If you've followed my work, you know I'm debating between harmonic and classical EW theory. Harmonic is where 5 wave impulses are divided into 3 wave zigzags for waves 1,3,5. Upon further observation it may be that corrective structures like A waves or C waves in zigzags are actually better suited for the harmonic method of counting. Previously, I stated this was a complex WXYXZ correction that was playing out in CAPR because of the multiple zigzags, but in fact, what may be happening is the WXYXZ is the structure for the A wave. So WXYXZ is actually used to build the A wave of a zigzag. This may seem complex but it actually simplifies things a bit.

CAPR made one leg down then we had a countertrend rally and now seem to be going down again. I will look for the C wave to follow the WXYXZ structure for completion.
Harmonic PatternsTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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