Bitcoin Pullback Metrics

Oleh fract
This is a comparison of historic fractal of pullback to current circumstance.
This particular system of patterns were crystalized after a annual fall, just like what we're at.
During whole year of decline there were no notable bullish waves collective minds are used to.
Then we saw:
syot kilat
We simply observed that assets like bitcoin fall in particular way unlike any assets I've encountered.
Bitcoin sure showed outstanding overall growth, however we have to note that it when economy was NOT under recession.
The captured cycles and their "frequency" are also relevant.
Reasons why I didn't use lowest point.
syot kilat
syot kilat
Chances of Repeating that shape fit in all proportions are just comedic. However I made this for practicing my favorite approach when it comes to determining maximum price based on fibonacci core wave measurements.
This is clearly a pullback and not yet to be qualified as bullrun, knowing about a year gap of flat or decline before 2024 real common fueled reason for collective minds to risk capital. We can't see parabolic shapes without common info-fuel that would stay in the narrative long enough to make it happen.
Bitcoin 2023 Outlook

Right now we're just looking at pullback where we might see bullrun-like shapes if it grows any further. There is no predestined path, because the scenario unfolds by ongoing continuous market correcting itself to "equilibrium". However, we might get a glimpse because the metrics of candles already carry information on how exactly people were selling or buying (reacting) to flow of info.
According to configuration of historic TimeFibs wired to current wave, by March 11 it should have established its potential highest point consisting of fib sequence that are in quantum state acting as support and resistance levels unless broken with confident candles.
Passing above red means that market is changed to react to external factors such as, Russia buying bitcoin in big quantities to avoid sanctions or leaving records of restricted weapon sale or whatever.
When global rules, agreements and regulations are being violated and we see as the world becomes a dangerous place, people might find bitcoin's features more solid and safe for storing or transforming the wealth due to its decentralized system. Everybody now knows about bitcoin so hype is saturated. Especially when more advanced crypto with better system performance will outcompete old tech in the long run.
FibonacciFractalgoldenratioTrend Analysis
