Trendlines with Breaks ema ALARM


strategy('HalfTrend Strategy', overlay=true, initial_capital=1000)

tlpc = input.string(title="Alert", defval="PineConnector", options=["PineConnector", "Telegram"], tooltip="Go to alertatron to have alerts automatically sent to Telegram")

// Setting

ID = input("1234567890123", title="License ID (PineConnector)", group="Setting")
risk = input.float(2, title="Risk per Trade %", group="Setting", step=0.5)
typeSL = input.string(title="StopLoss", defval="ATR", options=["Swing", "ATR"], group="Setting")
typeTP = input.string(title="TakeProfit", defval="R:R", options=["R:R", "Multiple Target"], group="Setting")
trendA = input.string(title="Trend Indicator", defval="EMA", options=["EMA", "Superichi"], group="Setting")
_x = input.bool(false, title="do not take too small positions", group="Setting", tooltip="This parameter is used to avoid positions that have a stoploss too close to the entry point and that the broker's spreads take all the gains")
security = input.float(10, title="min of pips (00001.00)", group="Setting")

riskt = risk / 100 + 1

//Backtest Time Period

useDateFilter = input.bool(false, title="Filter Date Range of Backtest", group="Backtest Time Period")
backtestStartDate = input.time(timestamp("1 June 2022"), title="Start Date", group="Backtest Time Period", tooltip="This start date is in the time zone of the exchange " + "where the chart's instrument trades. It doesn't use the time " + "zone of the chart or of your computer.")
backtestEndDate = input.time(timestamp("1 July 2022"), title="End Date", group="Backtest Time Period", tooltip="This end date is in the time zone of the exchange " + "where the chart's instrument trades. It doesn't use the time " + "zone of the chart or of your computer.")

inTradeWindow = not useDateFilter or (time >= backtestStartDate and time < backtestEndDate)


swingHighV =, title="Swing High", group="Stop Loss", tooltip="Number of candles in which the parameter targets the highest")
swingLowV =, title="Swing Low", group="Stop Loss", tooltip="Number of candles in which the parameter targets the lowest point")

atr1 =, title="ATR Period", group="Stop Loss")
atrMultiplierSL =, title = "ATR Multiplier", group="Stop Loss")

atr = ta.atr(atr1)

swingHigh = ta.highest(high, swingHighV)
swingLow = ta.lowest(low, swingLowV)

atrSell = close + atr * atrMultiplierSL
atrBuy = close - atr * atrMultiplierSL


target_stop_ratio = input.float(title='Risk/Reward (R:R)', defval=3, minval=0.5, maxval=100, step=0.1, group="TakeProfit")
target1 = input.float(1, title='Target 1 R:R (Multiple Target)', group="TakeProfit", step=0.1)
target2 = input.float(2, title='Target 2 R:R (Multiple Target)', group="TakeProfit", step=0.1)


amplitude = input(title='Amplitude', defval=2, group="HalfTrend")
channelDeviation = input(title='Channel Deviation', defval=2, group="HalfTrend")
showArrows = input(title='Show Arrows', defval=true, group="HalfTrend")
showChannels = input(title='Show Channels', defval=true, group="HalfTrend")

var int trend = 0
var int nextTrend = 0
var float maxLowPrice = nz(low[1], low)
var float minHighPrice = nz(high[1], high)

var float up = 0.0
var float down = 0.0
float atrHigh = 0.0
float atrLow = 0.0
float arrowUp = na
float arrowDown = na

atr2 = ta.atr(100) / 2
dev = channelDeviation * atr2

highPrice = high[math.abs(ta.highestbars(amplitude))]
lowPrice = low[math.abs(ta.lowestbars(amplitude))]
highma = ta.sma(high, amplitude)
lowma = ta.sma(low, amplitude)

if nextTrend == 1
maxLowPrice := math.max(lowPrice, maxLowPrice)

if highma < maxLowPrice and close < nz(low[1], low)
trend := 1
nextTrend := 0
minHighPrice := highPrice
minHighPrice := math.min(highPrice, minHighPrice)

if lowma > minHighPrice and close > nz(high[1], high)
trend := 0
nextTrend := 1
maxLowPrice := lowPrice

if trend == 0
if not na(trend[1]) and trend[1] != 0
up := na(down[1]) ? down : down[1]
arrowUp := up - atr2
up := na(up[1]) ? maxLowPrice : math.max(maxLowPrice, up[1])
atrHigh := up + dev
atrLow := up - dev
if not na(trend[1]) and trend[1] != 1
down := na(up[1]) ? up : up[1]
arrowDown := down + atr2
down := na(down[1]) ? minHighPrice : math.min(minHighPrice, down[1])
atrHigh := down + dev
atrLow := down - dev

ht = trend == 0 ? up : down

var color buyColor =
var color sellColor =

htColor = trend == 0 ? buyColor : sellColor
htPlot = plot(ht, title='HalfTrend', linewidth=2, color=htColor)

buySignal = not na(arrowUp) and trend == 0 and trend[1] == 1
sellSignal = not na(arrowDown) and trend == 1 and trend[1] == 0


srce = input.source(close, title="Source", group="EMA (Trend)")
emav =, title="Length", group="EMA (Trend)")

ema = ta.ema(srce, emav)


tenkan_len = input(9,'Tenkan',inline='tenkan', group="Superichi (Trend)")
tenkan_mult = input(2.,'',inline='tenkan', group="Superichi (Trend)")

kijun_len = input(26,'Kijun',inline='kijun', group="Superichi (Trend)")
kijun_mult = input(4,'',inline='kijun', group="Superichi (Trend)")

spanB_len = input(52,'Senkou Span B',inline='span', group="Superichi (Trend)")
spanB_mult = input(6, '', inline='span', group="Superichi (Trend)")

offset = input(26,'Displacement', group="Superichi (Trend)")

atr = ta.atr(length)*mult
up = hl2 + atr
dn = hl2 - atr
upper = 0.,lower = 0.
upper := src[1] < upper[1] ? math.min(up,upper[1]) : up
lower := src[1] > lower[1] ? math.max(dn,lower[1]) : dn

os = 0,max = 0.,min = 0.
os := src > upper ? 1 : src < lower ? 0 : os[1]
spt = os == 1 ? lower : upper
max := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.max(src,max[1]) : os == 1 ? math.max(src,max[1]) : spt
min := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.min(src,min[1]) : os == 0 ? math.min(src,min[1]) : spt

tenkan = avg(close,tenkan_len,tenkan_mult)
kijun = avg(close,kijun_len,kijun_mult)

senkouA = math.avg(kijun,tenkan)
senkouB = avg(close,spanB_len,spanB_mult)

tenkan_css = #2157f3
kijun_css = #ff5d00

cloud_a =,50)
cloud_b =,50)


getpips() =>
syminfo.mintick * (syminfo.type == "forex" ? 10 : 1)

mess_buyT = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(swingLow) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP " + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target_stop_ratio)+close) + " 🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade."
mess_sellT = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(swingHigh) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP " + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target_stop_ratio)) + " 🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade."

mess_buyP = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingLow) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target_stop_ratio)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk) + ""
mess_sellP = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingHigh) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target_stop_ratio)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk) + ""

mess_buyAT = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(atrBuy) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP " + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target_stop_ratio)+close) + " 🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade."
mess_sellAT = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(atrSell) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP " + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target_stop_ratio)) + " 🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade."

mess_buyAP = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrBuy) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target_stop_ratio)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk) + ""
mess_sellAP = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrSell) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target_stop_ratio)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk) + ""

mess_buyAMT = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(atrBuy) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP1 " + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target1)+close) + " 🎯 \n" + "TP2 " + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target2)+close) + "🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade. BE si TP1 touché"
mess_sellAMT = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(atrSell) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP1 " + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target1)) + " 🎯 \n" + "TP2 " + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target2)) + "🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade. BE si TP1 touché"

mess_buyAMP1 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrBuy) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target1)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ""
mess_buyAMP2 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrBuy) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-atrBuy)*target2)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ",betrigger=" + str.tostring(((((close-atrBuy)*target1)+close)-close)/getpips()) + ",beoffset=0"
mess_sellAMP1 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrSell) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target1)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ""
mess_sellAMP2 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(atrSell) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((atrSell-close)*target2)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ",betrigger=" + str.tostring((close-(close-((atrSell-close)*target1)))/getpips()) + ",beoffset=0"

mess_buyMT = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(swingLow) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP1 " + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target1)+close) + " 🎯 \n" + "TP2 " + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target2)+close) + "🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade. BE si TP1 touché"
mess_sellMT = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n \n" + "Prix d'entrée " + str.tostring(close) + "\n" + "SL " + str.tostring(swingHigh) + " ⛔️ \n" + "TP1 " + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target1)) + " 🎯 \n" + "TP2 " + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target2)) + "🎯 \n \n" + "⚠️ Avertissement : Respectez votre money management, risquez seulement " + str.tostring(risk) + "% de votre capital sur ce trade. BE si TP1 touché"

mess_buyMP1 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingLow) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target1)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ""
mess_buyMP2 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",buy," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingLow) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(((close-swingLow)*target2)+close) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ",betrigger=" + str.tostring(((((close-swingLow)*target1)+close)-close)/getpips()) + ",beoffset=0"
mess_sellMP1 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingHigh) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target1)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ""
mess_sellMP2 = "" + str.tostring(ID) + ",sell," + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + ",sl=" + str.tostring(swingHigh) + ",tp=" + str.tostring(close-((swingHigh-close)*target2)) + ",risk=" + str.tostring(risk/2) + ",betrigger=" + str.tostring((close-(close-((swingHigh-close)*target1)))/getpips()) + ",beoffset=0"

// Strategy

float risk_long = na
float risk_short = na
float stopLoss = na
float takeProfit1 = na
float takeProfit2 = na
float entry_price = na
bool longcondition = na
bool shortcondition = na

if trendA == "Superichi"
longcondition := buySignal and close > senkouA[26] and senkouA[26] > senkouB[26]
shortcondition := sellSignal and close < senkouA[26] and senkouA[26] < senkouB[26]
if trendA == "EMA"
longcondition := buySignal and close > ema
shortcondition := sellSignal and close < ema

risk_long := risk_long[1]
risk_short := risk_short[1]

lotB = (strategy.equity*riskt-strategy.equity)/(close - swingLow)
lotS = (strategy.equity*riskt-strategy.equity)/(swingHigh - close)

lotB1 = (strategy.equity*riskt-strategy.equity)/(close - atrBuy)
lotS1 = (strategy.equity*riskt-strategy.equity)/(atrSell - close)

if typeSL == "ATR"

if typeTP == "Multiple Target"

if strategy.position_size == 0 and longcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_long := (close - atrBuy) / close
minp = close - atrBuy

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAMT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAMP1, when = minp > security)
alert(mess_sellAMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAMT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAMP1)
alert(mess_sellAMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if strategy.position_size == 0 and shortcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_short := (atrSell - close) / close
minp = atrSell - close

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAMT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAMP1, when = minp > security)
alert(mess_sellAMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAMT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAMP1)
alert(mess_sellAMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if typeTP == "R:R"

if strategy.position_size == 0 and longcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_long := (close - atrBuy) / close
minp = close - atrBuy

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAP, when = minp > security)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB1, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyAP)

if strategy.position_size == 0 and shortcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_short := (atrSell - close) / close
minp = atrSell - close

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAP, when = minp > security)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS1, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellAP)

if typeSL == "Swing"

if typeTP == "Multiple Target"

if strategy.position_size == 0 and longcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_long := (close - swingLow) / close
minp = close - swingLow

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyMT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyMP1, when = minp > security)
alert(mess_buyMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyMT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyMP1)
alert(mess_buyMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if strategy.position_size == 0 and shortcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_short := (swingHigh - close) / close
minp = swingHigh - close

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellMT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellMP1, when = minp > security)
alert(mess_sellMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellMT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellMP1)
alert(mess_sellMP2, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if typeTP == "R:R"

if strategy.position_size == 0 and longcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_long := (close - swingLow) / close
minp = close - swingLow

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyP, when = minp > security)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, qty=lotB, comment="Buy " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_buyP)

if strategy.position_size == 0 and shortcondition and inTradeWindow
risk_short := (swingHigh - close) / close
minp = swingHigh - close

if _x
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellT, when = minp > security)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellP, when = minp > security)
if tlpc == "Telegram"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellT)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, qty=lotS, comment="Sell " + str.tostring(close) + "", alert_message = mess_sellP)

if typeTP == "Multiple Target"

if tlpc == "Telegram"

if strategy.position_size > 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - risk_long)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + target1 * risk_long)
takeProfit2 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + target2 * risk_long)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price
mess_profit1 = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP1 Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target1) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "long", limit = takeProfit1, qty_percent=50, comment_profit = "TP1 ✅", alert_profit = mess_profit1)

if ta.crossover(high, takeProfit1)
mess_profit2 = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP2 Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target2) + "% "
mess_be = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "BE ❎"
strategy.exit("Exit 2", "long", stop = entry_price, limit = takeProfit2, qty_percent = 100, comment_profit = "TP2 ✅", comment_loss = "BE ❎", alert_profit = mess_profit2)
mess_loss = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "SL Touché ❌ -" + str.tostring(risk) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "long", stop = stopLoss, qty_percent = 100, comment_loss = "SL ❌", alert_loss = mess_loss)

if strategy.position_size < 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + risk_short)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - target1 * risk_short)
takeProfit2 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - target2 * risk_short)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price
mess_profit1 = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP1 Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target1) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "short", limit = takeProfit1, qty_percent = 50, comment_profit = "TP1 ✅", alert_profit = mess_profit1)

if ta.crossunder(low, takeProfit1)
mess_profit2 = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP2 Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target2) + "% "
mess_be = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "BE ❎"
strategy.exit("Exit 2", "short", stop = entry_price, limit = takeProfit2, qty_percent = 100, comment_profit = "TP2 ✅", comment_loss = "BE ❎", alert_profit = mess_profit2)
mess_loss = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "SL Touché ❌ -" + str.tostring(risk) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "short", stop = stopLoss, qty_percent = 100, comment_loss = "SL ❌", alert_loss = mess_loss)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"

if strategy.position_size > 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - risk_long)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + target1 * risk_long)
takeProfit2 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + target2 * risk_long)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "long", limit = takeProfit1, qty_percent=50, comment_profit = "TP1 ✅")

if ta.crossover(high, takeProfit1)
strategy.exit("Exit 2", "long", stop = entry_price, limit = takeProfit2, qty_percent = 100, comment_profit = "TP2 ✅", comment_loss = "BE ❎")
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "long", stop = stopLoss, qty_percent = 100, comment_loss = "SL ❌")

if strategy.position_size < 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + risk_short)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - target1 * risk_short)
takeProfit2 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - target2 * risk_short)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "short", limit = takeProfit1, qty_percent = 50, comment_profit = "TP1 ✅")

if ta.crossunder(low, takeProfit1)
strategy.exit("Exit 2", "short", stop = entry_price, limit = takeProfit2, qty_percent = 100, comment_profit = "TP2 ✅", comment_loss = "BE ❎")
strategy.exit("Exit 1", "short", stop = stopLoss, qty_percent = 100, comment_loss = "SL ❌")

if typeTP == "R:R"

if strategy.position_size > 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - risk_long)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + target_stop_ratio * risk_long)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price

if tlpc == "Telegram"
mess_profit = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target_stop_ratio) + "% "
mess_loss = "📈 𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 🔵 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "SL Touché ❌ -" + str.tostring(risk) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit long", "long", stop = stopLoss, limit = takeProfit1, comment_profit="TP ✅", comment_loss="SL ❌", alert_profit = mess_profit, alert_loss = mess_loss)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.exit("Exit long", "long", stop = stopLoss, limit = takeProfit1, comment_profit="TP ✅", comment_loss="SL ❌")

if strategy.position_size < 0

stopLoss := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + risk_short)
takeProfit1 := strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - target_stop_ratio * risk_short)
entry_price := strategy.position_avg_price

if tlpc == "Telegram"
mess_profit = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "TP Touché ✅ +" + str.tostring(risk*target_stop_ratio) + "% "
mess_loss = "📉 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘 🔴 " + str.tostring(syminfo.ticker) + "\n" + "SL Touché ❌ -" + str.tostring(risk) + "% "
strategy.exit("Exit short", "short", stop = stopLoss, limit = takeProfit1, comment_profit="TP ✅" , comment_loss="SL ❌", alert_profit = mess_profit, alert_loss = mess_loss)

if tlpc == "PineConnector"
strategy.exit("Exit short", "short", stop = stopLoss, limit = takeProfit1, comment_profit="TP ✅" , comment_loss="SL ❌")


trendema = trendA == "EMA" ? ema : na
plot(trendema, title="EMA", color=color.white, linewidth=2)

trendsuperA = trendA == "Superichi" ? senkouA : na
trendsuperB = trendA == "Superichi" ? senkouB : na
A = plot(trendsuperA,'Senkou Span A', na, offset=offset-1)
B = plot(trendsuperB,'Senkou Span B', na, offset=offset-1)
fill(A,B,senkouA > senkouB ? cloud_a : cloud_b)

plotshape(showArrows and buySignal ? atrLow : na, title='Arrow Up', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny,, 0))
plotshape(showArrows and sellSignal ? atrHigh : na, title='Arrow Down', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny,, 0))

exswingH = typeSL == "Swing" ? swingHigh : na
exswingL = typeSL == "Swing" ? swingLow : na
plot(exswingH,, 60), style=plot.style_cross, title='Swing High')
plot(exswingL,, 60), style=plot.style_cross, title='Swing Low')

exatrS = typeSL == "ATR" ? atrSell : na
exatrB = typeSL == "ATR" ? atrBuy : na
plot(exatrS,, 60), title='ATR')
plot(exatrB,, 60), title='ATR')

p_ep = plot(entry_price,, 0), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, title='entry price')
p_sl = plot(stopLoss,, 0), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, title='stopLoss')
p_tp2 = plot(takeProfit2,, 0), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, title='takeProfit1')
p_tp1 = plot(takeProfit1,, 0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_linebr, title='takeProfit2')
fill(p_sl, p_ep,, transp=85))
fill(p_tp2, p_ep,, transp=85))
fill(p_tp1, p_ep,, transp=85))

colorresult = strategy.netprofit > 0 ? :
profitprc = strategy.netprofit / strategy.initial_capital * 100
periodzone = (backtestEndDate - backtestStartDate) / 3600 / 24 / 1000

var tbl =, 4, 2, border_width=3)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, "Symbole", bgcolor = #9B9B9B, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, "Net Profit", bgcolor = #9B9B9B, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, "Trades", bgcolor = #9B9B9B, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, "Period", bgcolor = #9B9B9B, width = 6, height = 6)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, str.tostring(syminfo.ticker), bgcolor = #E8E8E8, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 1, str.tostring(profitprc, format.mintick) + " %", bgcolor = colorresult, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 2, 1, str.tostring(strategy.closedtrades), bgcolor = colorresult, width = 6, height = 6)
table.cell(tbl, 3, 1, str.tostring(periodzone) + " day", bgcolor = colorresult, width = 6, height = 6)
Wave Analysis

Skrip sumber terbuka

Dalam semangat sebenar TradingView, penulis telah menerbitkan kod Pine ini sebagai sumber terbuka supaya pedagang dapat memahami dan mengesahkannya. Sorakan kepada penulis! Anda boleh menggunakan perpustakaan ini secara percuma, tetapi penggunaan semula kod dalam penerbitan ini adalah dikawal oleh Peraturan dalaman. Anda boleh menyukainya untuk menggunakannya pada carta.

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