Murreys Math Lines Box OR Ratio PivotsI'm publishing my second script, though nothing extraordinary, I believe there is user group for Murry Math indies and the only "proper one" (According to my usage) I found was of RicardoSantos, here is the link :
He developed that script in 2014 and it is in need of update to Pine V4 and I'm doing the needful as its user.
All the updates from my end are listed below:
1. Updated to Pine V4
2. Automatic octave selection
3. In auto mode one can switch octave
4. This script is color coded with intention of use on dark theme, one can change the colors to use it on white background with simple few clicks as pinelines have been used
Other thing I want to add is that usage of this is not very clear to many users, so I'll do little explaining here;
Lets start with what is Octave? Octave is basically distance between square of two whole numbers, this is hard-fast method to calculate, Murry has made it far more complicated to use practically. In mathematical formula terms it could be something like this for script trading at 11890 (CMP)
Step 1: Square Root of CMP i.e Square Root of 11890 = 109.041 = Rounded to 109
Step 2: You can either take one whole number higher or lower than 109, which is 108 or 110. We will take 108
Step 3: Square of 108 = 11664 and Square of 109 = 11881
Step 4: Octave => Distance between (Lowlevel) 11664 and (Higherlevel) 11881
I've automated it so you don't need to calculate, but there is also manual entry possible if you want to calculate octaves yourself, there are different ways to calculate and some like to just take High and Low's of the day or week or month, whatever you like. When I used it I did it strictly this way, so automation is based on it. This is very subjective matter so don't ask to change the calculation of this, if I started doing that every second person would ask me to modify it to different calculation..and thats...just not possible to do.
This is output for calculation we just did above
This is octave shift option (Which basically shifts to next whole number square in above calculation)
Normal nomenclature on octaves and important color codes
+2/8: Extreme overbought = Blue Color and solid line
+1/8: OverBought
8/8: Hardest line to rise above (overbought) = White Color and solid line
7/8: Fast reverse line (weak)
6/8: Pivot reverse line = Yellow Color and solid line
5/8: Upper trading range
4/8: Major reversal line = Green Color and solid line
3/8: Lower trading range
2/8: Pivot reverse line = Blue Color and solid line
1/8: Fast reverse line (weak)
0/8: Hardest line to fall below (oversold) = White Color and solid line
-1/8: Oversold
-2/8: Extreme Oversold = Yellow Color and solid line
Other lines that I've not mentioned color codes for are minor and are usually plotted in dotted format.
Resources on complete technique to trade and importance of levels (highly recommended to read carefully before trading), if you don't know how to get this for free don't worry you can just google Murrey math and you will find it somewhere, its just that it would be in little scattered manner.
Titik Pivot
QuantNomad - Significant Pivot Reversal StrategyI'm working on improving the Pivot Points Reversal Strategy.
As one of the ways to filter out insignificant levels I decided to check that pivot point is not above/below neighbors, but check that it's above/below at least by a certain amount.
I use ATR, so in params, you can set length of ATR and also ATR multiplier. The new level will be calculated only if PP will be above/below neighbors by atr * atr_mult.
It seems this approach might help in some cases.
Here I have PivotPoint + RSI strategy:
RSI PivotIt is based on RSI. When RSI crosses (70)up and (30)down bands, it draws a price line.
Cheers :)
BBPivotIt can helps you to see BB pivots . It's based on bollinger bands .
Best Settings: (20,3) - (50,2)
Cheers :)
Pivot Point Reversal + RSI AlertsThese are alerts for previously published strategy:
This strategy joins the Pivot Reversal strategy with the RSI indicator.
We check RSI level at the pivot point level and only if RSI condition is satisfied we update levels for stop orders.
Pivot Point Reversal + RSI StrategyThis strategy joins the Pivot Reversal strategy with the RSI indicator.
We check RSI level at the pivot point level and only if RSI condition is satisfied we update levels for stop orders.
The strategy works pretty good for crypto, 30m, 1h, 2h timeframes.
Inside Bar Visualizer PineV4I didn't find a study for Inside bar as I wanted. Therefore I wrote a one with PineV4. This may help you to see inside bars.
It can recalculate and works with either (opens-closes) or (highs-lows)
Cheers! :)
Dr_Pivots High & Low Trend Line- I'd like to find a pattern more easily on the chart.
- This script might give you a better view of the support and resistance lines.
Pivot Point 3.0English:
Indicator that calculates the pivot points "Monthly, weekly and daily" also calculates the pivots of the day / week / month, following based on the current quote, useful for finding support and resistance zones.
Indicador que calcula los puntos pivote "Mensuales, semanales y diarios" tambien va calculando los pivotes del dia/semana/mes, siguiente en funcion de la cotizacion actual, util para encontrar zonas de soporte y resistencia.
Pivot Reversal Strategy + RSIPivot Reversal Strategy + RSI
A modified version of the standard PRS with an RSI overbought/oversold filter
Comment/uncomment "Study/Strategy" to easily switch to strategy() mode
As long as it is used in the study() version, the indicator is compatible with the Risk Management Wrapper
Separate Alerts for Buy & Sell signals
Single Alert for both Buy & Sell signals - it can also be used by another indicator as a source
Camerilla PivotsBefore starting special thanks to @QuantNomad for his script "Ultimate Pivot Point Alerts"
Link : -
Please follow and support him for his work.
In this script I'm modifying how time frame factor is imported into the script and removing other types of Pivots and cleaning it further for only CAMs, I've also added the formulas for 5 and 6 numbers, it will help in trading breakout strategies.
Note that this way of importing Time frame produces minor difference in readings/levels from how it is done in QuantNomads script, so before taking your pics you should calculate your levels on separate sheet and compare which ones are working for you and your strategy.
I've been using this CAM setup for almost a year now, so I coded it as per my needs, it is up to users to utilize it to theirs.
Further utility:
1. You can hide/unhide S/R levels 5/6
2. This is MultiTimeframe version, meaning you can change Time-frame of Pivots being displayed on any TF chart.
3. Lines are produced for only level 3 and 4. And you can choose to hide them. Only Pivot line is kept and can not be hidden.
4. You can also choose to hide/unhide level value and only see label if you want.
5. No historical levels are kept to avoid clutter.
I've not included alerts as I don't use them, but if anyone wants it I suggest referring to @QuantNomad script bank. He has published number of excellent scripts in this regard.
There is no restrictions on this script, it can be used and reproduced freely. Its my way of doing little something for community and my first script.
Pivot Prices - ExampleA simple example script showing how to use to plot pivot prices on the chart.
A full tutorial and commentary is available on the backtest-rookies website.
ote 3d v0This was supposed to be an automatic ICT OTE (Optimal Trade Entry) Fib level placement on a 3-day scale, but this did not turn out anywhere near close to how I envisioned it working.
Probably with some more development and applied math for the fib levels, I can get this to work even with breached 3D levels, but currently it's an exercise in frustration.
ZigZag - lucemanb
I have had tons of experience on the ZIGZAG indicator and thought this might help someone.
Enjoy this code. Zigzag is a good indicator in many ways and people underestimate it because of its repainting
Check out some work ave done with this script. This is some intense angle trading requested by someone
Step Linear PIVOTSIn my trading I use pivots system allot , only problem with them is that in lower time frames they do not perform as well
so I created this system which is more dynamic for this purpose
based on 3 indicator and just mix between then
the first is linear regression , second is alex grover step tred , the third is the regular pivots
first step is to make alex indicator to act as our P value but getting the info from linear
after that I put it on the pivots using the deviation from alex indicator as lower or upper
in this way we have have much more flexible system that we can play with any best setting to fit it
so I hope this system will help those who do day trade in lower time frames, although it can be fit to any time frame
so the idea here is to get sense where we are in this setting
so this is experimental and lets see if it will be better or not then traditional system of pivots :)
Function : Pivots High and Low WARNING: The toil of this script is not mine . In order to avoid disrespect for work, I deleted some extensions only pure pivots , that is, only the information this script needed. I liked the fact that high and low pivots were in one function. I found this command by chance on stackoverflow. I don't know the authors and the nicknames because they are the stackoverflow nicknames. I hope it will help your adaptive periods. Finally, the length of the pivot must be at least 3 to be available.If the author reaches me, I will give his/her Tradingview name as a reference.