Moving Average BandsUse this script to find buy and sell zones for BTC based on momentum of the move relative to the average asset price over a given period. The script plots a series of offset bands above and below the Simple Moving Average. When price crosses another band further from the SMA, the background is rendered brighter. The brighter the background, the stronger the buy and sell signal is, as the expectation is that price wants to return to the SMA. Settings are adjustable to fine tune to various time frames and assets. Good settings for BTC Daily are length 30, layers at 10, 20, 30, and 40.
On 1H BTC/USD I use length 200, layers at 5, 10, 15, 20 to find decent swing trading opportunities.
On BTC/USD 1D chart, combine with Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve from @mabonyi (original by @quantadelic )for confluence of very reliable signals.
RSI With Optional Average @RknOur old fellow RSI , but with an average (Select among SMA, EMA or WMA) line in this version. When RSI crosses its average or the center (50) line it may be considered as a Buy and/or Sell signal.
Just coded for learning purposes. Anyone who think that an average line would be good on RSI is welcomed.
Moving Average Above / BelowEnglish:
Due to changes made by TradingView, my old script "Moving Average Trend-Buschi" is no longer functioning. Please use this indicator.
This script shows via selectable sorts of Moving Averages (normal, weighted or exponential) the amount of units (e. g. trading days) that are currently above (value in green) or under (value in red) the main series. The value is shown on the indicator line as an argument.
Due to the changes mentioned above, please add the corresponding built-in moving average as a separate indicator.
Aufgrund von Änderungen seitens TradingView funktioniert mein altes Skript "Moving Average Trend-Buschi" nicht mehr. Bitte benutzt diesen Indikator.
Das Skript zeigt über auswählbare gleitende Durchschnitte (normal, gewichtet oder exponentiell) die Anzahl an Einheiten (z. B. Handelstage) auf, die zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt hintereinander über (in grün) oder unter (in rot) dem Hauptsymbol verlaufen. Der Wert wird in der Indikator-Zeile als Argument angezeigt.
Aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Änderungen müsst / könnt ihr noch den zugehörigen eingebauten gleitenden Durchschnitt als separaten Indikator hinzufügen.
Dziwne Trend Indicator B (EMA + Heikin Ashi) V1Based on my own "Dziwne Trend Indicator A (EMA + Heikin Ashi cloud)" , I tweaked the original script to display and "measure" the overall trend.
ATR - ATR from Low, ATR from High LabelsChecks what the average true range is for the X amount of trading days. Then will also label the ATR from the low, and the ATR from the high of the current day.
A second label can be created dependent on current days RVOL %. If RVOL is not 0 or 1, then it will create the second label. Otherwise it will just leave it as the standard label.
The calculation for second label is RVOL * ATR.
Customisable Moving Averages x5This is a Moving Averages pack with 5 lines.
This indicator is different from others because with it you can select the MA type used in calculations for each line.
Available MA types are (currently):
Also configurable (for each line) are data source (open, close, hlc3, etc) and period.
Heavy EMAThis script looks at 5 different EMAs so that you can compare the short term to the long term trend, and combines it with the Parabolic SAR. This can be used to find a great entry into a new or reversing trend.
Volume Average Cross - VAC DefaultVolume Average Cross Default Indicator
This indicator plots signals from two different visual volume averages when they cross.
In does in addition to that show the default volume bars.
This is VAC Default. If you need to see the crosses on your chart and not on the volume bars please go to my VAC Chart Indicator.
Fast Volume Period always has to be lower than the Slow Volume Period to trigger correct signals.
-> Fast Volume Average Period
-> Slow Volume Average Period
-> Option to enable/disable the cross-signals and to show/hide both volume averages.
Welles Wilder MA [MX]The average of 34 periods I observe as a mobile S/R, but I usually observe it more when it is in strong trend, and the average of 72 and 89 as trend dictators, if the asset is above them = Bullish , below = Bearish , and the 144 average as the last moving S/R, and also as an S/R even stronger than all other MAs and when the asset loses that average, I see it as final confirmation of the other previous averages.
I give more importance to the average of 89 periods than to 72, because I see it as an extension to the average of 72, as if it were a trend range.
for those who prefer to observe the crossing of short and long averages as a way to see the trend, I also left this option, although I do not use
A média de 34 periodos eu observo como um S/R móvel, mas eu costumo observar ela mais quando está em forte tendência, estando bem bearish ou jeffish, e a média de 72 e 89 como ditadoras de tendência, se o ativo está acima delas = Bullish , abaixo = Bearish , e a média de 144 como o último S/R móvel, e também como um S/R ainda mais forte que todas as outras MA's e quando o ativo perde essa média, eu vejo como confirmação final das outras médias anteriores.
Eu dou mais importância a média de 89 períodos do que a de 72, porque eu vejo ela como uma extensão a média de 72, como se fosse um range de tendência.
para quem prefere observar o cruzamento das médias curtas com as longas como forma de ver a tendência, eu deixei também essa opção, embora eu não use
ETF / Stocks / Crypto - DCA Strategy v1Simple "benchmark" strategy for ETFs, Stocks and Crypto! Super-easy to implement for beginners, a DCA (dollar-cost-averaging) strategy means that you buy a fixed amount of an ETF / Stock / Crypto every several months. For instance, to DCA the S&P 500 (SPY), you could purchase $10,000 USD every 12 months, irrespective of the market price. Assuming the macro-economic conditions of the underlying country remain favourable, DCA strategies will result in capital gains over a period of many years, e.g. 10 years. DCA is the safest strategy that beginners can employ to make money in the markets, and all other types of strategies should be "benchmarked" against DCA; if your strategy cannot outperform DCA, then your strategy is useless.
Recommended Chart Settings:
Asset Class: ETF / Stocks / Crypto
Time Frame: H1 (Hourly) / D1 (Daily) / W1 (Weekly) / M1 (Monthly)
Necessary ETF Macro Conditions:
1. Country must have healthy demographics, good ratio of young > old
2. Country population must be increasing
3. Country must be experiencing price-inflation
Necessary Stock Conditions:
1. Growing revenue
2. Growing net income
3. Consistent net margins
4. Higher gross/net profit margin compared to its peers in the industry
5. Growing share holders equity
6. Current ratios > 1
7. Debt to equity ratio (compare to peers)
8. Debt servicing ratio < 30%
9. Wide economic moat
10. Products and services used daily, and will stay relevant for at least 1 decade
Necessary Crypto Conditions:
1. Honest founders
2. Competent technical co-founders
3. Fair or non-existent pre-mine
4. Solid marketing and PR
5. Legitimate use-cases / adoption
Default Robot Settings:
Contribution (USD): $10,000
Frequency (Months): 12
*Robot buys $10,000 worth of ETF, Stock, Crypto, regardless of the market price, every 12 months since its founding time.*
*Equity curve can be seen from the bottom panel*
Risk Warning:
This strategy is low-risk, however it assumes you have a long time horizon of at least 5 to 10 years. The longer your holding-period, the better your returns. The only thing the user has to keep-in-mind are the macro-economic conditions as stated above. If unsure, please stick to ETFs rather than buying individual stocks or cryptocurrencies.
Tilson T3 and MavilimW Triple Combined StrategyInspired by truly greatful Kivanç Ozbilgic (
The strategy tries to combined three different moving average strategies into one.
Strategies covered are:
1. Tillson T3 Moving Average Strategy
Developed by Tim Tillson, the T3 Moving Average is considered superior to traditional moving averages as it is smoother, more responsive and thus performs better in ranging market conditions as well. However, it bears the disadvantage of overshooting the price as it attempts to realign itself to current market conditions.
It incorporates a smoothing technique which allows it to plot curves more gradual than ordinary moving averages and with a smaller lag. Its smoothness is derived from the fact that it is a weighted sum of a single EMA, double EMA, triple EMA and so on. When a trend is formed, the price action will stay above or below the trend during most of its progression and will hardly be touched by any swings. Thus, a confirmed penetration of the T3 MA and the lack of a following reversal often indicates the end of a trend. Here is what the calculation looks like:
T3 = c1*e6 + c2*e5 + c3*e4 + c4*e3, where:
– e1 = EMA (Close, Period)
– e2 = EMA (e1, Period)
– e3 = EMA (e2, Period)
– e4 = EMA (e3, Period)
– e5 = EMA (e4, Period)
– e6 = EMA (e5, Period)
– a is the volume factor, default value is 0.7 but 0.618 can also be used
– c1 = – a^3
– c2 = 3*a^2 + 3*a^3
– c3 = – 6*a^2 – 3*a – 3*a^3
– c4 = 1 + 3*a + a^3 + 3*a^2
T3 MovingThe T3 Moving Average generally produces entry signals similar to other moving averages and thus is traded largely in the same manner.
Strategy for Tillson T3 is if the close crossovers T3 line and for at least five bars the close was under the T3
2. Tillson T3 Fibonacci Cross
Kivanc Ozbilgic added a second T3 line with a volume factor of 0.618 (Fibonacci Ratio) and length of 3 (fibonacci number) which can be added by selecting the T3 Fibonacci Strategy input box.
Strategy for Tillson T3 Fibo is when the Fibo Line crossover the T3 it gives long signal vice versa.
3. MavilimW
MavilimW is originally a support and resistance indicator based on fibonacci injected weighted moving averages.
Strategy for MavilimW is is if the close crossovers T3 line and for at least five bars the close was under the T3
Hope you enjoy
Average change histogramThis histogram shows the average change in price between the past x candles close. If the average change is increasing the color of the histogram becomes dark green (if above 0) or dark red (if below 0).
This can be used for trend detection or the spotting of parabolas.
MA_CROSSOVER with SL & TPThis is the Moving Average Script Including the Stoploss and Target Levels. By Default it is working on 25 & 40 Parameters but it can change accordingly.
MESA Adaptive Moving Average - Improved MTFThis indicator is a huge upgrade to my original MTF MESA
Plots are now extremely smooth and accurate on all timeframes **
Missing data points are automatically filled with the "best fit"
This is a Trend indicator and should be used to trade "top-down" aka:
Start with the Daily chart to confirm a trend
Move to 4H
Use your favorite entry method or simply watch for wicks forming when the price gets near the MESA adaptive moving average.
This is one of the few indicators that I've been using for years with success. Being able to plot both the current & higher timeframe MESA
can sometimes feel like cheating.
Due to the nature of the recursive calculation, you may notice slight differences between this version of MESA and others that either
approximate higher timeframes with fewer samples or make use of the latest "Resolution" argument in Pinescript V4. Both of which are
fine, until you start looking at M5 charts while plotting the Daily MESA.
As always, happy trading!
** Currently supports
M 1,3,5,15,30,45
H 1,2,3,4
Day 1
Week 1
Month 1
Pre-Market Volume ProfileThis indicator displays the pre-market volume (note: without the post-market of the previous day).
Unusual pre-market volume often indicates that institutional market makers are moving the market, which is a good sign for unusual high price movement.
The indicator helps me to spot stocks, if a pre-market gap is confirmed with enough (unusual) volume.
You can define, what "unusual" means by you, by adjusting the SMA length and the SMA multiplier.
The default is a length of 21 bars and a 2.5 multiplier, meaning I'm interested in a stock, if the pre-market volume exceeds the average pre-market volume by 2.5 times.
Volume Weighted DeviationsVolume !weighted!
Important: I don't really know how people generally compute deviations from VWAP/VWMA, but smth tells me generally it's just a Av Dev/St Dev based on mean, not on appropriate basis, like volume weighted mean in our case. This version is mathematically correct, it first calculates weighted mean, than utilizes this weighted in mean in AvDev & StDef functions modified to take into account weights.
SMA's AverageReturn the average of simple moving averages with periods starting from min to max that is:
The user can choose three types of weightings for the average, "simple", "linear", and "least squares".
Min : minimum period of the sma
Max : maximum period of the man, must be higher than "Min"
Src : input data of the indicator
Type : type of weighting, available options are "Simple", "Linear" or "Least Squares", by default "Simple"
The moving average can be used like any other classical moving average. The different types of weightings change the behavior of the moving average, the simple weighting will weight all the moving averages equally, a linear weighting will use the weighting function of a WMA, as such moving averages with lower periods will receive higher weights, this decrease the lag of the moving average. Finally, the least-squares weighting uses the weighting function of a least-squares moving average, this allows to drastically reduce the lag of the moving average.
in red the moving average using simple weighting, in blue linear weighting, and in orange least squares weighting, with all using min = 14 and max = 28.
In red the moving average with min = 50 and max = 200, in blue a LSMA of period 200, notice how the moving average has less overshoots.
Computing the average of various simple moving averages is simple, remember that a simple moving average can be computed using a cumulative sum:
Sma = change(cum(src),length)/length
we can't compute various "sma" functions with changing length argument within a for loop, but we can still differentiate within it, as such the cumulative sum method is super efficient and convenient.
The impulse response of this moving average is rectangular for the first "min" values, then the impulse is tailed, with the weighting method defining the shape of the tail.
in red the simple weighting method, in blue the linear method, and in orange the least-squares method.
Our moving average is an FIR moving average, as such the output lag is a linear characteristic of the moving average, which imply that:
Lag = Avg(lag(Sma(min)),lag(Sma(min+1))...,lag(max))
where lag is the lag of the moving average, in the case of a simple weighting we have:
Lag = Avg((min-1)/2,(min+1-1)/2,...,(max-1)/2) = Avg((min-1)/2,(max-1)/2)
a linear weighting gives a lag of:
Lag = Avg((min-1)/3,(min+1-1)/3,...,(max-1)/3) = Avg((min-1)/3,(max-1)/3)
A script computing the average of various moving averages has been presented, this MA might not be super useful to the everyday analyst but it stills have some great potential. Thx for reading.
This indicator is dedicated to my sister Lea, happy birthday kokoro
Harmonic MADsNo, it's not a new saturation plugin for your fruity loops.
These are Mean Average Deviations calculated from Harmonic Mean.
In my previous research I tried to develop "Harmonic Average Deviations", since applying stdevs on Harmonic Mean calculated from reciprocals ain't make sense. Din't work out, prolly cuz by definition stdevs doesn't like negatives. So in the end I ended up using Mean Average Deviations, and turned out it works great. Generally market data doesn't distribute normally, so t's a great tool, now weird kurtosis won't be a problem.
[R&D] Harmonic deviationsI'm publishing it for research purposes & welcome any ideas and/or explanations whether it's actually possible or nah to do what I'm doing right now.
Idea is simple - if we can do Harmonic Mean, can we do Harmonic Standard Deviations? It should be the same logic, the only difference is instead of actual datapoints we gotta use reciprocals.
In reality I've found smth really curios, it's possible to get these Harmonic Standard Deviations, however, somewhy, depends on your timeframe, u gotta do final sqrt different amount of times. And looks like... the market reacts to these levels.
That's why in the script settings there is a menu where you can choose how many times to perform sqrt operation.
Pls check it out, play with it, see maybe you'll see smth interesting.
Harmonic Moving AverageI was legitimately surprised no1 has already coded it out on TradingView, but you guys can copypaste & include it in Pine 5 if your see this xd
Here is it.
I've checked and double checked everything, the calculations are right, it can be proved by plotting mean, geometric mean & harmonic mean together and noticing that geometric mean will be always between Harmonic mean, which is always below, and Mean, which is always above.
Other central tendency measures are also here as well for usability.
[RS]Cyclic Interval Average PriceEXPERIMENTAL:
Cyclic interval price averaging at every x bars.
Lines for trend line and intra trend slope(not working as intended).
3MA'S + KAMA Trend (20EMA,50MA,200MA + KAMA Trend)This indicator, combines the traditional FOREX moving averages (20EMA, 50ma, 200ma) into a single indicator with
an adaptive moving average (AMA) taken from a user defined timeframe to show trend direction (by default, it plots
the daily 10/2/34 KAMA overlayed on any timeframe chart.
An AMA moves slowly when markets are sideways but swiftly during periods of volatility as a result it reacts much fast than
traditional options for moving average trends.
If the price is above the KAMA, trend is up. Below the KAMA, trend is down.