KAREX... macam sudah buat pusingan naik. Bolehkah naik ke 1.17? KAREX... look like already make reversal up. Do you think it is possible to go up to 1.17? #ARTTpick
AT macam ada support AT look like gaining strength on support. #ARTTpick
NIHSIN... ada kemungkinan naik ke 0.44? NIHSIN... have chance move to 0.44? #ARTTpick
LKL masih boleh naik lagi kah? LKL can still move up? #ARTTpick
MOUTAI macam tak ada halangan MOUTAI bull all the way #ARTTpick
CLP tren kuat CLP strong uptrend. possible EP on reversal up. #ARTTpick
PCG ada kemungkinan naik ke 15 kalau boleh pecah 9.60 PCG has a chance moving to 15 if can breakout from 9,60 #ARTTpick
IZEA bolehkah naik ke 2.75? IZEA can it rise to 2.75? ARTTpick
SNSS mungkin boleh naik ke 1.75 kalau boleh pusing naik SNSS not hit down + Pat C + HL. If can get a reversal confirmation, has a chance moving to 1.75. #ARTTpick
RGB... mungkin boleh naik ke 0.26 RGB... maybe can raise to 0.26 #ARTTpick
BAUTO bolehkah naik ke 2.00? BAUTO can it go up to 2.00? #ARTTpick
MYEG... macam tak ada power lagi naik MYEG... Weak uptrend + Not hit up + No Power + T1>T2 >> T1<T2. Meaning it will not able to make HH. It will make a LH. High chance a LL will come and form a starting of downtrend. #ARTTpick
PERMAJU tunggu pecah PERMAJU waiting for breakout #ARTTpick
MTOUCHE... tunggu pecah MTOUCHE... wait for breakout #ARTTpick
AT bolehkah naik ke 0.18? AT can move up to 0.18? #ARTTpick
CAREPLS... berjaya W&R dan hit target up. CAREPLS... W&R successful and hit target up. If retrace, find EP. #ARTTpick