30 Sep 2020 pukul 17.12




After going through various ORB stratergy, I wrote this pine script. This gives exact risk and quantity in the right side panel. so, risk management is always taken care of.

When to use: wait for the first five minutes after the market opens.
Which stocks: use with Market gainers after the first five minutes based on the signal.
Risk/reward: Say you have a capital of 50,000 and you want to risk 2% on one trade. So the risk comes out to be 1000. Means you can risk 1000 on one trade.
Let's say the stop loss on your setup comes out to be 5. Just divide the stop by the risk and that's the no. of shares you should trade. In this case 1000/5=200 shares.

Hunt for your targets:

Look for 1:1 or 1:2 target depending on the stop loss. If the stop is wide then go for just 1:1 or else go for 1:2

Tips for short plays:

This strategy works well on long trades rather than on the short side. As on the short side the action, most of the times, is very huge in the first 5 min bar which increases the risk on the trade. However you may apply ORB on the short side If the action is not very strong on the first bar and the stock actually develops a range for the first 30 minutes or so and then breaks it.
Please refer the code, if you find it useful:

//Import from public library and modified by Vinay for daily stock sentiments
// Copyright pugazhravi

study(title="Gowri_1.0", shorttitle="Gowri_1.0", overlay=true)
//strategy(title="Gowri_Intraday", overlay=true,initial_capital=1000000 )

//User Input
showHistoricalORB = input(true, title="Show historical ORB", type=input.bool)
showAvg = input(false, title="Show average", type=input.bool)
showPrevDayHigh = input(false, title="Show previous day's high", type=input.bool)
showPrevDayLow = input(false, title="Show previous day's low", type=input.bool)
showPrevDayOpen = input(false, title="Show previous day's open", type=input.bool)
showPrevDayClose = input(false, title="Show previous day's close", type=input.bool)
orbTimeFrame = input("05", title="ORB timeframe", type=input.resolution)
sessSpec = input("0915-1530", title="Session time", type=input.session)
firstCandlesSpec = input("0915-0930", title="First Session time", type=input.session)
LastValueLine = input(true, title="Last Value Line", type=input.bool)
Risk = input(2000, title="Risk per trade", type=input.float)
Reward = input(4000, title="Reward per trade", type=input.float)

// Defaults
// Colors
aColor = color.gray
rColor =
sColor =

// Line style & Transparency
lStyle = plot.style_line
lTransp = 35

// Get High & Low
getSeries(_e, _timeFrame) => security(syminfo.tickerid, _timeFrame, _e, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

is_newbar(res, sess) =>
t = time(res, sess)
na(t[1]) and not na(t) or t[1] < t

newbar = is_newbar("375", sessSpec)
firstbar = is_newbar("375", firstCandlesSpec)
var float orbH = na
var float orbL = na
var float orbC = na
var float orbO = na

if newbar
orbH := getSeries(high[0], orbTimeFrame)
orbL := getSeries(low[0], orbTimeFrame)
orbO := getSeries(open[0], orbTimeFrame)
orbC := getSeries(close[0], orbTimeFrame)

orbA = (orbH + orbL)/2
orbPrevDayHigh = getSeries(high[1], 'D')
orbPrevDayLow = getSeries(low[1], 'D')
orbPrevDayOpen = getSeries(open[1], 'D')
orbPrevDayClose = getSeries(close[1], 'D')

// Today's Session Start timestamp
y = year(timenow)
m = month(timenow)
d = dayofmonth(timenow)

// Start & End time for Today
start = timestamp(y, m, d, 09, 15)
end = start + 86400000
openTime = timestamp(y, m, d, 09, 30)

// Plot only if session started
isToday = timenow > start

// Plot selected timeframe's High, Low & Avg
// Plot lines
if isToday
_h =, orbH, end, orbH, xloc.bar_time,, lTransp))
_l =, orbL, end, orbL, xloc.bar_time,, lTransp))
if showAvg
_a =, orbA, end, orbA, xloc.bar_time,, lTransp))
if showPrevDayHigh
_pdh =, orbPrevDayHigh, end, orbPrevDayHigh, xloc.bar_time,, lTransp))