Just for some added perspective, that would put BTC's market cap at approximately 1.4 Quadrillion dollars. Of course, some private keys will have been lost by then, so the real cap would be somewhat lower, and the energy requirements to keep the blockchain secure would likely require the burning of most of the available biomass on the planet once we can't mine any more materials for solar panels and all the oil wells have dried up.
So as long as your bunker is secure against the roving squads of thugs coercing you to give up your passwords...
And as long as the groundwater you now rely on has not been poisoned through neurotoxic industrial waste, seeing as the regulatory bodies were dissolved after your government crumbled as bitcoin removed its ability to manage an economy through the money supply...
And as long as the billions-strong luddite militias of no-coiners don't learn how to make a large EMP weapon...
then all you gotta do is buy and HODL, you'll be livin' the (dystopian) baller life