Line Break Chart StrategyHello All!
We should not pass this year without a gift!
My last publication in 2024 is Complete Line Break Chart Strategy with many features!
What is Line Break Chart?
" Line Break is a Japanese chart style that disregards time intervals and only focuses on price movements, similar to the Kagi and Renko chart styles. Line Break charts form a series of up and down bars (referred to as lines). Up lines represent rising prices, and down lines represent falling prices. New confirmed lines only form on the chart when closing prices break the range covered by previous lines. Users can control the number of past lines used in the calculation via the "Number of Lines" input in the chart settings. The typical "Number of Lines" setting is 3, meaning the chart forms a new up line when the closing price is above the high prices of the last three lines, and it forms a new down line when the closing price is below the past three lines' low prices. If the current price is higher, it is an up line and if it is lower, it is a down line. If the current closing price is the same or the move in the opposite direction is not large enough to warrant a reversal, l then no new line is draw n" by Tradingview. You can find it here
Now let's start examining the features of the indicator:
By using Line break reversals it shows trend on the main chart. You can create alert .
Moreover, you can decide which trade should be taken by using Risk Management in the indicator. You can set the " Maximum Risk " and then if the risk is more than you set then the trade is not taken. When trend changed it checks the distance between reversal level and open price and compare it with the Maximum Risk
It can find breakouts and shows on the chart. You can create alert for breakouts
It can show breakouts on the main chart:
Upon looking at set of price break charts, the trader will notice that there are instances when uptrend blocks is followed by one reversal block, and then by a reversal to a series of uptrend blocks. The opposite is also possible: a series of downtrend blocks is followed by one reversal box and then by an immediate reversal to downtrend. This price action is called a " Flip-Flop ". This structure usually produces trend continuation signal. when we see this then we better use Buy/Sell stop order. lets see this on the chart:
Temporal Sequence Table:
Sequence frequency shows the frequency distribution of the number of sequential highs and the number of sequential lows that have been generated. This is quite important to the trader who is seeking to join a trend or put on a trade when the price break reverses into a new trend direction. For example, if the pattern over the past year has been that there never were more than nine consecutive high closes, it would make sense not to enter a position late into the sequence of new high closes.
also you can see market structure. I have tried to formalize it and show it under the table. so you can understand if it's choppy market.
"Number of Lines" has very important role. While using low time frames such seconds/minutes time frame you may want to choose higher number of lines such 5,6. ( this may minimize the risk of a whipsaw )
Gaps feature:
You can set Gaps on/off. if Gaps on then you can see how long it takes for each box
Reversal and Continuation Probability:
The script calculated Reversal level and Continuation probability of the trend by using Sequence frequency.
It also shows unconfirmed box and current closing price level:
Last but not least it has Overlay option for all items, and can show all items in the main chart!
P.S. I added alerts :)
Wish you all a happy new year!
Volume Analysis - Heatmap and Volume ProfileHello All!
I have a new toy for you! Volume Analysis - Heatmap and Volume Profile . Honestly I started to work to develop Volume Heatmap then I decided to improve it and add more features such Volume profile, volume, difference in Buy/Sell volumes etc. I tried to put my abilities into this script and tried to use some new Pine Language™ features ( method, force_overlay, enum etc features ). I hope the usage of these new features would be an example for Pine Programmers.
Lets talk about how it works:
- It gets number of Rows/Columns from the user for each candle to create heatmap
- It calculates the number of the candles to analyze. Number of the candles may change by number of Rows/columns or if any volume / difference in volumes / volume profile is enabled
- It gets Closing/Opening price, Volume and Time info from lower time frame for each candle ( it can be up to 100K for each candle )
- After getting the data it calculates lower time frame to analyze
- Then it calculates how closing price moves, how much volume on each move and create boxes by the volume/move in each box
- The colors for each box calculated by volume info and closing price movements in the lower time frame
- It shows the boxes on Absolute places or Zero Line optionally
- it shows Volume, Cumulative volume, Difference between Buy/Sell volume for each column
- it changes empty box color by Chart background color, also you can change transparency
- At this time it creates Volume Profile with up to 25 rows
- As a new Pine Language™ feature, it can show Volume Profile in the indicator window or in Main chart, shows Value Area, Value Area High (VAH), Value Area Low (VAL), and draw it and POC (Point Of Control) in the indicator window and/or in the main chart
- Honestly the feature I like is that: For the markets that are not open 24/7, it combines the data from the lower time period without any gaps. For example, if you work for a market that is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, it ensures data integrity by omitting weekends and holidays. so for example if the data is like "ABC---DEF-X---YL-Z" then it makes this data like "ABCDEFXYLZ". In this way, there will be no data breaks in the displayed boxes, there will be no empty colons, and it will appear as if data is coming in at any time.
- Finally it shows Info Panel to give info, its background color automatically changes by the Chart background color
- Important! You should set your "Plan" accordingly, your plan is "Premium or Higher" or "Lower tier". so the script can understand the minimum time frame it can get data!!
I tried to share many screenshots below to explain it much better
How it looks?
it shows Highest Buy/Sell volumes brighter, move volume -> brighter
Volume Profile ( up to 25 row s) ( number of contained candles should be more than 1 )
Volume Profile can be shown in the main chart optionally
How the main chart looks:
Closing price shown and you can enable it, change colors & line width
Can include many candles according to Row&Column number you set
Optionally it can show cumulative volume for each candle
Closing prices from lower time frame
Shows Candle Body by changing background colors
It can shows all included candles on Zero line
You can change the colors of many things
You can set Empty box and border transparency
Table, Empty box Colors adjustment done automatically by chart background color
Sometimes we can not get data from some historical candles if time frame is high such 2days, 1 week etc, and it looks like:
It also checks if Chart time frame and Chart type is suitable
Ichimoku OscillatorHello All,
This is Ichimoku Oscillator that creates different oscillator layers, calculates the trend and possible entry/exit levels by using Ichimoku Cloud features.
There are four layer:
First layer is the distance between closing price and cloud (min or max, depending on the main trend)
Second layer is the distance between Lagging and Cloud X bars ago (X: the displacement)
Third layer is the distance between Conversion and Base lines
Fourth layer is the distance between both Leadlines
If all layers are visible maning that positive according to the main trend, you can take long/short position and when main trend changed then you should close the position. so it doesn't mean you can take position when main trend changed, you need to wait for all other conditions met (all layers(
there is take profit partially option. if Conversion and base lines cross then you can take profit partially. Optionally you can take profit partially when EMA line crosses Fourth layer.
Optionally ATR (average true range) is used for Conversion and baseline for protection from whipsaws. you can use it to stay on the trend longer time.
I added options to enable/disable the alert and customize alert messages. You can change alert messages as you wish. if you use ' close ' in the alert message then you can get closing price in the alert message when the alert was triggered.
There is an option Bounce Off Support/Resistance , if there is trend and if the price bounce off Support/Resistance zone then a tiny triangle is shown.
There are many other options for coloring, alerts etc.
Some screenshots:
Main trend:
Taking/closing positions:
Example alert messages:
Bounce off:
Non-colored background:
P.S. For a few months I haven't published any new script because of some health issues. hope to be healthy and create new scripts in 2024 :)
RSI Radar Multi Time FrameHello All!
First of all many Thanks to Tradingview and Pine Team for developing Pine Language all the time! Now we have a new feature and it's called Polylines and I developed RSI Radar Multi Time Frame . This script is an example and experimental work, you can use it as you wish.
The scripts gets RSI values from 6 different time frames, it doesn't matter the time frame you choose is higher/lower or chart time frame. it means that the script can get RSI values from higher or lower time frames than chart time frame.
It's designed to show RSI Radar all the time on the chart even if you zoom in/out or scroll left/right.
You can set OB/OS or RSI line colors. Also RSI polyline is shown as Curved/Hexagon optionally.
Some screenshots here:
Doesn't matter if you zoom out, it can show RSI radar in the visible area:
Another example:
You can change the colors, or see the RSI as Hexagon:
Time frames from seconds to 1Day in this example while chart time frame is any ( 30mins here )
Trend Reversal System with SR levelsHello All,
This is the Trend Reversal System with Support/Resistance levels script. long time ago I published it as closed source but now I upgraded it and and published as open-source with a different name. I hope it would be useful for you all while trading/analyzing.
The script has some parts in it: Setup, Count, SR levels, Risk levels & Targets . Now lets check them:
Setup Part: it has two part, Buy or Sell Setup. one of them can be active only. Buy setup: if current close checks if current is lower/equal than the close of the 5. bar. if yes then the script increases number of buy setup. and if it reaches 9 then the script checks if current low is lower/equal than the lows of last 3. and 4. bars, or if the low of the last bar is lower/equal than the lows of last 3. and 4. bars. if yes then the script increases the buy setup by 1. if these conditions met then it puts the label 'S' , same for Sell setup. S labels on both setup are potential reversals.
Count Part: If buy or sell setup reaches the 9 then Count part starts from 1. lets see buy count: If current close is lower/equal than the low of the 3. bar and buy count is lower than 12 or low of the bar 13 is less than or equal to the close of bar 8 then buy count increase or it's completed. if it's completed then the script puts C label, and it's potential reversal. of course there are some conditions that can cancel the count buy/sell or recycle/restart.
By using Setup and Count levels the script can show Support/Resistance Levels, Risk levels & Targets. SR levels are potential reversal levels.
Lets see some example screenshots:
Support/Resistance levels:
Potential Reversal levels and how setup/counts are shown:
Count part can recycle and the script shows it as 'R' , ( you can see the conditions for Recycle in the script ):
Count can be cancelled and and it's shown as 'x'
If the scripts find 9 on Setup or 13 on Count then it checks if it's a good level to buy/sell and if it decides it's good level then it shows TRSSetup Buy/Sell or TRSCount Buy/Sell and also shows the target. in following example the script checks and decide it's a good level to take long position. it can be aggressive or conservative, Conservative is recommended.
Volume Profile Fixed Range Support and Resistance LevelsThis script is based on the excellent Volume Profile / Fixed Range indicator by @LonesomeTheBlue, so all credit for the foundations of this indicator goes to @LonesomeTheBlue
I basically made 5 instances of the original script and added horizontal lines at the beginning and end of the each Value Area. To use the script as a support and resistance tool without the Value Areas and Point of Control (POC) labels you just need to untick "Boxes" and "Labels" in the "Style" section of the “Settings”.
The default look-back periods (in bars) are 7, 30, 60, 180 and 365, but you can change this or the colour of the lines easily in the “Settings”.
The dashed lines are the respective POC.
I find this tool to be very useful for quickly identifying interest levels on any chart while also ensuring a certain amount of objectivity in your TA.
Hope you find it useful and thanks again to @LonesomeTheBlue for going through the trouble of coding this and being so generous to share it with the rest of us!
Good luck out there!
Financials - Comparing CompaniesHello All
For a while I have been working on this indicator to compare financials of the companies and sort them accordingly. Finally I completed and published it. I preferred using new object type feature in Pine language™ and I hope it might be an example and helpful for the developers.
First of all, as we have limitation on security calls, the indicator can get and compare financials for 5 companies only. also Chart time frame must be 1Day or higher! ( I recommend 1Day time frame ). if not then the indicator stops and shows the error message: "Please set the time frame 1Day or higher" . More important than others: You should choose the companies from the same sector! Compare apples to apples :)
The Financials in the indicator:
Earnings Per Share
Price to Earnings Ratio
Price to Sales Ratio
Price to Book Ratio
Profit Margin
Dept to Equity
Current Ratio
Market Capitalization
Also more information shown for each stocks:
Closing Price, sets the color accordingly
2 Simple/Exponential moving average, you can set the length, also it checks if it is rising/falling and sets the color accordingly
Volume info
Average volume (20 days), you can set the period
Currency for each security
Lets see some features in it:
it sorts the companies according to the financials:
If you move the mouse onto any header then it shows explanation about the financial:
You can change location and text size:
You can set the type of Moving averages as SMA or EMA and you can also set the length for both . Headers for both are changed automatically by MA type and length
Colors for Closing price and MA cells are set automatically:
For new Objects in Pine language click here
P.S. You can use this indicator while analyzing the financials of the companies in same sector/industry. So please don't ask for the alerts :)
Support Resistance Channels/Zones Multi Time FrameHello All,
For long time I have been getting a lot of requests for Support/Resistance Multi Time Frame script. Here ' Support Resistance Channels/Zones Multi Time Frame ' is in your service.
This script works if the Higher Time Frame you set is higher than the chart time frame. so the time frame in the options should be higher than the chart time frame.
The script checks total bars and highest/lowest in visible part of the chart and shows all S/R zones that fits according the highest/lowest in visible part. you can see screenshots below if it didn't make sense or if you didn't understand
Let see the options:
Higher Time Frame : the time frame that will be used to get Support/Resistance zones, should be higher than chart time frame
Pivot Period : is the number to find the Pivot Points on Higher time frame, these pivot points are used while calculating the S/R zones
Loopback Period : is the number of total bars on higher time frame which is used while finding pivot points
Maximum Channel Width % : is the percent for maximum width for each channel
Minimum Strength : each zone should contain at least a 1 or more pivot points, you set it here. (Open/High/Low/Close also are considered while calculating the strength)
Maximum Number of S/R : the number of maximum Support/Resistance zones. there can be less S/Rs than this number if it can not find enough S/Rs
Show S/R that fits the Chart : because of we use higher time frame, you should enable this option then the script shows only S/Rs that fits the current chart. if you disable this option, all S/R zones are shown and it may shrink the chart. also you may not see any S/R zone if you don't choose the higher time frame wisely ;)
Show S/R channels in a table : if you enable this option (by default it's enabled) then lower/upper bands of all S/R zones shown in a table ( even if it doesn't fit the chart ). you can change its location. zones are sorted according to their strengths. first one is the strongest.
and the other options is about colors and transparency.
Screenshots before and after zoom-out:
after zoom-out number of visible bars and highest/lowest change and it shows more S/R zones that fits the current chart!
if you see Support Resistance zone like below then you should decrease ' Maximum Channel Width ' or you should set higher time frame better:
You can change colors and transparency:
You can change Table location:
Alerts added :)
P.S. I haven't tested it so much, if you see any issue please drop a comment or send me message
ZigZag with Retracement LevelsThis is a modification to "ZigZag with Fibonacci Levels" by LonesomeTheBlue.
By default, the script finds the ZigZag, draws Fibonacci lines and labels accordinly. ZigZag period can be set.
The modification to the original script provides the following features:
1) Option for user to customize retracement levels, if they don't want to use Fibonacci levels. This allows for different strategy adoptions.
2) Option to show Fibonacci or custom retracement levels based on the latest pivot (including the current bar)
For example:
Enjoy and happy trading~!!
Volume [Educational]Hello All,
This is an educational work and it's developed to show how to write scripts that will work like built-in volume indicator.
We have new features in Pine Script™ Language, such chart.bg_color, chart.fg_color, chart.left_visible_bar_time, chart.right_visible_bar_time and many more. Many Thanks to Tradingview and Pine Team for such great additions!
You can find more information about these new functions here .
How the script works?
- At the first step it calculates how many visible bar on the chart by using chart.right_visible_bar_time and chart.left_visible_bar_time functions.
- Calculates the zero line for the volume
- Finds maximum volume on visible area and normalize all volume values
- Draws volume bars
- Shows volume info as indicator value. in this step it uses chart.fg_color and plotarrow() commands to show the values in optimum color.
In order to place the indicator at the bottom of the chart, Please set Bottom Margin = 0 as shown in the following screenshot:
You can change the volume bar colors optionally.
An Example screenshot with different volume bar colors:
Pivot Points High Low Multi Time FrameHello All,
There are built-in and published Pivot Point High Low indicators in Public Library but as far as I see none of them is for Higher Time frames. so I decided to write & publish this script. I hope it would be useful while trading or developing your own scripts. I also did this to use in one of my future projects (we will see it in a few weeks/months ;) ).
I tried to make all settings optional, so you can play with them as you wish.
P.S. There is no control mechanism if the chart time frame is lower than the time frame in the options. So you better set higher time frame in the options than the chart time frame.
SuperTrendSHey! By using this script you can choose between the Regular SuperTrend and Pivot Point SuperTrend.
Pivot Point SuperTrend differs in calculation from the regular SuperTrend and as the name suggests, Pivot Points are used instead of ATR.
I made this script to make it easier to switch and compare between one another.
Also included Jurik RSX as a Momentum Indicator. SuperTrend changes color to purple when it's a bear trend and RSX is in an overbought state. And orange when it's a bull trend and RSX is in an oversold state. A reversal might be expected when color changes to purple & orange occur.
Special thanks to;
Kivanc Ozbilgic for SuperTrend
LonesomeTheBlue for Pivot Point SuperTrend
& everget for Jurik RSX
Renko Candles OverlayHello All,
For long time I got many request for Renko Candles and now here it's, Renko Candles Overlay . I tried to make almost everything optional, so you can play with the options as you want.
Let see the options:
Method: the option for brick scaling method: ATR, ATR/2, ATR/4, Percent, Traditional
- ATR Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR
- ATR/2 Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR/2
- ATR/4 Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR/4
- Traditional: User-defined brick size, it's valid if the method is Traditional
- Percent: Percent of Close price, it's valid if the method is Percent
if the method is not Traditional (fixed brick size) then Brick size is calculated/updated when new bricks added. so The box sizes may be different because of the calculation is dynamic.
Levels & Lines for new Bricks: if you enable this option then the script shows the levels for new brick
Change Bar Color: optionally the script changes the bar color by using direction of the bricks
and some other options for coloring.
The script shows the bricks for visible area, which is approximately 280 candles. so if you change the width and number of the bricks then number of bricks that is shown is adjusted automatically to fit the screen. you can see the examples below:
The script shows the levels to new brick as a line and label:
Because of real-time bar is not confirmed until the candle close, the script shows the bricks as Unconfirmed , and unconfirmed bricks shown in different color:
You can change the width of the bricks (width is 10 in following example):
Optionally candle colors are changde by the direction of the bricks:
If you have any recommendation then please drop a comment under the script ;)
RVOL Relative Volume - IntradayHello All,
Relative Volume is one of the most important indicators and Traders should check it while trading/analyzing. it is used to identify whether the volume flows are increasing or decreasing. Relative volume measures current volume in relation to the “usual” volume for this time of the day. What is considered “usual"? For that, we have to use a historical baseline known as the average daily volume. That means how much volume a security does on a daily basis over a defined period. (This scripts runs on the time frames greater or equal 1 minute and less than 1 day)
The common definition for real-time relative volume is: Current volume for this time of day / Average volume for this time of day. It does not mean taking the volume (for example) from 10:30 am to 10:45 am and comparing it to what it does from 10:30 am to 10:45 am every day. What it truly means is to compare cumulative volumes. Therefore, this is the precise definition of real-time relative volume:
Current cumulative volume up to this time of day / Average cumulative volume up to this time of day
What should we understand while checking RVOL;
- Relative volume tell us if volume flows are increasing or decreasing
- A high relative volume tells us that there is increased trading activity in a security today
- Increased volume flows often accompany higher volatility i.e. a significant price move
Let see an example:
P.S. if you want to get more info about RVOL/Relative Volume then you can search it on the net. While developing the script this was used as reference, you can also check it for more info.
ZigZag WavesHello All,
I am here with a new idea and script, " Zigzag Waves ". This indicator creates 3 Zigzags with different lengths, keeps the lengths of each zigzag wave and calculates/draws average waves for each zigzag. optionally it can reset the wave when zigzag direction changes and new highest/lowest found. And optionally it draws Exponential Moving Average(EMA) of the sum of waves. This idea is very new and at the moment there is no optimization for the Zigzag Periods. Maybe we altogether can improve the idea and find the best zigzag periods for different symbols and time frames.
Using the options You can play with the periods, add/remove EMA, set its color and reset the waves on new Highest/Lowest. As far as I see resetting the waves on new Highest/Lowest may bring better results.
if we enable "Reset the waves on new Highest/Lowest":
Using different periods and EMA length:
P.S. if you have ideas to improve this script, drop a comment under the script please.
Gann FanHello All,
For long time I have been getting many requests about Gann Fan indicator. now we have linefill() function in Pine Language and I think it's right time to make Gann Fan Indicator. Many Thanks to Pine Team for adding many new features to the Pine Language!
How this indicator works:
- It calculates midline (1/1)
- By using midline it calculates other lines (1/2, 1/3, 1/4...etc)
- It calculates highest/lowest Pivot Points in last 280 bars.( by default it's 280 bars, you can change it and pivot period )
- It checks the location of highest/lowest Pivot Points
- After the calculation of the Gann Fan lines, it draws lines, puts Labels and paints the zones between the lines according to the colors set by the user
Long time ago I created a special algorithm for calculating the line with 45 degree and I used it for "1/1" line. Anybody who needs it can use this algorithm freely ;)
You can change following items;
- The colors
- Transparency. Possible values for transparency are from 0 (not transparent) to 100 (invisible)
- Line styles
- Loopback Period (by default it's 280)
- Pivot Period (by default it's 5)
- Enable/disable Labels
- Label location (by default it's 50
Tradingview Gann Fan page : The Gann Fan is a technical analysis tool created by WD Gann. The tool is comprised of 9 diagonal lines (extending indefinitely) designed to show different support and resistance levels on a chart. These angles -drawn from main tops and bottoms- divide time and price into proportionate parts and are often used to predict areas of support and resistance, key tops and bottoms and future price moves. Please note that the chart needs to be scaled properly to ensure the market has a square relationship....
Fibonacci levels MTFHello All,
I got some requests for a script that shows Fibonacci Levels of Higher Time Frame Candles. so I made/published this script. I hope it would be useful for you.
You can set Higher Time Frame, by default it's 1 Day.
Optionally it can use Current or Last Candle of higher time frame to calculate/show its Fibonacci Levels.
It can show higher time frame candles at the background optionally. You can change its colors.
You can enable/disable/change each Fibonacci levels and their colors.
You can enable/disable Fibonacci Labels that is shown at the right ride and see only Fibonacci lines/levels
example, Fibonacci levels with higher time frame candles:
P.S. if you have ideas to improve this script, drop a comment under the script please
High-Low IndexHello All,
High-Low Index is a breadth indicator based on Record High Percent (RHP). RHP is based on new 52-week highs and new 52-week lows. RHP => 100 * (new highs) / (new highs + new lows). High-Low Index is a 10-day Simple Moving Average of the RHP, which makes it a smoothed version of RHP. You can find many articles about High-Low Index on the net.
High-Low Index above 50 indicates that there are more new highs than new lows, and considered as Bullish.
High-Low Index below 50 indicates that there are more new lows than new highs, and considered as Bearish.
High-Low Index = 0 indicates there is no new highs (0% new highs).
High-Low Index = 100 indicates that there is at least 1 new high and no new lows.
and High-Low Index = 50 indicates that new highs and new lows is equal.
by default 40 cryptos are used in the script and shows High-Low Index for these cryptos. but you can change them as you wish. for example you can set all of them as stocks and see High-Low Index for these stocks.
You can set " Time frame " and the " Length " using the options. For example; if you set " Time frame " = 1 Week and the " Length " = 52 then it finds High-Low Index for 52weeks .
or another example; if you set " Time frame " = 1 Day and the " Length " = 22 the High-Low Indexn it finds High-Low Index for 22days.
You can enable/disable Record High Percent or Simple Moving Average of High-Low Index. Some traders use High-Low Index with its SMA, for example; High-Low Index generates a buy signal when it crosses above its moving average, and a sell signal when it crosses below its moving average.
Optionally you can see the securities in a table on the left bottom, you can change table size by usşng the options.
In the Table, for each security/cell;
=> if background is green then it has New High
=> if background is red then it has New Low
=> if background is gray then no New High, no New Low
=> if background is back then Data is not available for the security
As you can see in the screenshot below, the securities were changed and stocks are used instead of cryptos, so it calculates & shows High-Low Index for these stocks.
you can also find explanation in this screenshot:
Support Resistance InteractiveHello All,
Using this "Support Resistance Interactive" script you can set the Support/Resistance levels interactively by clicking on the chart. Using the SR levels you set, the indicator creates Support Resistance zones. The width of the zones are calculated by using Threshold option and Threshold is the percent of the distance between Highest/Lowest levels in last 300 bars. if you set Threshold = 1 then it means 1% of the distance between Highest/Lowest levels. You can change SR levels by moving the level up/down by using your mouse anytime you want.
Now lets see it step by step;
After you added the indicator it will ask 5 Support/Resistance Levels and when you click any point then it's kept as S/R level and it asks another SR levels. if you want to use only 3 SR levels then last 2 SR levels are not important and you can click anywhere on the chart;
After you set all SR levels, it will ask "Number of Support/Resistance" . if you want to activate first 3 SR lines then set it 3. by default it's 5. when you set it click "Apply" and see the SR zones. that's it.
You can enable/disable alerts and set frequency, then create alerts. as it's interactive tool, the SR levels you set are specific for the current/active symbol. if you open another symbol then you better delete the indicator and add it again
Three Alerts exist in the script: Support Broken, Resistance Broken and Price in SR zone . you can enable/disable the alerts as you wish and you can set frequency for each one as "Once Per Bar" or "Once Per Bar Close"
by default Green/Red/Gray colors are used but You can change the colors using the options. according to the Price moves, SR zone colors are changed automatically.
when we have "Reset" feature to run the script interactively (like we added it for first time) I can update the script, then you will not need to delete/re-add each time you changed the symbol :)
In this example "Threshold" is 2 and "Number of Support/Resistance" is 4.
in this example "Threshold" is 0 and "Number of Support/Resistance" is 5.
Last example; Labels are shown for each zone, you can set location of the labels. SR order and Upper/lower band of each zone are shown in each label.
Higher Time Frame Chart OverlayHello All,
This script gets OHLC values from any security and Higher/Same time frame you set, then creates the chart including last 10 candles. it shows Symbol name, Time Frame, Highest/Lowest level of last 10 candles and Close Price at the right side of the chart as well. Closing price text color changes by the real-time candle of the related symbol and time frame. The all this was made using the Tables in Pine and the chart location doesn't change even if you change the size of main chart window.
Almost everything can be change as you want. You can change/set:
- Colors of Body and Top/Bottom Wicks separately
- The Height of each Cell
- The Width of Body and Wicks
- The Background and Frame color
- Enable/disable Status Panel (if you disable Status Panel then only candle chart is shown)
- Location of Status Panel
- Text color and Text size
- The Background color of Status Panel
Some examples:
The info shown in Status Panel:
You can change The Height of each Cell and The Width of Body and Wicks
You can change colors:
You can change location of the chart:
If you add the script more than once then you can see the charts for different symbols and time frames: (This may slow down your chart)
If you right-click on the script and choose "Visual Order" => "Bring to front" then it will be better visually:
P.S. Using this script may slow down your chart, especially if you add it more than once
Indicators OverlayHello All,
This script shows the indicators in separate windows on the main chart. Included indicators are RSI, CCI, OBV, Stochastic, Money Flow Index, Average True Range and Chande Momentum Oscillator. indicator windows are located at the top or bottom of the chart according to last moves of the Closing price. Different colors are used for each indicator. Horizontal levels are shown as dashed line and label as well.
Using the options;
You can enable/disable the indicators you want to see or not
You can change source and length for each indicator
You can set window length. using this length indicator windows are located on the chart
After you added this indicator to your chart I recommend: right click on any of the indicator windows => "Visual Order" => "Bring to front" as seen screenshot below:
in this example only 3 indicators enabled and period is set as 80:
indicator windows moves to the top or bottom of the chart according to the close price:
P.S. if you want to see any other indicator in the options then leave a comment under the indicator ;)
3rd WaveHello All,
In Elliott Wave Theory, 3rd wave is not the shortest one in the waves 1/3/5 and it's usually longest one. so if we can catch it then we may get good opportunities to trade. This script finds 3rd wave experimentally. it can be also the 3rd waves in the waves 1, 3, 5, A and C. the 3rd wave should have greater volume than other waves, the script can check its volume and compare with the volumes of the waves 1 and 2 optionally.
Pine Team released Pine version 5! This script was developed in v5 and it uses Library feature of Pine v5 for the zigzag functions. This script is also an example for the Pine developers who learn Pine v5 and Libraries.
Zigzag Period: is the length that is used to calculate highest/lowest and the zigzag waves
Min/Max Retracements: is the retracement rates to check the wave 2 according to wave 1. for example; if min/max values are 0.500-0.618 then wave 2 must be minimum 0.500 of wave 1 and maximum 0.618 of wave 1.
Check Volume Support: is an option to compare the volumes of1. 2. and . waves. if you enable this option then the script checks their volume and 3rd wave volume must be greater then 1 and 2
there are 4 options for the targets. you can enable/disable and change their levels. targets are calculated using length of wave 1.
Options to show breakout zone, zigzag, wave 1 and 2.
and some options for the colors.
The Library that is used in this script:
P.S. This is an experimental work and can be improved. So do not hesitate to drop your comments under the script ;)
ZigZag Chart with SupertrendHello All,
This script creates Zigzag Chart by using Zigzag waves, so it's timeless chart meaning that no time dependency on X-axis. Optionally it can calculate & show Zigzag Supertrend or Simple Moving Average. Also it can change bar colors of the main chart by trend direction of Zigzag Supertrend.
As seen below, each zigzag wave is a candle on Zigzag chart:
You have a few options and using these options you can find best settings for the securities/timeframes.
You can change Zigzag period, if you change Zigzag Period then all zigzag and the chart is recalculated/reconstructed.
You have option to show Zigzag Supertrend or Zigzag Moving Average, the options you have;
- You can change ATR Length and ATR multiplier for supertrend
- You can change Length for Simple Moving Average
You can change Zigzag candle & wick colors using options. Also you have option to change bar colors according to Zigzag Supertrend direction.
As it's timeless chart, below you can see how/when bar colors and Zigzag Supertrend change:
You can see Simple Moving Average of the Zigzag Candles:
You can play with ATR length and multiplier to find best supertrend:
You can play with the candle & wick colors: