YZ Bollinge

study("YZ Bollinger", overlay=true)
length10 = input(title="Bollinger Length", type=input.integer, defval=34, minval=1)
multiplier = input(title="Bollinger Deviation", type=input.float, defval=2, minval=1)
overbought = input(title="Overbought", type=input.integer, defval=1, minval=1)
oversold = input(title="Oversold", type=input.integer, defval=0, minval=1)
custom_timeframe = input(title="Use another Timeframe?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
highTimeFrame = input(title="Select The Timeframe", type=input.resolution, defval="60")
res1 = custom_timeframe ? highTimeFrame : timeframe.period

smabasis = sma(close, length10)
stdev = stdev(close, length10)
cierre = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, close, false)
alta = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, high, false)
baja = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, low, false)
basis1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, smabasis, false)
stdevb = security(syminfo.tickerid, res1, stdev, false)
dev5 = multiplier * stdevb // stdev(cierre, length)
upper = basis1 + dev5
lower5 = basis1 - dev5

bbr = (cierre - lower5) / (upper - lower5)

// plot(bbr)

pintarojo = 0.0
pintarojo := nz(pintarojo[1])
pintarojo := bbr[1] > overbought and bbr < overbought ? alta[1] : nz(pintarojo[1])
p = plot(pintarojo, color=color.red, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2)

pintaverde = 0.0
pintaverde := nz(pintaverde[1])
pintaverde := bbr[1] < oversold and bbr > oversold ? baja[1] : nz(pintaverde[1])
g = plot(pintaverde, color=color.black, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2)

Pivot = input(false, title="Show Pivot High/Lows")
LP = input(defval = 4, title = "Left bars for Pivot")
RP = input(defval = 3, title = "Right bars for Pivot")

PH1 = pivothigh(LP,RP)
PH = valuewhen(PH1,PH1,0)
plotshape(Pivot and barstate.ishistory?PH1:na,style=shape.circle, color=#FF4500, text = "PH", textcolor=color.orange,location=location.abovebar, offset=-3, transp = 0, title="Pivot High")
plot(Pivot?PH:na,style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2,color=security(syminfo.tickerid,timeframe.period,high,barmerge.lookahead_off)<=PH?#FF4500:na,title="Pivot High")

PL1 = pivotlow(LP,RP)
PL = valuewhen(PL1,PL1,0)
plotshape(Pivot and barstate.ishistory?PL1:na,style=shape.circle, color=#6B8E23, text = "PL", textcolor=color.orange,location=location.belowbar, offset=-3, transp = 0,title="Pivot High")
plot(Pivot?PL:na,style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2, color=security(syminfo.tickerid,timeframe.period,low,barmerge.lookahead_off)>=PL?#6B8E23:na,title="Pivot High")

// inputs
Depth = input(12, title="Depth") // Depth
Deviation = input(5, title="Deviation") // Deviation

// ZigZag
lastlow = 0.0, lasthigh = 0.0
lastlow := nz(lastlow[1])
lasthigh := nz(lasthigh[1])

data(x) =>
d = security(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe.period, x, gaps = barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
getLow(x, y, z, a) =>
lastlow = y
v = data(x)
m = v==lastlow or data(z) - v > a*syminfo.mintick
if v!=lastlow
lastlow := v
if m
v := 0.0
getHigh(x, y, z, a) =>
lasthigh = y
v = data(x)
m = v==lasthigh or v - data(z) > a*syminfo.mintick
if v!=lasthigh
lasthigh := v
if m
v := 0.0

[v,e] = getLow(lowest(Depth), lastlow, low, Deviation)
lastlow := e
zBB = v != 0.0
[v1,e1] = getHigh(highest(Depth), lasthigh, high, Deviation)
lasthigh := e1
zSS = v1 != 0.0

zigzagDirection = -1
zigzagHigh = 0
zigzagLow = 0
zigzagDirection := zBB ? 0 : zSS ? 1 : nz(zigzagDirection[1], -1)
virtualLow = zigzagLow[1] + 1
if not zBB or (zBB and zigzagDirection == zigzagDirection[1] and low > low[virtualLow])
zigzagLow := nz(zigzagLow[1]) + 1
virtualHigh = zigzagHigh[1] + 1
if not zSS or (zSS and zigzagDirection == zigzagDirection[1] and high < high[virtualHigh])
zigzagHigh := nz(zigzagHigh[1]) + 1
var color c = na, c := fixnan(a < b[1] ? color.lime : a > b[1] ? color.red : na)
line zigzag = line.new(bar_index-zigzagLow, low[zigzagLow], bar_index-zigzagHigh, high[zigzagHigh], color=c, style=line.style_solid, width=2)
if (zigzagDirection == zigzagDirection[1])

zzPrevHigh = zigzagHigh[1]
zzPrevLow = zigzagLow[1]
if not na(zzPrevHigh[1])
zzPrevHigh := zzPrevHigh[1] + 1
if not na(zzPrevLow[1])
zzPrevLow := zzPrevLow[1] + 1
if zigzagDirection != zigzagDirection[1]
if zigzagDirection == 1
zzPrevHigh := zigzagHigh[1] + 1
if zigzagDirection == 0
zzPrevLow := zigzagLow[1] + 1

f_draw_infopanel(_x, _y, _line, _text, _color)=>
_rep_text = ""
for _l = 0 to _line
_rep_text := _rep_text + "\n"
_rep_text := _rep_text + _text
var label _la = na
_la := label.new(
x=_x, y=_y,
text=_rep_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,
color=color.black, style=label.style_labelup, textcolor=_color, size=size.large)

posx = timenow + round(change(time)*10)
posy = highest(30)

f_draw_infopanel(posx, posy, 0, "Zigzag", a < b ? color.lime : color.red)

zz= crossover(pintaverde,pintaverde[1]) or crossunder(pintaverde,pintaverde[1])
kp= crossover(pintarojo,pintarojo[1]) or crossunder(pintarojo,pintarojo[1])
plotshape(zz,title="Low", color=color.red, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar,size=size.normal, text="Low",offset=0)
plotshape(kp ,title="High", color=color.green, style=shape.arrowdown,size=size.normal, text="High",offset=0)
