Trend Precognition - Mtrl_ScientistHi everyone,
This is an updated version of my base algorithm "BTC Precognition". I've managed to remove some lag, while at the same time smoothing the curve (blue).
All you need to know about it is on the chart's legend. The arrows just correspond to the bottoms/tops of the blue signal curve (marked with green/red circles). However, predicting turning points is difficult and I'm still working on that. So for now, the signals are offset by 1 candle into the past. This means that all of your trades will be 1 candle late, unless you trade intrabar using your own intuition. As a help, I've also included the first derivative (black curve) that will tell you the slope of the blue curve. Remember, when the curve is about to turn, the slope becomes zero. However, you can anticipate this by looking at the slope's direction and guessing when it will cross the zero line.
This is still all work in progress, so invite-only.
acmillions88 HMCThis script works best on 1 minute timeframe,
while my DHC script works best in 1 hour timeframe.
Look at the chart. Be amazed. I'm amazed too.
Q: Why I created this script?
A: Rahmag found that my DHC V2 works only for higher timeframes, so he
suggested that I modify it for 1 minute timeframe.
Thanks Rahmag.
acmillions88 DHC V2Version 2 of my DHC script.
Sell1 - less probability but higher profit
Buy1 - less probability but higher profit
Sell2 - high probability but lower profit
Buy2 - high probability but lower profit
acmillions88 DHCThis script only works like a charm.
It gives very early signal and it is highly accurate.
Should be the most profitable script I have ever made.
acmillions88 reversal detectorI use a new method to predict trend and made a reversal detector by accident.
Surprisingly, it works very well. More importantly, it is predictive! Hooray!!!
When u see a series of "B" and start seeing an "S", its time to sell.
When u see a series of "S" and start seeing a "B", its time to buy.
acmillions88 predictions at beginning of new candleJust made a new discovery so I made this script.
It does not depend on trend and it predicts the mini trend at the beginning of the new candle.
The success rate is quite high.
Yes, its another predictive indicator from me. Cheers.
acmillions88 predictive indicatorsUnlike most scripts, this script actually predicts the mini trends.
acmillions88 predictive indicatorsUnlike most scripts, this script actually predicts the mini trends. Works great with double bollingerbands.
Linear ExtrapolationBasic extrapolator for forecast a time-series, all forecasts are mades length periods ahead.
This is not a estimation of the exact price
This should only be used for forecasting direction, dont expect the price to be at the same value of its forecast.
Bias, Mean absolute error, Mean percentage error...etc look useless here, its better to use correlation as a accuracy measurement.
Correlation(Forecast ,close,period)
Rescaling for a better forecast ?
Transforming a non-stationary signal to a stationary signal can increase the forecasting accuracy, this can be done by detrending. Here is a list of somes detrending methods:
Auto-Bias : price - price
Mean-Bias : price - price moving average
Log transform : log(price/price moving average)
Correlation : correlation(price,n,period)
Twiggs Money Flow_LB [SwetSwet]The modified indicator Twiggs Money Flow more convenient. The critical value is colored in green or red.