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BTC did a great increase from the bottom trend to around 68K as we also made an update about it from the bottom 53k.

68K is an important key level.. the next confirmation is important for the 74K trend
BTC should hold the 65K for a healthy trend. if the trends get confirmed we could see soon

BTC can take time before entering the end target.
we will follow the trend to see if there are confirmations.

New updates will come by this chart link.
This update is not trading advice. Trading and investing can be risky.
Bitcoin can take time before it gets confirmed for the next target 74K.
There is not an easy way that just goes with 1 line.

BTC is positive in the trend
BTC is still in the positive zone.
The stable trend for BTC means only good. how more time frame made in positive trend, how more the chance BTC is going soon to 74K
Since the 68K close, we have still not added a confirmation on this update for the uptrend.
What we can scan is that BTC has again gotten an injection volume, which is not the confirmed breakdown trend.

we expect that this injection volume will be only for a time before the real volume will start.
Return to this level can give btc the first boost on low time frame
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When there is a new uptrend confirmation we will add it.
Until now BTC is still Stable in range.. and a new uptrend can come any time.
New activation BTC seems on way, we will update when there is confirmation
BTC first activation complete
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Since the trend confirmation BTC has a good chance to return to 68K from there it can build a new volume to 74K which can take some time
Like the previous update from 53k to 65K and from 65K to 68K here are new levels for this update to 74K

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As we did update the first confirmation of BTC is done today for the uptrend from the 66100 zone. This becoming also a new extra hold zone for the trend, and watching out to see extra break volume for BTC soon.
Depending on our study and not trading advice, there is no reason to sell BTC when it holds the - HOLD LEVEL

BTC is positive in trend, and injection volume can enter always like the other updates.
The injection volume is made to play and manipulate the trend, and the real uptrend is made to get the price on time to a high goal.

Injection volume is never a building volume.
To see the effect of injection volume check the previous updates
From 53K to 65K

And from 65K to 68

in this update you will find back that injection volume was more times the trend.
BTC is positive in trend, and going in waves, last hour entering of injection volume, which we expect for short term, where the trend will keep going further up to 67K on way to key level 68K
An example of low volume injection, we expect a return to 67K short-term
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Als the second injection that is going below 66K Is not a confirmed uptrend.
We have seen BTC since 53K in an uptrend and until now still, there is nothing changed to the real uptrend confirmation.
when there is a real breakdown confirmation we will add it also, but that is still not.

We have seen that injection volume ends always with BTC breaks in 90% of times.
When the injection is active for day traders, wait always when the trend becomes stable and makes a slowly increasing trend with confirmations. Injection volume goes out of the TA.

Injection can made for more reasons, to play with the trend or to get the price cheaper for the real volume so there will be a better return break with the volume.

Inection volume still active since 24-07-2024 at 13:30
There was before also injection volume and did end with this update at 63400
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62K is the uptrend wall protection for the cycle that BTC must hold an we expect it can hold.

This can be the end injection where BTC will build a new volume up 67K on the way to the 68k key level again
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The first signal of an inactive injection trend is when the trend becomes stable or breaks. There will come a moment for example where the volume will stay strong up the 66K with low injection volume, that moment is the right moment where BTC can build further to 68K key level.
BTC is now exactly on the end injection volume, which creates a stable trend.
High chance we are going to see soon new volume.
An example of how manipulation injection volume works:
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How BTC DCA whales checking the new cycle from here
syot kilat its fully green
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BTC still in the red area of injection volume - When BTC does not breakdown the 62K with confirmation, BTC still on cycle
If the injection volume is so confirmed and strong, then it should get BTC below 62K with confirmation, which means out of the cycle, but until now that is not happened. BTC is still positive
Its BTC the return after corrections come since times from unexpected DCA whales back
This is how I see BTC these days. BTC has a high volume of DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) whales who will do everything in their power to protect the price action. The strategy is to hold BTC during an active cycle. News about AI, Trump, China, and miners may impact the market momentarily, but not permanently. This is my brief perspective on BTC for this time, and all hypes like ETF will be forgotten with time, like the listing companies like APPLE ETF. BTC is at this moment positive and can increase with time to 74K. As long BTC holds 62K with confirmation, it means cycle whales are still behind it for this cycle. its personal view, you should only trade/invest depending on your plan and risk management.
After the injection volume BTC seems step by step to make new levels back
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BTC return to 67K, the key level is 68K
Stability is a normal trend that can enter BTC time by time and even trending below 67K would be normal for the trend on its way to key level 68K

The important is that BTC is positive
BTC holding the stability at 67K after 6H
After 3H BTC still holding the 67K level
waiting for the key level 68K which will allow the trend way to 74K
Data shows that trend whales building since 62K a strong support trend, which did effect in a new cycle, we expect that 68K will target, with the followed increase to 74K with time - we will follow this update step by step to the trend goal.

There is no guarantee in the markets, we effect depending on what the data shows.
our plan for BTC, let the injection volume come, and let it go where it wants, as long it holds the 62K with confirmation, BTC is going to break soon 74K. we have worked on the same way from 53K to 65K and 65K to 68K and now from this price action to 74K

We expect that injection power is not as strong then the DCA whales. where the price protection is for the cycle

We have seen the last injection volume gets buoyed all back by DCA whales
BTC entering after 5H last update the key level 68K we checking the process to 74K
It's normally that trend can break down a low time frame below 68 or stay stable.

BTC is positive and can process the new volume to up 70K soon
The last 3H BTC did show a stable volume which is good for the time frame confirmation.
The right volume that BTC needs is a volume that will increase it with a break over 70K. at this moment low time frame BTC is stable
There is a pattern of BTC positive trend, this pattern is still active, which makes it also good for some top alts to hold level and increase step by step. BTC can give the start power, when BTC already increased the new top volume for example to 74K, more alts will build the power volume.
The trend that did start here is still active and can run until 74K without real correction.
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BTC has a high chance of breaking, we are in an area where DCA whales can add a second protection wall for the cycle. Data shows coming hours can be more volume than normally
Bitcoin on confirm process to 70K
Low time frame targets on the way to 70K
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BTC up 69K and about 3 levels further
BTC is trending in waves, this can be the second protection wall by DCA Wales for the cycle as we added before. same time traders take always PNL on the way as this is a trend plan that can take time. for investors make a plan which allows that risk management is the best that you have. There are no guarantees in the markets.
The best you can have in a coin is the cycle activation and confirmation
BTC will not make it easy for traders, but depending on cycle trading is this one of the best coins at this moment with a value and positive trend. we followed this coin since 53K and have seen since its bottom update BTC entering in cycle and time by time increasing uptrend since the start, why It should change now? since there is no confirmation of the breakdown trend. BTC did show by every small correction or injection volume BTC did return back. BTC shows high signals of DCA whales with a protection cycle. We expect that BTC will run to a new high of 74K soon. As always this is not trading advice, we add what we expect depending on the data and everyone is free to share ideas by comments.

BTC can take time before it can go to the next new volume area of 74K, it can try to play in trend more times, and also on the way, it can add injection volume, in the same way as it did since 53k.

The only way we check BTC at this moment is: As long BTC holds 62K with confirmation is the cycle running and is BTC positive.
As we said before BTC will make not easy for traders that just focus on 1 way and direct instant increase. BTC going depending on market dynamics.
Our expected target is 74K. let's hope for the best for every trader and investor who Is active in trading BTC/USDT.
We have seen that injection volume did take over 0 times since the bottom end 53K, there is at this moment no confirmation on the breakdown and BTC is still positive, it's only about time before BTC makes a new high.
The new weekly chart is about to start
BTC entering the new weekly chart over 69K
The trend is positive
we will follow BTC in the coming 24H for a high possibility trend up 70K
BTC has a clean chart showing strong stable volume with the possibility to increase soon up 70K.
BTC can start any moment the volume up 70K as data shows for the high possibility
the BTC target 70K. BTC needs to reach up 70K within a certain timeframe, and it's normal if it takes some time. The trend is active, so BTC can gradually rise up to 70K and then aim for 74K.
70K is an important target and a key level that can allow BTC to enter 74K
The time frame is the confirmation. BTC is positive, and we expect that even injection volume will not make a change to this trend until there is a confirmed breakdown volume, which is now not the trend. BTC can play at 69K even lower, but there is a high chance for breaking short-term to 71K

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it is always good for whales to get the price cheaper so that bulk orders can take place.. for us BTC positive since 53K, and it's holding the 62K level in the whale cycle area. As we said before BTC will make it not easy for traders, But DCA whales can benefit the most from this.

The game of injection gets volume out before they build a confirmed volume up 70K. there is no reason to sell BTC depending on the cycle trend that is active from 62K.
Injection volume was 0 times able to change the trend from 53k
Target levels on the way to 74K

Markets dynamic: stressed view, stability, building volume, and confirmations.
traders could check for Stability and confirmations.

The targets on way to 74K

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The injection volume did show some effects again, the most important is the time frame, check how the time frame will affect. BTC is not like before going just by easy trend up and up.. the injection volume tries to get new liquidity from the breakdown trend, and we expect when this injection volume ends we will see a candle break.

is not the first time, we have seen this before more times.
BTC always SPOT, and with a goal plan.
Dynamics of the market where the time frame is the key.

stressed view, stability, building volume, and confirmations ---> Break levels
In some time zones it seems BTC has not the trend that did previously
that's why the time frame is important.
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Spot is the way for this injection volume, let the trend process out, as we expect after this we will see a new break back to the trend.

Data show us the same injection volumes since 53K
Time frame is the key.

There is a huge difference between the confirmed breakdown trend, which we would use as data, and the injection volume which is now going.
The volume we scanned earlier is still an injection volume and not a real confirmed whale volume. We know about the panic news trend, but it won't change BTC, just like it didn't for Germany. The real trend whales are still holding BTC.

There is always an OTC possibility and 90% of the way where it will not effect BTC. The news is already factored in. We know we should never trade on news but on data. maybe it will come never to OTC, there is no confirmation that something is going to happen with it. and if.. Than OTC is not big isssu

This dip could be the start of a trend within the cycle that is going to 74K.
we expect that cycle whales will find a reason now to enter the correction since the cycle is active from 62K
DCA whales Don't add a cycle for some days, BTC enters a new cycle that can hold for a time. This is how the overview looks with the exact data start of the new cycle since 62K.

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Even Donald Trump, speaking at the Bitcoin Conference Keynote, seems to align with the current cycle. He said "Bitcoin to the moon" and called Bitcoin a superpower. He also mentioned that BTC is becoming the most valuable asset in the world and that BTC is a miracle. Why now? This year can become a changing year for BTC, not about what Trump says but what the data shows.

You can check this back on YouTube: Donald Trump, speaking at the Bitcoin Conference Keynote

Confirmation at 74K could mean the first time in history BTC is going to ATH 100K.. we will follow BTC time by time..
Dynamics of the market where the time frame is the key.

stressed view, stability, building volume, and confirmations ---> Break levels

#At this moment the market is relaxed and is stability
The technical view on BTC in the short-term still shows it holding the uptrend level, even after the injection volume.
Everyone should trade according to their own plan. Based on our analysis, we don't see a reason for a confirmed breakdown. This is BTC; today it can show one price action, and tomorrow it can change completely when we are in a cycle trend.
One way to scan for injection volume is to look for large volume spikes before the next $100 USD price change. Another method is to watch for significant volumes at round numbers, like when BTC tries to reach
and the injection volume is added more. This is known as live volume.
The only way the confirmed breakdown can come when the cycle broke, this is not to happen at this moment.

We expect with time a spike DCA whales that will return the trend.
This can become the liquidy of return zone for BTC
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Returns to $67,900 in the coming time frames, it increases the possibility of reaching up 70K soon. $67,900 is the middle line of volume.
VIEW 2 from Liquidity zone start $66052
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There is a high chance this liquidity zone can become confirmed for the next $67900
The last injection volume caused BTC to experience some panic in the trend. The liquidity zone has not yet been confirmed.

We will remain with the cycle as long as it is active for BTC. Since BTC is holding 62K with confirmation, we see no reason for a confirmed breakdown in the trend.
BTC is very near to an important activation, which set up a new uptrend, it needs a small increase, and we could enter that point.

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The next 24H is very important for the trend activation BTC
BTC enters the activation area
Until now BTC still holding the cycle with confirmation.
The unexpected Middle East trends change the market. Let's hope for a positive world for everyone.
Are the cycle whales going to save BTC at this level? that's what we checking.
interesting times
THe DCA cycle is still active and not broken, this 62K area could be a protection of DCA whales to full it further to uptrend
When the DCA secures the trend with high liquidity BTC could return to the lowest level of 65K followed by the way to 70K

since the cycle is still running the expected high target is still 74K
as we added by the start of this update 62K is a whale start cycle target, if DCA whales want uptrend BTC they should and must secure this target to run the cycle further.

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If the trend whales want see BTC going to 74K, than they should show in the short term a power trend that breaks back to 67K

The trend whales know how important this area is.
we will check and follow if this is going to happen.
Important Whale DCA trend as the chart shows when the cycle keeps getting secured
Cycle whales should hold the trend in the max 23H to uptrend to hold the cycle time frame. since it's an important area, DCA whales could secure this zone with unexpected out-of-TA break
BTC enters the first secure target 64303
Level 2 target, since 62K BTC secure the trend until now.
66869 important target which we will follow if it can get target coming time.
The BTC cycle is still acctive as long 62K is holding with confirmation.
BTC can still return to 66K trend, we will see what the coming time frames will bring. Until now no reason for confirmation breakdown.
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BTC can find from the same box a new liquidity volume to 66K +-
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New trend activation seems on way, and this could make BTC target to 66k
BTC until now still positive with holding the cycle target 62K + confirmation and we check the possibility of 66K
For the low time frame BTC holding 8H the low time frame trend, which is still active L+ liquidity + can be added If the trend confirms further the time frame

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The break would be the best scenario for BTC
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New data focus targets.

The cycle is still holding also when it goes below 64K
62K is the secure zone

There is still high chance for break to 66K also when its now at 64200
We expect as before DCA whales can enter any moment to effect this injection volume
The DCA whales know that securing BTC at this point is very important.
The DCA whales know that securing BTC at this point is very important.
The golden secure point is 62K, this level if it brings BTC to 74, there is even a possibility to 100K as it an important cycle
Future updates will be based on this chart (click to view the chart)
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MicroStrategy is one of the DCA holders, and there's an interesting new trend emerging from their side.
MicroStrategy (Nasdaq: MSTR) announced it is preparing to significantly increase its Bitcoin holdings
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCUSDBTCUSDTchartChart PatternsCryptocurrencyHarmonic PatternstechincalanalysistradingtrendTrend Analysis
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