty for exchange specific.
    auto_alert_message (bool): (bool) [Optional] convert alert_message for exchange specific.
    hide_trade_line (bool): (bool) [Optional] if true, Hide trade line. Default false.
  Returns: (void)
Nota Keluaran
fix oca order script
Nota Keluaran
Support default_qty_type and default_qty_value
Nota Keluaran
The part regarding the decimal point limitation of quantities has been improved in the real_qty() function.


Perpustakaan Pine

Dalam semangat sebenar TradingView, penulis telah menerbitkan kod Pine ini sebagai satu perpustakaan sumber terbuka supaya pengaturcara Pine lain dari komuniti kami boleh menggunakannya semula. Sorakan kepada penulis! Anda boleh menggunakan perpustakaan ini secara peribadi atau dalam penerbitan sumber terbuka lain, tetapi penggunaan semula kod dalam penerbitan ini adalah dikawal oleh Peraturan dalaman.

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