
Invest in the next scam

The chinese love powder made from endangered animals and trash plants , americans love their superfoods.
A plant called alfalfa (luzerne) that french farmers love to grow because it can get Nitrogen itself and it's cheap and packed with protein, they feed it to cattle, so to cows and also americans. Americans actually pay a high price to get supercheap leaves in powdered form.

Long gone are the days where scientists published a paper showing chicken like blondes more, to get average people interested in science, these days everyone is interested in science... And the result is quite amusing. Science has gotten politicised, the use of catchy words like "amazing" & "stunning" & "groundbreaking" in papers has grown 1000 fold (not even exagerating), there is a replication crisis, etc.

"Science" is the next big thing. I bet a study could show that when the average millenial sees the words "study shows" and "peer-reviewed" and "research suggests" he'll get a dopamine rush. Elon Musk sure cashed in on the "science & tech will save us all" large religious movement created by people abandonning the old religions.

Anything could happen, and nothing is too stupid. Dumb people think they are smart so it's a coinflip. For example we could go bet on homeopathy, try not to laugh while buying shares, but it can go either way. Lots of people are getting obsessed with health, this is a certainty. Several possibilities:
- "Conspiracy theorists", emboldened by sometimes being proven right when everyone calls them crazy and denies their claims, could believe in a conspiracy theory that expensive water is a valid medicament.
- "We're on the side of science" crowd, provided they hear some health authority or the media tell them so, will be 100% convinced homeopathy is a great super smart super science valid treatment.
- "We're on the side of science" crowd proudly claim homeopathy is pseudo-science and hurt the business, they could even ban it because it's "silly and no study shows and the WHO says"

If politicians decide the plebes take too much drugs (they do but the politicians take money from big pharma...) they could brainwash the "smart side of science non-conspiracy-theorists" clueless morons into buying water from scammy labs. It's just so hard not to laugh at the idea of people taking water medication.

You know, if they're going to be scared, and look for snakeoil superfoods and radioactive chemicals, might as well give them water, it won't hurt them.
It's actually a moral investment.

Other things could get big, how about "OMG study shows psilocybin cures depression let's all microdose mushrooms and also LSD because why not".
I heard "microdosing" was popular with tech executives as a magical boost to become smarter (AHEM!) and more productive.
Homeopathy... Mushrooms... Microdosing various lab-created drugs... Improvement microchips... Nanobots... We'll see what goes up. All of them?
The next bull cycle (50Y) is supposed to involve health. So this is important. Dumb irrealistic scams will, as always, go up way more (in %) than anything remotely legit.

People are unbelievably stupid, and it is getting worse, common sense is frowned upon, like literally, I can't believe this is real, you're a weirdo if you have common sense.
You cannot stop it. You can whine about it, or you can crack up and laugh hysterically while you take advantage of it for your own profit.

biotechFundamental AnalysishomeopathyinvestingKondratieff WavePHARMATrend Analysis

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