Strength Comparison @joshuuuexample:
if you want to find the stronger/weaker pair between eurusd and gbpusd, what you can do is check the eurgbp charts. if eurgbp is bullish, that means, that longs longs on eurusd are better than on gbpusd.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing to compare for example usoil with ukoil, or us100 with us500.
That's where this indicator comes in handy. You can choose whatever two symbols you want, that are supported by tradingview and you will get a chart, which shows symbol1/symbol2.
Now you can use normal market structure, or the ema option, to find out the stronger symbol.
This can also help predicting the so called SMT Divergences, taught by ICT.
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Correlation with Matrix TableCorrelation coefficient is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two values. It can be useful for market analysis, cryptocurrencies, forex and much more.
Since it "describes the degree to which two series tend to deviate from their moving average values" (1), first of all you have to set the length of these moving averages. You can also retrieve the values from another timeframe, and choose whether or not to ignore the gaps.
After selecting the reference ticker, which is not dependent from the chart you are on, you can choose up to eight other tickers to relate to it. The provided matrix table will then give you a deeper insight through all of the correlations between the chosen symbols.
Correlation values are scored on a scale from 1 to -1
A value of 1 means the correlation between the values is perfect.
A value of 0 means that there is no correlation at all.
A value of -1 indicates that the correlation is perfectly opposite.
For a better view at a glance, eight level colors are available and it is possible to modify them at will. You can even change level ranges by setting their threshold values. The background color of the matrix's cells will change accordingly to all of these choices.
The default threshold values, commonly used in statistics, are as follows:
None to weak correlation: 0 - 0.3
Weak to moderate correlation: 0.3 - 0.5
Moderate to high correlation: 0.5 - 0.7
High to perfect correlation: 0.7 - 1
Remember to be careful about spurious correlations, which are strong correlations without a real causal relationship.
USDJPY Assumption v1Based on the "logical trading" post of Charles Cornley (thanks!).
Indicator States:
Very Bullish (Lime) = USD trend rising and JPY trend falling and Gold trend falling and US 10Y Bond trend falling and
Dow Jones trend rising and Nasdaq trend rising and Russell 2000 trend rising and
S&P 500 trend rising and Nikkei 225 trend rising
Bullish (Green) = USD trend rising and JPY trend falling
Bearish (Red) = USD trend falling and JPY trend rising