Pasaran kewangan ada Logikkah? Financial market is chaotic or logical? If is chaotic when you do not acquired the knowledge. When you understood, you will see logic. You life will not me miserable anymore. #ARTTpick
TOPGLOV ... kalau boleh W&R, mungkin boleh naik ke 10.00 TOPGLOV ... if can W&R, it may able to move to 10.00 #ARTTpick
PARLO... sudah buat pusingan turun PARLO... already W&R + Pat A #ARTTpick
HLT... macam sudah pusing naik HLT... Almost hit target down + reverse with Pat A + W&R#1 #ARTTpick
FCPO... tak ada power naik. Kemungkinan besar tak boleh pecah 3150. FCPO... no power up. low chance break 3150. #ARTTpick
ZL... ada kemungkinan naik ke 45 kah? ZL... not hit down + Power up + pattern C. Is it possible to hit new high towards 45? #ARTTpick
FGV... tidak sentuh target bawah tapi tak ada power naik. Tungguh satu loop lagi. Tenggok ada power atau tidak. FGV... not hit down but has no power up. Wait for another loop. see whether it will form a power loop. #ARTTpick
TOPGLOV... ada kemungkinan ia jatuh ke 5.70 atau 3.30? Macam membentuk "Rolling Stone". TOPGLOV... look like forming Rolling Stone. Will it drop to 5.70 or 3.30? ARTTpick
TDM... kalau boleh W&R, mungkin boleh naik ke TP1=0.44 TDM... not hit target down and make reversal. If able to W&R, high chance will move to TP1=0.44
MCT... tidak sentuh Target Bawah and buat Pattern C. Sekarang tengah W&R. Jika boleh W&R kemungkinan boleh terbang ke 0.42 MCT... not hit down and form pattern C. Now it is in the middle of W&R. If able to W&R, high chance it will go to 0.42 TP. #ARTTpick
SRES-UK. kuat trend naik + Pat A. TP=0.44 SRES-UK. strong uptrend + X + Pat A. TP 0.44 #ARTTpick
282-HK/NEXT bolehkah pattern C ini jadi? 282-HK/NEXT can this pattern C play out? #ARTTpick
CIDM... bolehkah Pattern C ini jadi? CIDM... will this pattern C work out? #ARTTpick
COMFORT... trend turun. tak dapat W&R COMFORT... fail to W&R. downtrend continue #ARTTpick
LKL macam bersedia naik ke 1.90 LKL look like making a reversal up. If it is true, next TP=1.90 #ARTTpick