Ultimate multi-indicator & Alert script - AlphaNHB

Telah dikemas kini
This is a multi-indicator ultimate alert script that I built. This script is ideal for beginners, as well experienced traders who need direct indicators without any of the flashy unnecessary features. This script gets right to the point.

This strategy code was designed for the best mixture of most common indicators, allowing the user to mix and match any indicator he/she chooses.

Buying and selling indicators allow you to use the MACD , stochastics, RSI , moving average, fibonacci, t3, Bollinger bands , fractals, and more.

This script works on anything with a chart. It can be applied to crypto, stocks, bonds, forex, etc.

If you would like the strategy backtester that matches this script so that you can see the results of past data under certain configurations, it is available for free on my profile page. Or, just message me and I can direct you to it.

If anyone has suggestions on how to make this better, let me know! This is a growing script that I am building to be universally solid through different markets and through different market conditions!

Past performance doesn't suggest future.
Nota Keluaran
Backend changes that should increase the overall speed of the script and boot up time for adding to chart.
Moving AveragesOscillatorsTrend Analysis

Skrip jemputan sahaja

Akses ke skrip ini adalah terhad kepada pengguna yang diberikan akses oleh penulis dan kebiasaannya memerlukan pembayaran. Anda boleh menambahkannya kepada senarai kegemaran anda, tetapi anda hanya dapat menggunakannya setelah meminta izin dan mendapatkannya dari penulis. Sila hubungi nhbprod untuk lebih maklumat atau rujuk arahan penulis seperti di bawah.

TradingView tidak mencadangkan anda membayar untuk skrip dan menggunakannya kecuali anda mempercayai penulisnya 100% dan memahami bagaimana skrip itu berfungsi. Juga, anda boleh mencari alternatif sumber terbuka yang bagus secara percuma dalam Skrip Komuniti kami.

Arahan penulis

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