2 Mac 2018 pukul 10.50

DATUSD - STREAMR DATA COIN - Bouncing of 0.786 Panjang


Many people were skeptically convinced STREAMR will drop until now to All Time Low levels and below - well, it didn't happened yet, in my opinion it won't happen. Stremr is now bouncing off 0.786 Fibonacci where it found it's support. Due to huge dependency on price of Bitcoin and the fact that BTC has now break out of downtrend channel we can assume (as it's analysis) that down trend will soon reverse. I am believer of profits obtained over long periods of time and since this coin has been dropping for the last few weeks - I can only see opportunity which probably will lead to profits in long run. IoT - not so well understood by masses yet is at its feet and we're just learning that what happens is a revolution (I know - big word). As much as i LOVE IOTA, I also think that this project might have bright future (to me it's like Linux vs Windows type of thing). Obviously in word full of sh1te coins it isnt easy to find those which are here to stay... investments are investments cause of the risk involved, therefore profits are taken when those who didn't believe, finally believed and now are just crazy to miss out... than we sell, wait and re-buy believing in Fibonacci. Volumes are low, fear is dominating - and you know what they say... I'm not a financial adviser... but I live comfy lifestyle ;)

Smile more often peeps !



Apparently ... bouncing ended badly. Still - interesting coin for long term hodl.
I am in bro !

Bets Regards,
@AlexCombo, From your avatar I can see you smile enough :)