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Correlation between different assets

Correlation is a measure that establishes the degree of relationship between different assets. It is measured on a scale of +100% to -100%.

In the case of a +100% correlation (perfect positive correlation), both assets move in an identical manner in the market. Conversely, if the correlation is -100% (perfect negative correlation), we are talking about two assets that move in an exactly opposite manner.

Correlation is a crucial measure to consider because not being aware of the correlations between assets could inadvertently increase our risk. For example, if we open a sell position in NDJPY and another with the same lot size in NZDUSD based on an analysis conducted on the 4H timeframe, we would be multiplying our risk by 2 due to the high correlation between both assets in that timeframe (88%). The correct way to handle this situation may be to either reduce the risk of both trades by half or only trade the pair with a clearer scenario in your analysis.
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