KPOWER ada potensi naik ke 3.70? KPOWER got potential go to 3.70? #ARTTpick
ESCERAM mungkin masih boleh naik ke 1.90 ESCERAM look like have chance move up to 1.90 #ARTTpick
BIOHLDG mungkin boleh naik ke 0.45 BIOHLDG strong up trend + power up + X. TP=0.45 #ARTTpick
PRESBHD masih boleh naik ke 1.27 kah? PRESBHD still can go up to 1.27? #ARTTpick
LUXCHEM... macam boleh naik ke 1.50 LUXCHEM... look like able to hit 1.50 #ARTTpick
NOTION boleh naik ke 2.20 kah? NOTION can it move up to 2.20? #ARTTpick
KLCI sudah ST W&R... TP=1625 KLCI already ST W&R... TP=1625 #ARTTpick
CANONE... PAT C + ada kuasa naik CANONE... PAT C #ARTTpick
FCPO ada power sudah FCPO made power loop. #ARTTpick
SPRING macam sedang buat trend naik kuat SPRING is making strong uptrend. WHOG@2 >> @3 #ARTTPick
TOPGLOV... harap ia ada support antara 21.50-19.70 TOPGLOV... hope it can find support at 21.50-19.70 region. #ARTTpick
IRIS macam sudah buah pusingan naik IRIS look like made a reversal up #ARTTpick
KLCI... kuasa turun semakin lemah. Tunggu pusingan naik. KLCI... down force is getting weak. Waiting for reversal signal. #ARTTpick
FCPO... mana X2? FCPO... where will be the X2? #ARTTpick
KLCI mungkin buat pusingan turun (W&R). Kalau ia sampai TP1, ia akan turun lagi. KLCI if next week close lower, it will confirm W&R#2 = 1st reversal down confirmation. After that it should move towards TP1. #ARTTpick
RL masih dalam sideways RL still in sideway #ARTTpick
PERDANA macam boleh naik ke 0.33 PERDANA breakout. TP=0.33 #ARTTpick
HIBISCS... mungkin boleh naik ke 0.86 HIBISCS... breakout... possible TP=0.86 #ARTTpick