Hi Everyone! We are still at threat of another leg down. It's still too soon to say we are for a fact in Accumulation. We need to see the price action go up to $18,000 in order for that to be considered a Simple Rally in Phase B of Accumulation before we can say we have a chance of actually being in accumulation. Currently, it does not look like we will get a move up to proximity of $18,000. So, we must conclude we are still at serious threat of another Leg Down for a second Sign of Weakness Event in Phase E of Distribution. Another Leg down in Distribution would take us down at least to the $14,677 to $13,777 price range. However, it CAN fall further.
This was the last update for quite a while on ANY asset. I have a LOT of work to do on important analytics projects/scripts I'm working on. So, I will be spending my valuable time on those projects for premium subs rather than posting updates here on TradingView and on Twitter.
Will I post an occasional update once every few weeks or so? Maybe... I haven't decided yet. BOTTOM LINE: I have more important projects to tend to that require my full attention and valuable time.
Happy Trading and Stay Awesome!