Planetary Ruler - Sun Hi Traders,
The objectives of this script are:
1. you can see the planetary schedule in certain periods (you can double check it in
2. you can see the correlation between planetary aspects and market reaction (is it turning or is it a swinghigh/ low? )
Those Dates are the planetary aspect happened (history & future), so when the planetary aspects arrived, we can forecast the turning or swinghigh/low in the market (cryptos, stocks, commoditties & indices)
in history we can observe what happened in stocks market if Sun Trine Saturn (example), if it made a turning or swinghigh/low,
and if the same planetary aspects happen again (in this case is Sun Trine Saturn), we can expect or forecast the turning or swinghigh/low will be happen again (history repeat itself).
Those lines are just a simply vertical lines that can help us backtesting easily, hopefully we can take profit from this planetary aspects..
Here is a glimpse of Financial Astrology..
Astrology is the study of the relationship between movements and interactions of the planets and human behaviour.
Financial Astrology is the study of the link between the movements and interactions of the planets with market behaviour
The alignment of planetary energy tends to provide a push or a force in one direction or another, can be positive or negative energies.
In financial astrology, each planet has a specific meaning.
Listed below is a general, simplified guide to how planets seem to affect current market movements, or what’s signified in a nation’s economy (after noting the aspects involved). In parentheses are the relevant industries to which each planetary energy belongs or ‘rules’.
Sun: Confidence, energy, often represents the business itself or its figurehead (Precious Metals speculation/stock market).
Mercury: Speed, movement and the principle of trading itself (telecommunications, the Media, publishing, travel and transport in general, footwear).
Venus: Small growth – traditionally the ‘minor benefic’ (clothing and fashion, the cosmetic industry, places of leisure/entertainment).
Mars: Energy, activity, speed, competition – traditionally the ‘minor malefic’ (sport, the military, weapons and armaments, steel).
Jupiter: Growth, expansion, high confidence (but also over-reaching ) success and speculation – traditionally the ‘Greater Benefic’ (‘Bull Markets’, banking, brokering, gambling institutions legal issues/law courts).consumer goods
Saturn: Stability, limits, downturns, pressure, low confidence, impediments, contraction – traditionally the ‘Greater Malefic’ (‘Bear Markets’, agriculture, construction, building and real estate).
Uranus: Change and volatility (the WorldWideWeb, inventions, digital technology, computing and innovation, the aeronautics industry; exploration/discovery, electricity, science and biotechnology).
Neptune: Uncertainty, often a negative for markets: unrealistic expectation (the advertising industry, fashion/glamour, shipping and maritime matters, tobacco/ alcohol, minerals, oil , medicine).
Pluto: Great power and its use, manipulation, drastic change – can represent Plutocracies, big business and monopolies (stocks and bonds, mining, nuclear industry, international crime and the Underworld).
This Planetary Aspects & Transits script (separately) only include:
1. Sun
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Mars
5. Jupiter
6. Saturn
7. Uranus
8. Neptune
9. Pluto
1. Conjuntion
2. Sextile
3. Square
4. Trine
5. Opposition
you can combine using 1 or more planets and aspects to get the best swinghigh/low or turning, due to time lag & time delay, +/- 1 day is stil valid for the turning or swinghigh/low
here are some examples of Planetary Ruler:
Planetary Ruler - Sun
Planetary Ruler - Mercury
Planetary Ruler - Venus
Planetary Ruler - Mars
Planetary Ruler - Jupiter
Planetary Ruler - Saturn
Planetary Ruler - Uranus
Planetary Ruler - Neptune
Planetary Ruler - Pluto
when you subscribe, you will get:
1. Planetary Aspects & Transits (9 Planets)
2. Retrogrades
3. Moon Phase, Moon Eclipse & 4 seasons
4. Easy Aspects (Trine & Sextile)
5. Hard Aspects (Opposition, Square & Conjuntion)
6. Gann Seasoanal Dates
7. Sun Ingress Zodiac
9. The symbols & dates will keep updated in the future
Retrogrades hi Traders,
The objectives of this script:
1. you can see the Retrogrades schedule at certain periods ((you can double check it in
2. you can see the correlation between the Retrogrades and market reaction
What Is Retrograde Motion?
The astronomical explanation for retrograde motion starts with understanding that the planets in our solar system orbit the Sun at different distances and speeds.
While we orbit the Sun ourselves, we can observe the other planets moving across our sky, following their own paths.
Sometimes, it can appear (from our perspective) that a planet has abruptly switched directions and has started to move in reverse across the sky.
This is, of course, an illusion caused by the position of Earth in relation to that of the planet, since a planet in orbit always travels in one set direction and can’t suddenly reverse course.
This is why we call the phenomenon apparent retrograde motion, as it only looks like the planet is moving backward (“retrograde motion”)!
This Retrogrades script, contains all of Planetary Retrogrades Motion;
1. Mercury Retrogrades ( ≈ 21 days )
2. Jupiter Retrogrades ( ≈ 121 days )
3. Venus Retrogrades ( ≈ 41 days )
4. Uranus Retrogrades ( ≈ 151 days )
5. Mars Retrogrades ( ≈ 72 days )
6. Saturn Retrogrades ( ≈ 138 days )
7. Pluto Retrogrades ( ≈ 159 days )
8. Neptune Retrogrades ( ≈ 158 days )
Here are some examples or Retrogrades:
Jupiter Retrograde
Venus Retrograde
Uranus Retrofrade
Mars Retrograde
Saturn Retrograde
Pluto Retrograde
Neptune Retrograde
Financial Astrology Pluto Helio DeclinationThis indicator provides Pluto Heliocentric (in relation to Sun) declination. Usually, in Financial Astrology is said that planets declination change modify their energy power and effect: in North is strengthen and in South is weaken. However, we are creating this heliocentric indicators for all planets positions in order to help researchers to perform exploratory analysis and determine their own trading rules.
Note: The Pluto heliocentric declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon-Pluto Longitude AngleMoon-Pluto indicator show the angular distance in longitude between Moon and Pluto and labels the angles that represent the astrological aspects used by financial astrologers to determine the energy trigger points. In financial astrology, Pluto rules the transformations, intense actions (no limits), issues with control and power, excess, destruction. The Moon is the strengthen/weakening emotion that trigger uncontroled risk, and excesive fear or euphoria.
For any Moon aspects indicator we recommend to use 1H or 2H resolution to locate the exact aspect angle, this is because Moon moves very fast at average of 13 degrees per day.
Due to the limited UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) support of classical astrology aspects symbols, we needed to use a custom subset to represent the aspects:
⊚ = 0 degrees angle (conjuction)
⧌ = 30 degrees angle (semi-sextile)
⧆ = 45 degrees angle (semi-square)
⨺ = 60 degrees angle (sextile)
⧄ = 90 degrees angle (square)
⨹ = 120 degrees angle (trine)
⧇ = 135 degrees angle (sesqui-square)
◭ = 150 degrees angle (quincunx or inconjunct)
⚇ = 180 degrees angle (opposition)
Note: The Moon-Pluto longitude angle indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Pluto SpeedPluto retrograde and stationary phases weaken the explosive energy effect of the extreme and ungovernable actions, causing a period where traders tends to wait and analyse more before acting. We can see in BTCUSD that in most of the retrograde periods of Pluto the price was trapped (sideways) within very narrow price range consolidating the price zone reached by the aggressive moves occurring during the Pluto direct motion phase.
Note: The Pluto speed indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the speed is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Pluto LongitudePluto energy manifest as destruction, rebirth, death, waste, obsession, extremism, transformation, crime and underworld or unconscious. It takes in average 21 years to transit each zodiac sign so in relation to financial astrology, Pluto in Capricorn (current location) represent a generation that tends to be extremist and obsessed in materialism. This position also represent the evolution and transformation of some emergent economies that are raising the hand as the successors of the world power and the destruction of old professions with the rebirth of digital oriented jobs driven by technology (blockchain, artificial intelligence an internet). As Pluto travel towards Aquarius, this technology oriented transformation will reach the maximum momentum with a very intense technological disruption of the old tools we are accustomed to use today in favor of more powerful inventions that can take humanity toward the next level of evolution. Very likely this will be the massive adoption and popularisation of quantum computing, alternative energy sources and touristic space travels.
This indicator is not useful for short/mid term trends but as Pluto transit into different zodiac signs this will mark relevant disruptions in the humanity leadership organisation.
Note: The Pluto longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.